Saturday, October 26, 2019

embed an assembly in an executable

tips to use CodeMap in Visual Studio 2019

tips to use CodeMap in Visual Studio codemap visual studio on

  1. Understand design from code with Visual Studio 2015 code maps
  2. Understand design from code with Visual Studio 2015 code maps
  3. How to make full graphical code map with full Code Map Visual Studio
  4. Using VS 2017 / 2019 Code Map to find out the Code Dependencies
  5. VS 2013 Dev Features Part 2 (Code Map, Lens, Clone and Suspend and Resume )
  6. How to Use the Class Diagram Tool in Visual Studio
  7. How to Use the Class Diagram Tool in Visual Studio
  8. Getting Class Diagrams in Visual Studio 2017
  9. Visual Studio 2013 Launch ​Understanding Your Code Using Code Map
  10. CodeMap: deep program analysis and visualization for large-scale software.
  11. Visual Studio 2013 Launch ​Enhanced Debugging Using Code Map Debugger Integration
  12. 快速上手 Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 的 Code Map (程式碼地圖) 功能
  13. Visual Studio Code Intro & Setup
  14. CodeMap: deep program analysis and visualization for large-scale software.
  15. Visual Studio 2013 Launch ​Understanding Your Code Using Code Map

Sunday, October 20, 2019

code refactoring

code refactoring

  1. Refactorings

C# interface implicit implementaion

  1. Generics in C#
  2. A Deep Dive into C# Interface
  3. C# Interfaces. Implicit implementation versus Explicit implementation
  4. What's the difference between implementing an Interface explicitly or implicitly?
  5. Explicit Interface Implementation (C# Programming Guide)
  6. Implicit and Explicit Interface Implementations
  7. C# Implicit and Explicit Interface Examples
  8. Explicit Interface VS Implicit Interface in C#?
  9. Implement interfaces explicitly or implicitly in C#
  10. Explicit Interface Implementation with C#
  11. C# | Explicit Interface Implementation
  12. Distinguishing the Explicit and Implicit Interface Implementation in C#
  13. C# Interface: Definition, Examples, Best Practices, and Pitfalls
  14. 8.4 Explicit Interface Implementation
  15. Interface - Implicit Implementation by dotnetdesignprinciples
  16. good example and test it.
  17. C#/.NET Little Wonders: Explicit Interface Implementation
  18. Implicit vs Explicit interface implementations
  19. ImplicitInterfaceImplementation
  20. Dealing with Conflicting Interfaces: Part II - .NET
  21. Implicit Implementation
  22. Explicit Interface Implementation in C#
  23. Default Interface Methods in C# 8
  24. Implicit versus Explicit Interface implementation (C#)
  25. test it.

  26. C# Interface
  27. good post.

  28. Interface Attributes != Class Attributes
  29. When to add an interface to a class
  30. a good read

  31. C# 8.0: default interface implementation
  32. good read

  33. Explicit interface implementation in .NET
  34. good read

  35. VB Equivalent to C# Interfaces
  36. Internal Interface Classes in C#
  37. good read

  38. Be Careful with the Implicit Implementation for Interfaces
  39. good read

  40. Interfaces
  41. Interface vs Abstract class vs Concrete class
  42. Use Reflection to find Methods that implement explicit interfaces
  43. Conversions (explicit or implicit) and interfaces in C#
  44. Interface in C# using an example
  45. good read

  46. Explicitly Implementing an Interface with an Event
  47. a must read

  48. C# Interface vs Abstract Class
  49. C#: Implementing Generic Method of Generic Interface Causes Runtime Exception
  50. interfaces Why Doesn't C# Allow Static Methods to Implement an Interface?
  51. .NET Interface-based Programming
  52. make a copy and print out

  53. Implementing virtually and re-implementing of interfaces in C#
  54. a must read
  55. The curious case of the publicity-seeking interface and the shy abstract class
  56. Using the IComparable interface example C#.Net
  57. Writing Implicit and Explicit C# Conversion Operators
  58. The Five Types of C# Types
  59. Explicit interface implementation
  60. Why does an abstract class need to implement interface methods?
  61. an explanation of implicit conversion vs explicit conversion
  62. How to explicitly implement an interface event
  64. Custom Implementation of the Option/Maybe Type in C#
  65. Interface vs. Virtual vs. Abstract
  66. Custom Type Conversion in C#

good hiring tips

good C# time helper class

good C# time helper class

  1. A Time Class to Manipulate Time Values

Saturday, October 19, 2019

.NET crypto

.NET crypto

  1. Crypt in C++ and Decrypt in C# (and C++)
  2. Public Key RSA Encryption in C# .NET
  3. C# RSA equivalent code to the C++ Crypto API
  4. .NET Framework Cryptography Model
  5. Cryptography in .NET (part 1)
  6. Cryptography in .NET
  7. Cryptography 101 for the .NET Framework
  8. Applied Cryptography in .NET and Azure Key Vault: A Practical Guide to Encryption in .NET and .NET Core
  9. Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms and Source Code in C
  10. Simple Cryptography Demo
  11. Public Key RSA Encryption in C# .NET
  12. Cryptography with certificates
  13. Articles » General Programming » Cryptography & Security » Cryptography Follow report Encryption and Decryption of Data using Elliptic Curve Cryptography( ECC ) with Bouncy Castle C# Library
  14. Cryptography in .NET for Beginners
  15. All about Cryptography in .NET
  16. C# Elliptical Curve Cryptography with Bouncy Castle Curve P-128
  17. The .NET Framework Security Model
  18. Get Certificates from the System Store

software architecture

software architecture

  1. Goal-Driven Development Continued
  2. Software Architecture
  3. Modular Software Development In C#
  4. Software Component Principles Revisited
  5. A Secure Software Distributon SDK
  6. Articles by Jeffrey Walton (Articles: 24): on Crypto++
  7. handbook of applied cryptogaphy
  8. An AES Encrypting Registry Class
  9. Product Activation Based on RSA Signatures
  10. Product Keys Based on the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  11. Tamper Aware and Self Healing Code
  12. Applied Crypto++: Using the RSA Digital Signature System (Part I)
  13. RSA Encryption with .NET 2.0 Cryptography Services and Crypto++ Wrapped as a Managed C++ Class Library
  14. How to: Wrap Native Class for Use by C#
  15. Use C++ codes in a C# project — solution of wrapping native C++ with a managed CLR wrapper
  16. Wrapping Native Libraries
  17. C++/C# interoperability
  18. Compiling and Integrating Crypto++ into the Microsoft Visual C++ Environment

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good numeric algorithms