Monday, August 30, 2021

TreeView control

TreeView control

  1. Tree Editor
  2. A fully-editable Tree Editor.

  3. How to load a tree view with a large XML file
  4. This is a paragraph.

  5. Custom Drawn Vertical Tree Control
  6. This is a paragraph.

  7. Full-Featured Tree Control
  8. This is a paragraph.

  9. Simple Tree Control
  10. This is a paragraph.

  11. CPropTree v1.0 - Property Tree Control
  12. This is a paragraph.

  13. Custom Drawn Vertical Tree Control
  14. This is a paragraph.

  15. A Faster Tree Control
  16. This is a paragraph.

  17. CWinListBox - A CWin derived custom listbox control
  18. This is a paragraph.

  19. CStaticTreeCtrl - A CStatic derived custom Tree control
  20. Directory and Network Browsing Using a Tree Control
  21. This is a paragraph.

  22. CTreeGridCtrl - A Grid Control with Tree Like Functionalities
  23. CTreeListCtrl with tooltips
  24. This is a paragraph.

  25. Extended Tree List Control
  26. This is a paragraph.

  27. Yet Another Custom Tree Control
  28. This is a paragraph.

  29. Speeding Up the Tree Control
  30. This is a paragraph.

  31. My Tree Control
  32. This is a paragraph.

  33. A Print Enabled Tree View
  34. This is a paragraph.

  35. CTreeCtrlEx - Setting Color and Font Attribute for Individual Items in Tree Control
  36. This is a paragraph.

Error LNK 2001 unresolved external symbol _mainCRTStartup

Error LNK 2001 unresolved external symbol _mainCRTStartup

  1. “LINK : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _WinMainCRTStartup”
  2. Unbelievable:I found the problem! It was an incredibly simple thing what was causing this criptic error: A "SPACE"

    It turns out that under Configuration->C/C++->OutputFiles->Object File Name: I had: "$(IntDir)\ ".

    Open up your project's settings page, go to Linker → System and examine the SubSystem property. Make sure it's set to the same value in all project configurations by switching the configuration from the configuration drop-down box.

    Assuming that your intended entry point is main (or one of its variants such as _tmain or wmain), you want to make sure to use the SubSystem property is set to CONSOLE.

    WinMain as entry point is missing.

    Just added /NODEFAULTLIB and /ENTRY:WinMain@16 to Linker->CommandLine->Additional Options. Recompiled and got the same error. I also went ahead and parsed the VC project file into separate text files for "release/wi32" and "release/x64", and then compared the 2 files with Kdiff3. Both files look the same, exept for "Name", "target machine", "output directory", etc. (properties that obviously change from mode to mode).

  3. Help me fix error: "error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _main"
  4. Help me fix error: "error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _main".

  5. This is a paragraph.

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  19. This is a paragraph.

  20. This is a paragraph.

Microsoft good links on Visual C++

Microsoft good links on Visual C++

  1. Get started with C++ and C
  2. Microsoft C++, C, and Assembler documentation.

  3. Object-Oriented Language & Development Environment: Visual C++
  4. Object-Oriented Language & Development Environment: Visual C++.

  5. MFC on
  6. This is a paragraph.

  7. MFC development using Visual C++ 6.0
  8. MFC development using Visual C++ 6.0.

  9. Understanding C++ for MFC 1st Edition- by Richard Raposa (Author)
  10. a good book.

  11. 22 Best MFC Books of All Time
  12. 22 Best MFC Books of All Time .

  13. Surface Explorer 3D v3.0
  14. Surface Explorer 3D plots mathematical surfaces in 3D. User defined surface equations can be explicit, implicit, or parametric. Surface and color equations are specified by user. The user can export to the clipboard, or file formats including VRML, POV, DXF, STL, and output to a printer. Surface Explorer 3D is provided as freeware in the hopes that others can enjoy exploring math equations. Full MFC C++ source code is included as freeware..

  15. Install Visual Studio 6.0 on Windows 10
  16. Install Visual Studio 6.0 on Windows 10.

  17. Mastering Visual C++ 6
  18. Mastering Visual C++ 6 source code download.

  19. C/C++电子书 源码下载
  20. This is a paragraph.

  21. This is a paragraph.

  22. This is a paragraph.

  23. This is a paragraph.

  24. This is a paragraph.

  25. This is a paragraph.

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  27. This is a paragraph.

