Saturday, March 9, 2024

check digit

summer tasks

  1. A check digit is a form of redundancy check used for error detection on identification numbers, such as bank account numbers, which are used in an application where they will at least sometimes be input manually. It is analogous to a binary parity bit used to check for errors in computer-generated data. It consists of one or more digits (or letters) computed by an algorithm from the other digits (or letters) in the sequence input.[1]

  2. Product Activation Based on RSA Signatures
  3. Validate Product Keys using RSA Signing Functions and Crypto++

  4. Cryptographic Interoperability: Keys
  5. Import and export Cryptographic Keys in PKCS#8 and X.509 formats, using Crypto++, C#, and Java.

  6. Implementation of the Licensing System for a Software Product
  7. This article is devoted to the development of the key licensing system for the applications.

  8. Driver to Hide Processes and Files. Second Edition: Splicing
  9. This article describes a driver that hides processes and files using the method of splicing.

  10. Articles by Apriorit Inc (Articles: 88, Tip/Tricks: 2)
  11. Articles by Apriorit Inc (Articles: 88, Tip/Tricks: 2)