Friday, November 17, 2023

solar system

solar system

  1. C# Class for Calculating Sunrise and Sunset Times
  2. A class for calculating sunrise and sunset times, implemented as a thread-safe Singleton

  3. Sunrise/Sunset Calculations
  4. Code to help calculate sunrise and sunset times

  5. Sidreal Time Calculator
  6. A sidereal time calculator for Windows Phone

  7. World Time
  8. Displays current time in various timezones. Also demonstrates some Win32 API programming tricks.

  9. The Equation of Time
  10. Or why isn’t the earliest sunset on the year’s shortest day?


  11. A More Approximate Position of the Planets using JPL Ephemerides (Spirographs!!)
  12. Here I use some software I created on Github to plot the orbits of the planets and make some nice videos to watch and enjoy. I hope you enjoy this as well.

  13. How to calculate sidereal time
  14. 32,867 views Mar 1, 2012 This animation explains how sidereal time is calculated. You can find out more about how sidereal time is used in astronomy and WJ Macdonnell’s telescope at the National Museum of Australia

  15. 0:12 / 13:03 Celestial Coordinates
  16. Celestial Coordinates

  17. Astronomical Coordinates
  18. Describes the various coordinate systems used by astronomers, with a focus on the celestial coordinate system used in astronomical catalogues (also called equatorial coordinates) and how these are transformed to an azimuth and altitude (also know as an elevation).

  19. Right Ascension and Declination, explained. (RA and DEC celestial Coordinates in Astronomy)
  20. How to use setting circles on a budget telescope? What is RA and DEC on a telescope? How to use Right Ascension and Declination?
    Understanding how to use right ascension (RA) and declination (DEC) setting circles on the equatorial mount telescope. This video tries to simplify this confusing part for most amateur astronomers.

  21. Right Ascension and Declination Explained!
  22. Universal Equatorial Coordinates take the origin of Vernal Equinox which gives us a constant coordinate system that doesn't change as the earth rotates, but since the Vernal equinox itself is a position on the celestial sphere. So it rotates with the sky. The two coordinates of the Universal system are

  23. Astro Tutorial #1.4 (old version): Coordinate Systems of the night sky - ALT/AZ vs RA/DEC
  24. Today we discuss following items: a) the nomenclature of important points and plains b) coordinate systems of the night sky c) finding stars with their coordinates in both systems

  25. Terrestrial/Celestial Spheres Coordinate Systems Tutorial
  26. Working on it... This video explains the coordinate systems used in celestial navigation, with an overview of the terrestrial and celestial spheres. This video is part of a series that teaches celestial navigation using techniques that have been used for centuries. In this course, you will learn some basics needed to find your location using a sextant and elementary math. This course is free and available to everyone, and should take less than two hours to complete.

  27. Equation of Time
  28. The equation of time describes how the difference between the "natural time" kept by a sundial changes over the year, due to the changing length of the solar day.

  29. Introductory Astronomy: Path of the Sun in the Daytime Sky
  30. Video lecture on how the Sun's path is different throughout the year. This video refers to the lecture tutorial "Path of the Sun" from "Lecture Tutorials for Introductory Astronomy" by Prather, et al.

  31. Introductory Astronomy: Positions on the Celestial Sphere
  32. Introductory Astronomy lecture on the celestial sphere and how to start thinking of horizon diagrams. Refers to tutorial 1 ("Position") from "Lecture Tutorials for Introductory Astronomy".

  33. 0:04 / 5:49 Solar Geometry- How to read a sun-path diagram
  34. An introduction into Solar Geometry and basics of sun-path diagram

  35. 0:35 / 18:40 Sun Path Charts
  36. This lecture introduces sun path charts and how to use them to determine the general position of the sun at a given date and time. Along the way we'll discuss the difference between solar time and standard time. Finally, we'll briefly mention the use of sun path charts in shading analysis for a PV array.

  37. The Earth's Sun Angle
  38. @keegancan 2 years ago Great video, and great heat lamp comparison. I actually recreated an image in my mind of the heat lamps by having the heat lamps tilting at an angle and noticing that the foods would have varying amounts of heat.