  28. This is a paragraph.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

UNICODE setup in windows aplication

I take some notes in configurating UNCODE set up in Visual Studio 2019 project.

  1. select UNICODE in project property sheet
  2. include header file in each source code file: #include < tchar.h >
  3. wrap each literal with macro _T("this is a test string").
  1. Lesson 2: The API Is Based On Unicode
  2. >Unicode versus ANSI > Why UNICODE should be defined in the source code > How to include the [windows.h] header file in C++.

  3. Lesson 5: Window Message Basics < January 8, 2012
  4. This is a paragraph.

  5. Lesson 3: The Textual Process Arguments < December 20, 2011
  6. This is a paragraph.

  7. Lesson 4: Dialogs And Resources < December 28, 2011
  8. This is a paragraph.

  9. Lesson 5: Window Message Basics < January 8, 2012
  10. This is a paragraph.

  11. Lesson 1: Tools Need Configuration < December 9, 2011
  12. very good configuration explanations.

  13. Win32:Tutorials
  14. Win32:Tutorials.

  15. This is a paragraph.

  16. This is a paragraph.

  17. This is a paragraph.

  18. This is a paragraph.

  19. This is a paragraph.

  20. This is a paragraph.

  21. This is a paragraph.

  22. This is a paragraph.

  23. This is a paragraph.

memory layout of C++

memory layout of C++

  1. Memory Layout in C++
  2. Memory Management In OS We write a computer program in a text file and when we execute, OS allocates a process which performs all the task mentioned in the program..

  3. How is the memory layout of a C/C++ program?
  4. I know that there are sections like Stack, Heap, Code and Data. Stack/Heap do they use the same section of memory as they can grow independently? What is this code section? When I have a function is it a part of the stack or the code section? Also what is this initialized/uninitialized data segment? .

  5. Memory Layout
  6. The Byte is the standard unit of storage, made up of 8 bits (binary digits) whose state can be 1 or 0.

    Bytes have been shown on the LHS of the diagram below to indicate that the memory area comprises of a huge number of these (many millions/billions, etc, according to the amount of storage available). The BIOS and the OS, just as any other program, require storage and have been shown here for completeness..

  7. Memory Layout of C Program
  8. In practical words, when we run any C-program, its executable image is loaded into RAM of computer in an organized manner..

  9. Where is an object stored if it is created inside a block in C++?
  10. This is a paragraph.

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  19. This is a paragraph.

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MFC application & Win32 application quick tips

some quick notes

  1. Introduction to MFC Applications
  2. Microsoft Visual C++ allows you to create various types of projects ranging from console applications to complex libraries, from Win32 applications to communications modules or multimedia assignments..

  3. Your First MFC Application
  4. It's time to build your first MFC application. And what better place to start than with one that displays "Hello, MFC" in a window? Based on the classic "Hello, world" program immortalized in Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie's The C Programming Language (1988, Prentice-Hall), this very minimal program, which I'll call Hello, demonstrates the fundamental principles involved in using MFC to write a Windows application. Among other things, you'll get a close-up look at MFC's CWinApp and CFrameWnd classes and see firsthand how classes are derived from them and plugged into the application. You'll also learn about the all-important CPaintDC class, which serves as the conduit through which text and graphics are drawn in a window in response to WM_PAINT messages. Finally, you'll be introduced to message mapping, the mechanism MFC uses to correlate the messages your application receives with the member functions you provide to handle those messages..

  5. Programming Windows with MFC, Second Edition
  6. Programming Windows with MFC, Second Edition- Authors: Jeff Prosise.

  7. Lesson 3: MFC Application Framework
  8. In addition to the encapsulation of the Win32 API, MFC defines a small group of classes to represent common application objects, and establishes relationships within this group to implement fundamental Windows application behaviors. These application architecture classes, along with a number of global functions, comprise an application framework that you can use as a basis for constructing applications. You can use the MFC AppWizard to generate a set of classes that is derived from the framework classes. You can build upon these classes to construct an application to suit your individual requirements..

