Saturday, September 11, 2021

MFC macro and some basic structs

MFC macro and some basic classes

  1. MAKEINTRESOURCEA macro (winuser.h)
  2. Converts an integer value to a resource type compatible with the resource-management functions. This macro is used in place of a string containing the name of the resource..

  3. MAKEINTRESOURCEW macro (winuser.h)
  4. Converts an integer value to a resource type compatible with the resource-management functions. This macro is used in place of a string containing the name of the resource.

  5. MDINEXTMENU structure (winuser.h)
  6. Contains information about the menu to be activated..

  7. MENUBARINFO structure (winuser.h)
  8. Contains menu bar information..

  9. MENUGETOBJECTINFO structure (winuser.h)
  10. Contains information about the menu that the mouse cursor is on..

  11. MENUINFO structure (winuser.h)
  12. Contains information about a menu..

  13. MenuItemFromPoint function (winuser.h)
  14. Determines which menu item, if any, is at the specified location..

  15. MENUITEMINFOA structure (winuser.h)
  16. Contains information about a menu item.

  17. MENUITEMTEMPLATE structure (winuser.h)
  18. Defines a menu item in a menu template..

  19. MENUITEMTEMPLATEHEADER structure (winuser.h)
  20. Defines the header for a menu template. A complete menu template consists of a header and one or more menu item lists.

  21. This is a paragraph.

  22. This is a paragraph.

  23. This is a paragraph.

  24. This is a paragraph.

  25. This is a paragraph.

  26. This is a paragraph.

  27. This is a paragraph.

  28. This is a paragraph.

  29. This is a paragraph.

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