  39. ASTR 503 - Class 1 - Video 1 - Celestial sphere: Definitions and Equatorial Coordinates
  40. ASTR 503 - Class 1 - Video 2 - Celestial sphere: Horizontal Coordinates
  41. ASTR 503 - Class 1 - Video 3 - Celestial Sphere: Ecliptic Coordinates
  42. ASTR 503 - Class 1 - Video 4 - Celestial Sphere: Hour Coordinates and Galactic coordinates
  43. ASTR 305 - Class 2 - Video 3 : Motions in the sky

  46. Celestial Sphere - altitude/azimuth
  47. Azimuths

C++ build system

C++ build system

  1. Use VS Code, CMake, and Batch Files to Simplify Your C++ Builds
  2. Build scripts are often complicated, sometimes even requiring things like Python or Perl to make them work. Here's a simple way to handle even moderately complicated projects.

  3. Windows desktop development with C++ in Visual Studio
  4. The Windows desktop platform has long been the most popular platform among C++ application developers. With C++ and Visual Studio, you use Windows SDKs to target many versions of Windows ranging from Windows XP to Windows 10, which is well over a billion devices. Popular desktop applications like Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, and Google Chrome all are built using the same Win32 APIs that serve as the foundation for Windows desktop development. Developing for Windows desktop allows you to reach the highest number of users on any non-mobile development platform.

  5. Bring your C++ code to Visual Studio
  6. C++ has been around for a long time and throughout its history many tools have been built to make life easier for C++ developers. This has led to a diverse C++ ecosystem in terms of the editing tools, build systems, coding conventions, and C++ libraries that we use in our day-to-day work. As a C++ developer, you are probably accustomed to using a variety of tools from different vendors for different purposes. Rest assured that you will not trade-in your flexibility in how you develop your C++ projects once you start using Visual Studio. Visual Studio provides industry-leading development tools for C++ for any platform you’re targeting.

  7. CMake Tools Extension for Visual Studio Code
  8. Microsoft is now the primary maintainer of the CMake Tools extension for Visual Studio Code. The extension was created and previously maintained by vector-of-bool, who has moved on to other things. Thank you vector-of-bool for all of your hard work getting this extension to where it is today!

Monday, November 13, 2023

GIS system and datum

GIS system and datum

  1. 经纬线
  2. 经线和纬线是人们为了在地球上确定位置和方向的,在地球仪和地图上画出来。
    经纬线相互垂直。纬线是一条条长度不等的圆圈。最长的纬线,就是赤道。 经线是一条条长度相等的弧线,连接南北两极。因为经线指示南北方向,所以,经线又叫子午线。
    国际上规定,把通过英国格林尼治天文台原址的经线,叫做0°经线,也叫本初子午线。在地球上经线指示南北方向,纬线指示东西方向。东西半球分界线:东经160° 西经20°。

  3. 北京市经纬度坐标
  4. 中心位置东经116°20′、北纬39°56′。

  5. 上海的具体经纬度坐标是多少?
  6. 上海市地处东经120°52′至122°12′,北纬30°40′至31°53′之间。

  7. 伦敦的经度和纬度,纽约的经度和纬度是多少,帮个忙!
  8. 伦敦:市中心位于北纬51度30分28秒,西经00度07分41秒(一般认为伦敦的经度就是0度)

  9. 上海经纬度查询-在线经纬度定位转换工具
  10. 上海经纬度定位于:上海市

  11. What are Geodetic Datums? 5:09 / 5:09 Introduction to World Geodetic System 1984 | World Geodetic System 1984 Explained | WGS 84
  12. world geodetic system,world geodetic system 1984,World Geodetic System 1984 Explained,WGS 84,Introduction to World Geodetic System 1984,geodetic,is wgs 84 a projection system,coordinate systems,coordinate system,coordinate reference system,geodetic datums,introduction to frames of reference,geographic information system,projection system,convertion coordinate systems,geographical coordinate system,global positioning system,coordiante system,Prime meridian

  13. Premium webservices and data
  14. What are premium services and why do I need them ? Gisgraphy is a totally free open source framework under LGPL license :

  15. Sunset and Sunrise Calculation Based on Latitude, Longitude and UTC Offset for SQL Server 2005
  16. Sunset and Sunrise Calculation Based on Latitude, Longitude and UTC Offset for SQL Server 2005