  9. Introduction to Microsoft Windows MFC Programming: The Application/Window Approach
  10. PDF class notes.

  11. VC++ Tool: MFC under the hood, WinMain, VC++ Programmer
  12. Explains the basic MFC program flow including where WinMain and the message loop are hidden .

  13. Adding Printf-able Console Window to MFC application.
  14. If you have ever written an MFC application, you may have missed console window. A console window is such convenient. Like me, you may believe that printf is the most excellent function for debugging. (I hate cout though. Don't use IOSTREAM and STL! They mess everything up!). You can terminate a not-responding program simply by pressing CTRL+C key on a console window without opening Task Manager. However, by default, an MFC application doesn't have a console window. But, adding a short source code (30 lines) to your project and changing a link option will add a console window to your MFC application..

    FastGRaph package

  15. First: C++ Using MFC
  16. C++ programs that use the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) application framework can be easily created with Fastgraph's MFC AppWizard for Visual C++ 5.0 or later. To use Fastgraph's MFC AppWizard, copy the file FGwiz.awx from the Fastgraph utilities directory to your Visual C++ Template directory. Once installed, "Fastgraph MFC AppWizard" will be one of the options listed when you create a new Visual C++ project. If you wish to uninstall the AppWizard, just delete FGwiz.awx from the Template directory..

  17. Fastgraph 3D Tutorial
  18. Welcome to the Fastgraph 3D tutorial! Whether you are a current Fastgraph user, or just want to learn more about 3D programming, you will find interesting information here.

  19. Fastgraph 6.0 for Windows Online Help
  20. 3D Graphics Fundamentals: Function Summary
  21. 3D Graphics Fundamentals: Function Summary.

  22. 2D Graphics Fundamentals: Function Summary
  23. 2D Graphics Fundamentals: Function Summary

  24. Example: Graphics Primitives
  25. Example: Graphics Primitives Here's an example program that uses many of Fastgraph's graphics primitives. The program has a top-level menu with selections for different graphics primitive demonstrations, as shown here:.

  26. Fastgraph 3D Tutorial
  27. Welcome to the Fastgraph 3D tutorial! Whether you are a current Fastgraph user, or just want to learn more about 3D programming, you will find interesting information here..

  28. programmer's graphics library:FASTGRAPH HELP
  29. The complete Fastgraph 6.0 User's Guide and Reference Manual are available here. These two manuals are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format and total approximately 1100 pages (2.3MB zipped)..

  30. Windows Programming using Visual C++
  31. 100 pages of PDF file.

  32. ABOUT FASTGRAPH: evaluation copy download
  33. Evaluation Version: Fastgraph/Light 6.0 for Windows Fastgraph/Light 6.03 for Windows evaluation version of Fastgraph 6.0 for Windows (6.3MB zipped). This distribution includes the Fastgraph help file, but not the manuals in PDF format.

  34. This is a paragraph.

  35. This is a paragraph.

  36. This is a paragraph.

Friday, August 27, 2021

WinMain() in MFC application

WinMain() in MFC application

  1. In a typical MFC application we never write WinMain() function so how is it possible to compile and link a windows program with out WinMain()?
  2. In a typical MFC application we never write WinMain() function so how is it possible to compile and link a windows program with out WinMain()?

  3. MFC under the hood
  4. it has an example to be a template.

    Explains the basic MFC program flow including where WinMain and the message loop are hidden.

  5. what's start function in MFC application?
  6. I had a MFC Application, I want to integrated a code to This App. But It not true worked. When I writing the code on the Other MFC Application (A App I'm create to Testing this code). It worked !!!!! I think when start up Solution, The my 1st App is defind some header, or lib or something. Maybe It makes the program does not work properly.! Thank and best Regards !

    In Other C/C++ Project, The Function to start alway is void main(), or int main(); But in MFC, there don't having the main Function !!!!

    I think the "virtual BOOL InitInstance();" in the MySolustionName.cpp This Function's calling the Start form ?

    We can see that different platforms based on PE files ([^]) use different names for entry-point functions, and also, for different Windows-based platforms and/or frameworks, one entry point function calls another "secondary" entry function which is the only one exposed to the framework user. We can investigate it all, but does it make much sense? Ultimately, even the very top function on the call stack, "real" entry point, does not have to have a certain standard name. This is so because that "real" entry point is found not by the name, but by the address in the header structure used for this purpose. Please see:[^].

