Friday, December 30, 2022

Excel Tips

Excel Tips

  1. Fix Fill Series When Not Working in Excel and Google Sheets
  2. This tutorial demonstrates how to fix fill series when it is not working in Excel and Google Sheets.

  3. How to Fill Series
  4. Fill Series is a helpful feature in Excel that improves efficiency in creating spreadsheets. It allows instant filling of values in selected cells based on the intervals, type, units and step values specified by the user. This article will assist all levels of Excel users in using the Fill Series in filling in numbers and dates.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

matrix class examples

C# matrix class

  1. The Matrix Class and Transformations
  2. Matrices play a vital role in the transformation process. A matrix is a multidimensional array of values in which each item in the array represents one value of the transformation operation, as we will see in the examples later in this chapter.

  3. Matrix Class
  4. Encapsulates a 3-by-3 affine matrix that represents a geometric transform. This class cannot be inherited.

  5. Matrix Class
  6. Encapsulates a 3-by-3 affine matrix that represents a geometric transform. This class cannot be inherited.

  7. Matrix Representation of Transformations
  8. An m×n matrix is a set of numbers arranged in m rows and n columns. The following illustration shows several matrices.

  9. Coordinate Systems and Transformations
  10. GDI+ provides a world transformation and a page transformation so that you can transform (rotate, scale, translate, and so on) the items you draw. The two transformations also allow you to work in a variety of coordinate systems.

  11. Using the World Transformation
  12. The world transformation is a property of the Graphics class. The numbers that specify the world transformation are stored in a Matrix object, which represents a 3×3 matrix. The Matrix and Graphics classes have several methods for setting the numbers in the world transformation matrix.

  13. Graphics.BeginContainer Method
  14. Saves a graphics container with the current state of this Graphics and opens and uses a new graphics container.

  15. Graphics Containers in GDI+
  16. The BeginContainer method of the Graphics class creates a container. Each BeginContainer method is paired with an EndContainer method.

  17. A Beginner’s Primer on Drawing Graphics using the .NET Framework
  18. Admittedly, the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) has established itself as a powerful technology for graphics, amongst other things. This does not mean, however, that the beginner cannot benefit from the .NET Framework 2.0’s provision for drawing graphics. Graphics in .NET begins with drawing lines and shapes, and continues on with work on images and formatting text. Drawing begins with the System.Drawing.Graphics class. To create an instance, you typically call a control’s CreateGraphics method. Alternatively, you can create a Graphics object based on an Image object if you want to save a picture as a file. Once you create the Graphics object, you have many methods you can use to perform the drawing:

  19. Using Graphics Containers
  20. A Graphics object provides methods such as DrawLine, DrawImage, and DrawString for displaying vector images, raster images, and text. A Graphics object also has several properties that influence the quality and orientation of the items that are drawn. For example, the smoothing mode property determines whether antialiasing is applied to lines and curves, and the world transformation property influences the position and rotation of the items that are drawn.

  21. How do graphic containers work?
  22. I'm trying to figure out how exactly gdi+ graphics containers works with different graphic units. Take a look at the below code. It compiles, you can paste it into a fresh new form.

  23. C# How to Use Paint and the C# Graphics Class to Draw Lines
  24. This video demonstrates how to create a winform application using Visual Studio 2012 (but will also work for 2010, 2008, and 2005). The application built focuses on how to draw lines with C# and use the Graphics classes that are available in .Net. It is intended for beginners looking to create their very first winform application.

    Must Read

  25. Coordinate Systems and Transformations
  26. GDI+ provides a world transformation and a page transformation so that you can transform (rotate, scale, translate, and so on) the items you draw. The two transformations also allow you to work in a variety of coordinate systems.

  27. Types of Coordinate Systems
  28. GDI+ uses three coordinate spaces: world, page, and device. World coordinates are the coordinates used to model a particular graphic world and are the coordinates you pass to methods in the .NET Framework. Page coordinates refer to the coordinate system used by a drawing surface, such as a form or control. Device coordinates are the coordinates used by the physical device being drawn on, such as a screen or sheet of paper. When you make the call myGraphics.DrawLine(myPen, 0, 0, 160, 80), the points that you pass to the DrawLine method—(0, 0) and (160, 80)—are in the world coordinate space. Before GDI+ can draw the line on the screen, the coordinates pass through a sequence of transformations. One transformation, called the world transformation, converts world coordinates to page coordinates, and another transformation, called the page transformation, converts page coordinates to device coordinates.

  29. Matrix Representation of Transformations
  30. An m×n matrix is a set of numbers arranged in m rows and n columns. The following illustration shows several matrices.

  31. Global and Local Transformations
  32. A global transformation is a transformation that applies to every item drawn by a given Graphics object. In contrast, a local transformation is a transformation that applies to a specific item to be drawn.

    Good video

Saturday, December 17, 2022

install Visual Studio code and JDK and configurations

steps to install Visual Studio code on my desktop, and how to configure it to use Oracle JDK.

  1. Visual Studio Code: Getting Started # Gateway
  2. Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor which runs on your desktop and is available for Windows, macOS and Linux. It comes with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js and has a rich ecosystem of extensions for other languages and runtimes (such as C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Go, .NET). Begin your journey with VS Code with these introductory videos.

  3. Getting Started with Java in VS Code
  4. This tutorial shows you how to write and run Hello World program in Java with Visual Studio Code. It also covers a few advanced features, which you can explore by reading other documents in this section. For an overview of the features available for Java in VS Code, see Java Language Overview. If you run into any issues when following this tutorial, you can contact us by entering an issue.

