Wednesday, February 5, 2020

DLL basics & CRT distribution & VS building tricks

DLL basics

  1. MSI Custom Action DLL
  2. Regular DLL Tutor For Beginners
  3. Making DLLs easy to build and use
  4. Basic C++ Win32 DLL
  5. How to link DLLs to C++ Projects
  6. Deploying Visual C++ Runtime Files as Private Assemblies
  7. Super Easy DLL
  8. some comments are really good:

    I'm fairly new to C++ and have been trying to follow this example after struggling on my own. But the problem I've got is I can't seem to get Visual Studio to create a .lib file, have you got any suggestions? Because without the .lib I can't link it into my projects... :S

    You will have do the following. 1. Right click on your project on solution explorer and click "Properties". 2. Expand the "Linker" item in the tree. 3. Click on "Input" 4. Type in the name of your def file in the case of this example it would be "EasyDll.def" in the text box beside "Module Definition File". 5. Selection "Release" from the configuration dropdown box at the top left and enter in "EasyDll.def" to make sure that you also are given a .lib file when you compile for release mode too. Cheers,

  9. Create projects easily with private MFC, ATL and CRT assemblies
  10. Change WINVER
  11. Including stdafx.h in a non-default location
  12. Visual Studio Project Converter
  13. A-Utility-to-Convert-VS-NET-2003-Project-Files

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