  7. x86 Disassembly/Windows Executable Files
  8. PE Optional Header The "PE Optional Header" is not "optional" per se, because it is required in Executable files, but not in COFF object files. There are two different versions of the optional header depending on whether or not the file is 64 bit or 32 bit. The Optional header includes lots and lots of information that can be used to pick apart the file structure, and obtain some useful information about it.

    The PE Optional Header occurs directly after the COFF header, and some sources even show the two headers as being part of the same structure. This wikibook separates them out for convenience.

    Here is the 64 bit PE Optional Header presented as a C data structure:

  9. where is main in MFC application?
  10. where is main in MFC application.

  11. In MFC, how can WinMain function find user application object's address value?
  12. Greeting, I'm novice in MFC area.

    I have a question about process of starting MFC application.

    I learned that unlike SDK program, I don't have to write WinMain. Because It is supplied by the class library and is called when the application starts up.* (See reference here :

    And my curious part is here: *Then CWinApp calls member functions of the application object to initialize and run the application.

    That sentence indicates that CWinApp already know address value of application object which is made by a programmer.

    However, even though application object is defined as global variable, how can WinMain function find application object's address value?

  13. CWinApp: The Application Class
  14. The main application class in MFC encapsulates the initialization, running, and termination of an application for the Windows operating system. An application built on the framework must have one and only one object of a class derived from CWinApp. This object is constructed before windows are created..

    Win32 application

  15. WinMain: The Application Entry Point
  16. Every Windows program includes an entry-point function that is named either WinMain or wWinMain. Here is the signature for wWinMain..

  17. Module 1. Your First Windows Program
  18. In this module, we will write a minimal Windows desktop program. All it does is create and show a blank window. This first program contains about 50 lines of code, not counting blank lines and comments. It will be our starting point; later we'll add graphics, text, user input, and other features.

  19. VC++ Tool: MFC under the hood, WinMain, VC++ Programmer
  20. Explains the basic MFC program flow including where WinMain and the message loop are hidden .

Saturday, August 21, 2021

gcc compiler

gcc compiler

  1. How to Download & Install GCC Compiler for C in Windows PC
  2. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install GCC in Windows 10, Mac, and Linux..

  3. GCC - How to Compile C File using GCC on Windows
  4. This is a paragraph.

  5. C Programming Tutorial: The Basics you Need to Master C
  6. C Programming Language was Developed in the mid-1970s, but still, it is considered as the Mother of all Programming Languages. It supports multiple functionalities and also powerful enough to directly interact with hardware units and the kernel. This C Programming Tutorial deals with,.

  7. How to Compile C Program in Command Prompt?
  8. We usually use a compiler with a graphical user interface, to compile our C program. This can also be done by using cmd. The command prompt has a set of steps we need to perform in order to execute our program without using a GUI compiler. In this article we would be understanding how to compile C program in command prompt..

  9. Compiling in the Windows Command Prompt
  10. So this question might not be entirely relevant to Code::Blocks, but it has been asked before in a previous thread:,9314.msg66340.html#msg66340, so I'm assuming it is allowed. Anyways, I downloaded the codeblocks-17.12mingw-setup.exe version and everything works fine. I've been learning how to write programs as console applications. But I want to be able to use a console that doesn't close every time it finishes executing a program. So how do you compile and run a source file in a Windows command prompt? Whenever I try the command.

  11. understanding size command for data bss segment in C
  12. I'm getting unexpected output from size command.

    Afaik initialized global and static variables stored in data segment and uninitialized and initialized to 0 global/static variables stored in bss segment.

  13. How do you get assembler output from C/C++ source in gcc?
  14. How does one do this? If I want to analyze how something is getting compiled, how would I get the emitted assembly code?.

  15. In which segment global const variable will stored and why
  16. after applying const qualifier to any global variable increases the size of text segment. so, why global const variable will stored in text segment..

  17. GCC command: size
  18. The GNU size utility lists the section sizes and the total size for each of the binary files objfile on its argument list. By default, one line of output is generated for each file or each module if the file is an archive...

  19. 9 essential GNU binutils tools
  20. Binary analysis is the most underestimated skill in the computer industry.

