Friday, June 21, 2019

research on C# List and in-place multidimensional array

C# List class research vs. in-place multidimensional array in C++. thoughts to convert C dynamic arrays to List in my C# programs.

I ordered the reading list. they are enough for me to finish my application development.

  1. 新款投影仪家用办公高清1080p手机wifi无线同屏投影机便携式投影
  2. Object-oriented Programming in C# for C programmer
  3. 45. Generic Collections in C#
  4. List Class
  5. List Class
  6. C# List
  7. String Format for DateTime [C#]
  8. String Format for Double [C#]
  9. The List in C#
  10. C# - List
  11. C# List (List)
  12. C# | List Class
  13. Using List in C# (Generics)
  14. C# Generic Lists With Complete Programming Example
  15. Generic List (C#)
  16. An In-place Multidimensional C++ Array
  17. Arrays Basics in CSharpDotNetTech
  18. Converting Hexadecimal String to/from Byte Array in C#
  19. Blue Vending App on C71
  20. Binding a two dimensional array to a DataGrid
  21. Conversion Between DataTable and List in C#
  22. File List Downloader
  23. List of .NET 2.0 and C# 2.0 new features
  24. Diff two lists
  25. Converting a List to a DataTable
  26. The List Trifecta, Part 1
  27. The List Trifecta, part 2
  28. The List Trifecta, part 3
  29. October 21st, 2015 Comments 5 C# Collections that Every C# Developer Must Know
  30. Buggy C# Code: The 10 Most Common Mistakes in C# Programming
  31. Chiniese BBS

GitHub tools

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

research project on plot library

research project on plot library

    when convert Nplot project from sourceforge, I tried to load this project into VS 2017. surely it got a lot of error. I opebed csharp project file, removed two imports statement because it needs MSBEE to build targeting version 1.1 framework. then I got first error and overcome like following. then I added back one import statement from the following suggestion. it works. continue to build this project. then I got the second error. so I searched and find the second link for my new error.

  1. Target “build” does not exist in the project for Visual Studio
  2. the second error is fixed from the link below. I give a new snk file.:

  3. Build error when signing with snk key
  4. Incorrect warning CS1616: Option 'CryptoKeyFile' overrides attribute 'System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyFileAttribute' given in a source file or added module #10339
  5. I build this project again and look at bin folder. this folder contains few subfolder. to make it simple, I just keep bin folder, removed all subfolders. also update project property page, set output folder to "bin\debug\" only. I build it for debug mode, it works as expected. in release mode, I have to update this property page again to "bin\release\" only.

    when I try to load demo project, I moved it up and change folder name to nplot-demo. load it into VS 2017, failed. I opened csproj file and removed the following three imports statements and building still failed. so to be short, I create a brand new WinForm project, and load orginial files one by one

    then I have an error to use resource file. after research, I got the following few links. to summarize, there are two ways to use resource files. one is to add resource files into project, then set build action to "embedded resource". it looks like this demo project is using this approach. but it can not get the right reference from resource files. so I need to dig further.

  6. C#'s GetManifestResourceStream Gotcha
  7. How to read embedded resource text file: this is the most recent version of Visual Studio
  8. a working resolution is from dtb in the above link. I summarize here:

    You can use the Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream Method:
    Add the following usings
    using System.IO; using System.Reflection; Set property of relevant file: Parameter Build Action with value Embedded Resource Use the following code
    var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); var resourceName = "MyCompany.MyProduct.MyFile.txt"; using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName)) using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { string result = reader.ReadToEnd(); }
    resourceName is the name of one of the resources embedded in assembly. For example, if you embed a text file named "MyFile.txt" that is placed in the root of a project with default namespace "MyCompany.MyProduct", then resourceName is "MyCompany.MyProduct.MyFile.txt". You can get a list of all resources in an assembly using the Assembly.GetManifestResourceNames Method.

  9. Visual Studio : can't find “resource file” in list of items to add to project
  10. How to use resource files in your C# WPF project
  11. Adding Files to Visual Studio Projects
  12. 10 ways to make your .NET projects play nice with others
  13. Working with .resx files programmatically
  14. how to use comboBox control

  15. ComboBox In C#
  16. quick introduction to NPlot in PDF
  17. NPlot on GitHub
  18. Generate graph using Nplot
  19. NPlot on github
  20. NPlot Charting Library
  21. NPlot Charting Library
  22. NPlot is an open source charting library for .NET. It boasts an elegant and flexible API. NPlot includes controls for Windows.Forms, ASP.NET and a class for creating Bitmaps. A GTK# control is also available.

