Saturday, April 25, 2020

Error: LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "protected: virtual struct AFX_MSGMAP const * __thiscall CApp::GetMessageMap(void)const "

error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "protected: virtual struct AFX_MSGMAP const * __thiscall CApp::GetMessageMap(void)const "

  1. Why a minimum MFC project has linking error on Visual Studio 2013?
  2. I forgot to declare the BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP after the MainWindow declaration:

  3. Linker Error when buidling Sketcher - Chapter 14
  4. Unresolved external symbols when building on Windows

Error: _WIN32_WINNT not defined

MS help workshop tutorials

MS help workshop tutorials

install this help workshop htmlhelp.exe under C:\Program Files (x86)\HTML Help Workshop. unzip document files and it has three major chm files. three exe files are available there:

  1. hhw.exe: workshop application itself
  2. flash.exe: image editor, can do screen capture.
  3. hhc.exe: HTML Help Compiler

then set up env variable on Windows 10 to point this hhc compiler.

    this link redirects to three other good links. they are still active and worthy second look:

  1. WinHelp
  2. help master
  3. Welcome to Shadow Mountain Tech
  4. logic smith=>articles section
  5. the following three post used a basic notepad and Word to create Help file. very good to get hands on this topic.

  6. Module 15:Context-Sensitive Help 1
  7. Module 15a:Context-Sensitive Help
  8. Module 15b:Context-Sensitive Help
  9. the above three posts are good to use.

  10. HTML Help:: in French
  11. HTML Help Workshop:: in Spanish
  12. HTML Help:: in German
  13. HTML Help tips and tricks:: in German
  14. HTML Help Tutorials
  15. section[Char James-Tanny's HTML Help Workshop Tutorial] and section [Don Lammers' HTML Help API Tutorials For Visual Basic and Visual C++] are great paper to study..

    in the bottom section[Mapping Context Integers], it details the steps on how to map context menu ID in C++

  16. Dr. Explain user guide
  17. Using HTML HELP in your Visual Basic applications
  18. Starting with HTML Help
  19. HTML help in French
  20. HTMLHelp: Sundry Tips, Trip-Ups & Musings
  21. HTML Help Workshop 4.7
  22. Help Window Size & Location
  23. How to Add a Help File on VB.Net
  24. Hot answers tagged html-help-workshop:: stackoverflow
  25. How to Create a CHM File with a Help Authoring Tool
  26. HTML Help (CHM) Help Compiler
  27. on the right bottom corner, there are some links on linking C# application to Help file.

  28. chmProcessor. A Html / Word converter to Compiled HTML Help / Java Help (v 1.7.2)
  29. HTML Help Localization and Internationalization
  30. HTML Help
  31. Create custom technical support Help files with Microsoft's HTML Help Workshop
  32. Tutorial: Creating a Windows Help file
  33. HTML Help Tutorials
  34. Introduction to HTMLHelp
  35. Using the HTML Help Workshop
  36. HTMLHelp:: best comprehensive documents ever online I discovered
  37. .NET Application Help
  38. Connecting Help to Your Programs
  39. HH Tips & Tricks
  40. Creating Context-Sensitive Help for Applications
  41. Introduction to Microsoft Help Workshop 4.0
  42. A Tutorial for Creating Your First Help System
  43. How to easily benefit from Microsoft HTML Help Workshop
  44. Creating HTML Help with Microsoft's HHW
  45. Creating and Compiling an HTML Help File Project With HTML Help Workshop
  46. creating help project
  47. Microsoft HTML Help Downloads
  48. How to download and install Microsoft's HTML Help Workshop compiler (Step-by-step guide)
  49. How to change environment variables on Windows 10
  50. how to set up environment variables on Windows 10
  51. HTML Help Workshop and Documentation
  52. Microsoft HTML Help Workshop
  53. Help Generator
  54. How to Create a CHM or Compiled HTML Help (.CHM) File
  55. HTML Help Workshop clip 1 Tutorial 2015
  56. How to Create a CHM or Compiled HTML Help (.CHM) File
  57. How to create .chm files
  58. Windows Server Administration for Beginners
  59. Q171958: ODE97: Tips for Creating and Compiling Your Windows Help File
  60. Error opening Help in Windows-based programs: "Feature not included" or "Help not supported"