  21. C++ With the Command Line
  22. OS-specific instructions for installing and running C++ via the command line..

  23. Separate Compilation Tutorial
  24. All of the programs that we have looked at to this point have been contained within a single file. This is the exception rather than the rule. As programs become larger, it is important to spread them across files of a reasonable size. In this lesson we will look at why this is important, and how it can be done.

  25. The Easiest Way to Calculate Function Size in C
  26. Unfortunately calculating function size is not as easy of finding variable size using sizeof() compile-time operator. There are numerous ways to calculate the size in run-time but to keep things simple, it’s better to check that information from linker, as for sure must knows it..

  27. Linux: Display Binary Object Section Size, Text & Data Segment Information
  28. How do I find out the size of the bss, text segment and data segment for each object or binary file under Linux operating systems?.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Micosoft Visual C++ 6.0 programmer guide

source code download

  1. Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Programmer's Guide Companion CD
  2. source code download.

  3. This is a paragraph.

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  7. This is a paragraph.

  8. This is a paragraph.

  9. This is a paragraph.

  10. This is a paragraph.

  11. This is a paragraph.

  12. This is a paragraph.

  13. This is a paragraph.

  14. This is a paragraph.

  15. This is a paragraph.

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  19. This is a paragraph.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

module in C++

  1. Translation unit (programming)
  2. In C and C++ programming language terminology, a translation unit (or more casually a compilation unit) is the ultimate input to a C or C++ compiler from which an object file is generated.[1] A translation unit roughly consists of a source file after it has been processed by the C preprocessor, meaning that header files listed in #include directives are literally included, sections of code within #ifndef may be included, and macros have been expanded..

  3. Single Compilation Unit
  4. Single Compilation Unit (SCU) is a computer programming technique for the C and C++ languages, which reduces compilation time for programs spanning multiple files. Specifically, it allows the compiler to keep data from shared header files, definitions and templates, so that it need not recreate them for each file. It is an instance of program optimization. The technique can be applied to an entire program or to some subset of source files; when applied to an entire program, it is also known as a unity build..

  5. ISO/IEC 9899:TC3 - Committee Draft of the C99 Standard - Section
  6. ISO/IEC 9899:TC3 - Committee Draft of the C99 Standard - Section

  7. Overview of modules in C++
  8. This is a paragraphC++20 introduces modules, a modern solution for componentization of C++ libraries and programs. A module is a set of source code files that are compiled independently of the translation units that import them. Modules eliminate or greatly reduce many of the problems associated with the use of header files, and also potentially reduce compilation times. Macros, preprocessor directives, and non-exported names declared in a module are not visible and therefore have no effect on the compilation of the translation unit that imports the module. You can import modules in any order without concern for macro redefinitions. Declarations in the importing translation unit do not participate in overload resolution or name lookup in the imported module. After a module is compiled once, the results are stored in a binary file that describes all the exported types, functions and templates. That file can be processed much faster than a header file, and can be reused by the compiler every place where the module is imported in a project..

  9. C++ reference
  10. it has offline version file to download.

    C++ reference.

  11. Archives for offline viewing
  12. For convenience, several versions of the wiki suitable for offline viewing are available..

  13. C++ Language Reference
  14. This reference explains the C++ programming language as implemented in Microsoft Visual C++. The organization is based on The Annotated C++ Reference Manual by Margaret Ellis and Bjarne Stroustrup and on the ANSI/ISO C++ International Standard (ISO/IEC FDIS 14882). Microsoft-specific implementations of C++ language features are included..

  15. two C++ module questions
  16. Greetings Kind Regards May I please inquire do C++ modules solve the problem of circular dependency Also how in the world can a templated class or function be contained in a module since its' template type parameters are not know until called from the importing file Thank You Kindly - Cheerio.

  17. class or no class
  18. This is a paragraph.

  19. This is a paragraph.

  20. This is a paragraph.

  21. This is a paragraph.

  22. This is a paragraph.

  23. This is a paragraph.

  24. This is a paragraph.

  25. This is a paragraph.

  26. This is a paragraph.

  27. This is a paragraph.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

stock data feeds & charts

stock data feeds

  1. Flexible, scalable pricing
  2. Access a range of datasets with a simple, usage-based subscription..

  3. stock charts - old style
  4. stock charts in old style.