  23. NPlot Documentation
  24. SDK stable documentation
  25. NPlot Documented Class Library: it is the same as above link
  26. hwthomas/NPlot
  27. NPLOT Home Page
  28. Windows Developer Power Tools:

  29. Creating a Mechanical Trading System Part 1: Technical Indicators
  30. Comparing .NET chart solutions for web-applications
  31. Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) Algorithm
  32. A Simple Moving Average Algorithm
  33. A Simple Moving Average Algorithm
  34. Time moving average
  35. Precise and safe calculation method for the average of large integer arrays
  36. IEnumerable Interface
  37. Simple Moving Average
  38. cheind-blog-files:simple moving average
  39. Move Controls on a Form at Runtime
  40. Move and Resize Controls on a Form at Runtime (With Mouse)
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Saturday, June 8, 2019

debug tricks

details on release mode vs debug mode

.NET registry class

how to detect .NET version installed

SOS.dll how-to guide

how to use WinDBG and AppVerifier

how to use WinDBG and AppVerifier

  1. 芒种养生这样做 帮你健康度过炎炎夏日
  2. Windows Debuggers: Part 1: A WinDbg Tutorial
  3. Quick start to using WinDbg
  4. NET Debugging: Dump All Strings from a Managed Code Process Running
  5. SOSEX - A New Debugging Extension for Managed Code
  6. Advanced .NET Debugging Extracting Information from Memory
  7. Get Started: Debugging Memory Related Issues in .Net Application Using WinDBG and SOS
  8. Part 1: Windows Debugging Techniques - Debugging Application Crash (Windbg)
  9. Part 2: Windows Debugging Techniques - Debugging Application Crash (DebugDiag, AppVerifier)
  10. Part 3: Windows Debugging Techniques - Debugging Application Crash (Self Dump Generation)
  11. Part 4: Windows Debugging Techniques - Debugging Memory Leaks (Perfmon)
  12. Part 5: Windows Debugging Techniques - Debugging Memory Leaks (CRT APIs)
  13. CRT Debug Heap Details
  14. CRT Debug Heap Details
  15. xtending windbg with Page Fault Breakpoints
  16. Using Windbg to Answer Implementation Questions for Yourself (Can a Delegate Invocation be Inlined?)
  17. writing high performonce code for .NET website
  18. Developer blog - otto@: New Otto malloc helps spot ancient bugs

  19. Download Debugging Tools for Windows
  20. Download and install the Windows ADK
  21. Get the latest hardware development kits and tools

Friday, June 7, 2019

issuses to install Windows on SSD NVME

USB inot recognizable in my computer but shows up in computer mamangement

XPORd assembly language exercises

Saturday, June 1, 2019

CLR customize project

CLR customize project

  1. The Windows SDK version 8.1 was not found in VS 2015 update 3
  2. Earlier releases
  3. Online GUID Generator
  4. Common macros for MSBuild commands and properties
  5. ERROR: Cannot open source file “ ”
  6. This problem happened to me after importing an old VS2003 solution into VS2017.
    To fix it, I had to change "Windows SDK version" in project settings > "Generic" to the latest "10.x.x.x" version available from the drop-down list.

  7. Visual Studio 2010 Professional: Cannot find include file “new.h”

flat assembler

flat assembler. the firsit article showed how to set up Flat Assembler.

  1. Intro to x86 Assembly with FASM
  2. Intro to x86 Assembly with FASM – Part 2

  3. flat assembler
  4. Programming with FASM – first steps
  5. flat assembler-older version
  6. Hello world on x64
  7. Hello! Windows 64bit does not, in anyway support 16bit programs, this could only be run properly on windows XP 32bit. To run the program on x64 you can do one of 3 things.
    1) Find different code that uses 32bit or 64bit.
    2) Download a DOS emulator like DOSBOX, with DOSBOX you can drag and drop your 16bit program onto the DOSBOX.EXE and it will emulate it wonderfully!
    3) You can downgrade to windows XP 32bit, but I do not sugjest this on a 64bit machine as 64bit OS runs faster on 64bit machines.
    Get DOSBOX here:

  8. Basic Setup and Installation of DosBox
  9. how to set up assembly in Visual Studio 2015

  10. x8 assembly
  11. How To Set Up An Assembly Project in Visual Studios
  12. Assembly Tutorial: Compiling Your First Assembly Program Using Visual Studio 2017
  13. Assembly Language Tutorial: How To Setup Visual Studio 2017 For Assembly
  14. How To Set Up Irvine32 Library

how to replace motherboard without reinstalling Windows?

how to replace motherboard without reinstalling Windows?

  1. How to Replace Motherboard without Reinstalling Windows.
  2. How to install a new motherboard without reinstalling Windows
  3. replace dead motherboard without reinstalling windows
  4. Reliably protect systems and data
  5. Replace Dead Motherboard Without Reinstalling Windows
  6. Change Motherboard Without Fresh Install of Windows

  7. Upgrade your motherboard without reinstalling Windows 10
  8. Upgrade Your Motherboard Without Reinstalling your OS

  9. Upgrade Motherboard and CPU without Reinstalling Windows 10/8/7 Easily
  10. Can you upgrade motherboard and CPU without a fresh install?
  11. How to upgrade motherboard without reinstalling windows

  12. How to Upgrade Motherboard and CPU Without Reinstalling Windows 10/8/7
  13. Explained: New Motherboard, CPU. Do I need a new license / reinstall Windows?
  14. How to replace motherboard without reinstalling Windows?
  15. Motherboard problem: Can I replace the motherboard of my PC without having to reinstall Windows 7/8.1/10?
  16. Replace motherboard without reinstalling Windows

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