    Step 1: Coding Pack for Java To help you set up quickly, you can install the Coding Pack for Java, which includes VS Code, the Java Development Kit (JDK), and essential Java extensions. The Coding Pack can be used as a clean installation, or to update or repair an existing development environment.

    I downloaded and installed this item:
    Install the Coding Pack for Java - Windows

    Step 2: Installing and setting up a Java Development Kit (JDK) To use Java within Visual Studio Code, you need to install a Java Development Kit (JDK) on your local environment. JDK is a software development environment used for developing Java applications.

    Step 3: configured Visual Studio Code to use JDK using the following posts:

  5. Java with Visual Studio code (Vscode) Part 1
  6. How to install Oracle JDK and configure Visual Studio Code for Java | Simple easy tutorial
  7. Hello Guys, Welcome to a new video where I show you how you to install oracle JDK java and configure it in Visual StudioCode in Windows 10 or Windows 11.

    This video is split up into two sections: Section 1: Install Oracle JDK Section 2:Install Visual Studio Code and configure Java in it.

    The Links to the things used in the video:
    1. 1)Oracle JDK:
    2. 2) Visual Studio Code:
    3. 3) Extension pack for Java in Visual Studio Code:

    If you do everything properly you’ll be able to run Java programs in your machine without any sweat. That’s It for the video, drop a like so it reaches more people, and comment if you find any difficulties, and share this video and make sure to subscribe, Thank you!

Saturday, December 10, 2022

user control to study

play around with it..

  1. A Simple User Control
  2. A simple User Control for selecting a shape and entering dimensions.

  3. The Spiral TrackBar Control
  4. A track bar control which displays the track line as a spiral

  5. Following Object Inheritance
  6. This is an alternative to "Following Object Inheritance"

  7. SOLID Principles: The Liskov Principle -> What, Why and How
  8. SOLID principles: The Liskov Principle, a simple example in C#

  9. Falling Blocks Game
  10. Falling Blocks Game

  11. Falling Blocks Board and Shape Control
  12. Falling Blocks Board and Shape Control

  13. Orbital Mechanics Introduction
  14. Introduction to Orbital Mechanics - 2 Body Problem

  15. Introduction to Numerical Methods
  16. Introduction to Numerical Methods and Updated Polynomial Class

  17. 2D Drawing on Windows Forms and the Use of Transformation Matrices While Demonstrating the Trapezoid
  18. Use of the Trapezoidal Rule to integrate a function

  19. Math Function Tutor: Part 3
  20. Math Function Tutor: Part 3

    Build Action tricks

  21. How can I copy dependencies from a library project to the main project?
  22. I have an Asp.Net project (Vb.Net) that references a managed dll (library written in C#). That library project has several unmanaged dependencies dlls in a lib folder (copied into bin/Release/lib folder during build). The library is not a part of the main solution.

  23. Copying a DLL's dependencies in Visual Studio
  24. How can I set up a project in Visual Studio to copy the third-party DLLs that one of the project's references depends on?

  25. File Properties
  26. You can use file properties to indicate what actions the project system should perform on the files. For example, you can set file properties to indicate whether a file should be compiled or embedded into the build output as a resource.

  27. How to automatically copy embedded resources from class library that is referenced by another class library?
  28. How to automatically copy embedded resources from class library that is referenced by another class library?

  29. Copy non-DLL file to all output directories of other projects
  30. I have a solution consisting of three Projects, both A and B are executable and depend on C. C has some file resource that is needed by whichever of the two is executed. The file needs to be copied into the output folder of both projects. Why? Because both use a library that expects the file to be in the folder AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory which is where you launch the executable from. So copying it to the output folder of C has no effect. Copying it via xcopy in an after build step seems a bit too fragile, since I don't know where exactly the output folders will be (debug/x64/bin/...)

  31. Reversi in C#
  32. The game of Reversi in C#.

  33. KReversi, Learn to Implement Minimax Algorithm by Creating a Reversi Bot
  34. This game allows you to create a Minimax bot, then play reversi with it.

  35. Reversi
  36. An implementation of the popular game Reversi, written as a project for an AI course.

  37. A C# implementation of Reversi (Othello) Game for PocketPC and Windows
  38. A C# implementation of Reversi (Othello) Game for PocketPC and Windows.

  39. Circular maze
  40. An algorithm which automatically generates circular mazes.

  41. Small WinForm Pong Game - C#
  42. Simple WinForm Pong game written in C#

  43. Rapid Roll C#
  44. Rapid Roll game in C#

  45. Space Invaders in C# WinForm
  46. Simple Space Invaders

purebasic language

pure basic language is good sample for me to learn features of my future languages...

  1. PureBasic - The Perfect Cross-Platform & Native Development Language
  2. ative, simply, fast, cross-platform, and quite powerful PL? Is it nothing? No, it isn't. It is PureBasic!

  3. BASIC is Not Dead. Time to Erase the Myths about Basic.
  4. More about BASIC and what can be accomplished with the language

  5. Learning to code using the WIN32 the easy way, using BASIC
  6. One of the challenges which I have felt made the WIN32 API dfficult to learn is that it leaned heavily on C and as a long time BASIC programmer, I always felt the C language syntax was terse in nature and that it lacked the natural syntax of languages like BASIC.

  8. lot of good story