  5. profitspi
  6. Save charts for all your favorite symbols, technical indicators, and timescales for easy retrieval next time.

  7. This is a paragraph.

  8. This is a paragraph.

  9. This is a paragraph.

  10. This is a paragraph.

  11. This is a paragraph.

  12. This is a paragraph.

  13. This is a paragraph.

  14. This is a paragraph.

  15. This is a paragraph.

  16. This is a paragraph.

  17. This is a paragraph.

  18. This is a paragraph.

  19. This is a paragraph.

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  21. This is a paragraph.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

memory leak detection

memory leak detection

  1. Detecting Memory Leaks using the CrtDbg Library
  2. The CrtDbg Library provides APIs which can be used to detect memory leaks.

  3. Memory Allocation Tracking for C++ Code
  4. This tip presents a handy memory allocation tracking macro and series of operators for use with the Visual Studio C++ compiler..

  6. Full integration with Visual Studio • Finds any leaks: memory, GDI, handles and others • Profiles unmanaged and .Net code • Supports both 32-bit and 64-bit applications • Rich reports • Export results to XML

  7. Fixing the CanAdjustLayout Ommision from CDockablePane
  8. Something to help compile samples from the VS2010 feature pack.

Accessing SEC database

Accessing SEC database

  1. Accessing Financial Reports in the EDGAR Database
  2. Obtaining financial records from the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) system.

  3. This is a paragraph.

  4. This is a paragraph.

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  7. This is a paragraph.

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  9. This is a paragraph.

  10. This is a paragraph.

  11. This is a paragraph.

  12. This is a paragraph.

  13. This is a paragraph.

  14. This is a paragraph.

  15. This is a paragraph.

  16. This is a paragraph.

  17. This is a paragraph.

  18. This is a paragraph.

  19. This is a paragraph.

OpenGL point selection

OpenGL point selection. search "collada"

  1. Pick Selection with OpenGL and OpenCL
  2. Using GPU Acceleration to Compute Ray-Triangle Intersection.

  3. Linear Rigid Body Dynamics with OpenGL
  4. Simulating displacement, velocity, and acceleration in code..

  5. COLLADA, TinyXML, and OpenGL
  6. Accessing digital assets in C++ for three-dimensional rendering...

  7. Articles by Eduardo Tucci (Articles: 4)
  8. good OpenGL collections.

  9. Simple OpenGL Test Framework
  10. A simple OpenGL framework for fast prototyping of OpenGL and game applications.

  11. Sample COLLADA files for development of an importer? [closed]
  12. This is a paragraph.

  13. Assimp
  14. open3mod is a free, Open Source 3D model viewer for Windows. It leverages assimp's import and export abilities and adds a modern, tabbed UI that makes it easy to quickly inspect models.

  15. DAE Files: Collada Files Simply Explained
  16. The DAE/Collada file format is typically used for graphics and visual effects. Read on to learn more about this format and what it can do!.

  17. OpenCV in MFC
  18. A way to use OpenCV in MFC project.

  19. VTK in MFC
  20. A small guide to use VTK in MFC

  21. This is a paragraph.

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  24. This is a paragraph.

  25. This is a paragraph.

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  29. This is a paragraph.

Moving Average Calculation

Moving Average Calculation

  1. Moving average
  2. In statistics, a moving average (rolling average or running average) is a calculation to analyze data points by creating a series of averages of different subsets of the full data set. It is also called a moving mean (MM)[1] or rolling mean and is a type of finite impulse response filter. Variations include: simple, cumulative, or weighted forms (described below)..

  3. Precise and safe calculation method for the average of large integer arrays
  4. How to avoid overflow and still retain precision on large integer calculations.

  5. Usage of '_HAS_CPP0X' macro in Visual C++ compiler
  6. Consider the following scenario:Your team provides libraries for use in other, unspecified applications. When designing your API, you have to consider the fact that not every customer will have access to the newest compiler.Let's say you develop a Vector class that looks like....

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  11. This is a paragraph.

  12. This is a paragraph.

  13. This is a paragraph.

  14. This is a paragraph.

  15. This is a paragraph.

  16. This is a paragraph.

  17. This is a paragraph.

  18. This is a paragraph.

  19. This is a paragraph.

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  21. This is a paragraph.