Friday, February 14, 2020

pre-compiled header

pew-compiled header

  1. Precompiled Header Files
  2. C/C++ Building Reference
  3. Compiling a C/C++ project
  4. Compiler Options
  5. You can set compiler options for each project in its Visual Studio Property Pages dialog box. In the left pane, select Configuration Properties, C/C++ and then choose the compiler option category. The topic for each compiler option describes how it can be set and where it is found in the development environment. See MSVC Compiler Options for a complete list.

  6. Compiler options listed alphabetically
  7. Compiler options listed by category
  8. Linker options
  9. Linking
  10. Linker options can be set inside or outside of Visual Studio. Within Visual Studio, you access linker options by right-clicking on a project node in Solution Explorer and choosing Properties to display the property pages. Choose Linker in the left pane to expand the node and see all the options

  11. Configure C++ projects for 64-bit, x64 targets
  12. This section contains topics about targeting 64-bit x64 hardware with the Visual C++ build tools. a good gateway to more links.

  13. Open Folder support for C++ build systems in Visual Studio

  14. Use of "stdafx.h"
  15. Precompiled headers
  16. How to include the stdafx.h from the root directory?
  17. It's interesting that the trick that I use isn't in the answers:

    1. Create stdafx.h and stdafx.cpp in the root folder of the project.
    2. Go to project properties -> precompiled headers. Change to "use".
    3. Go to stdafx.cpp, right-click properties -> precompiled headers. Change to "create".
    4. Go to project properties -> advanced; change "Force include files" to stdafx.h;%(ForcedIncludeFiles)

    Don't change any CPP file; keep your header files as they are. Build as-is.

    No typing, no RSI, no hassle with include paths, no other pain and misery. And the beauty is that it will still work when you move your solution to another platform. Awesome.

  18. StdAfx.h
  19. Projects in Visual C++ 2010 – Part 3: Precompiled Headers
  20. CCurveDlg - Curve Interpolation
  21. The Ultimate (DLL) Header File
  22. 0.7 — Compiling your first program
  23. What is “stdafx.h” used for in Visual Studio?

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