Saturday, October 3, 2015

special folder

special folder topic

  1. Getting all "Special Folders" in .NET
  2. Accessing All of Windows Special Folders
  3. Fluentx: A Special .NET Library
  4. Fluentx: A Special .NET Library
  5. Time Period Library for .NET
  6. Extended Folder Browser
  7. Customizing OpenFileDialog in .NET
  8. Customizing Folders in C#
  9. Private Folder Locker
  10. Advanced TreeView for .NET
  11. Folder protection for Windows using C# and concepts on Windows Shell menu for folders
  12. What directories do the different Application SpecialFolders point to in WindowsXP and Windows Vista
  13. Environment.GetFolderPath(…CommonApplicationData) is still returning “C:\Documents and Settings\” on Vista
  14. How to get the application specific data folder (ProgramData)?
  15. Environment.SpecialFolder Enumeration
  16. Environment.GetFolderPath Method (Environment.SpecialFolder)
  17. Where should I store my data?
  18. Allow write/modify access to CommonApplicationData
  19. .NET tip: Getting the Users Home, Temp or My Documents Directory by Charlie Calvert
  20. Visual Studio 2012 C# Common Application Data
  21. Comparing special folders returned by Environment.GetFolderPath between Windows XP and Vista
  22. Environment.SpecialFolder on Windows, Linux and OS X
  23. Where Should I Store my Data and Configuration Files if I Target Multiple OS Versions?
  24. Folder Browser component for .NET -not recommended from comments:)

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