Saturday, September 11, 2021

MFC FTP classes

MFC FTP classes

  1. CFtpConnection Class
  2. Manages your FTP connection to an Internet server and allows direct manipulation of directories and files on that server..

  3. CFtpFileFind Class
  4. Aids in Internet file searches of FTP servers..

  5. CHttpFile Class
  6. Provides the functionality to request and read files on an HTTP server..

  7. FTP Client Engine for C/C++
  8. The FTP Client Engine for C/C++ (FCE4C) is a library of functions providing direct and simple control of the FTP protocol and can be used for both anonymous and private FTP sessions. A simple interface allows connecting to a FTP server, navigating its directory structure, listing files, sending files, deleting files, and receiving files from an application.

    The FCE4C library contains both WIN32 and WIN64 Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) and can be used with any Windows application capable of calling the Windows API.

    The FTP Client Engine for C/C++ supports any version of Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft Visual Studio, .NET Framework, or most C/C++ compilers.

  9. libcurl - the multiprotocol file transfer library
  10. Thoroughly Documented! All functions in libcurl have their own detailed man pages describing their actual functionality and purpose.

    All interfaces have overview-style man pages describing the concepts that glue all the functions together: easy, multi, share and URL parsing.

    There is a libcurl tutorial.

    We have numerous commented source code examples..

  11. embeddedmz/ftpclient-cpp
  12. FTP client for C++This is a simple FTP client for C++. It wraps libcurl for FTP requests and meant to be a portable and easy-to-use API to perform FTP related operations..

  13. Steps in a Typical FTP Client Application
  14. Steps in a Typical FTP Client Application

  15. FTP Client Class
  16. A non-MFC class to encapsulate the FTP protocol..

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