Friday, July 15, 2022

LiteDB application and Windows Form Basics


    datagridview to datatable to PDF file

  1. Convert string to packed ascii byte array
  2. Most important one for my project. it blows up in convert ASCII string to byte array.

    Convert string to packed ascii byte array

  3. Encoding.ASCII vs. new ASCIIEncoding()
  4. Are there any preferred scenarios and/or advantages/disadvantages when to use A or B?

  5. In C#, how can I detect if a character is a non-ASCII character?
  6. I would like to check, in C#, if a char contains a non-ASCII character. What is the best way to check for special characters such as 志 or Ω?

  7. The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)
  8. Ever wonder about that mysterious Content-Type tag? You know, the one you’re supposed to put in HTML and you never quite know what it should be?

  9. ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes() Returning Unexpected Value
  10. Why is the output not C0?

  11. How do I get Bin Path?
  12. Answer Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath)

  13. How to make a DataTable from DataGridView without any Datasource?
  14. I want to get a DataTable from DataGridView of the Grid values. In other words DataTable same as DataGridView Values

    DatagridView Binding Basics

  15. Bind Objects to a DataGridView Control
  16. This article describes a simple approach to displaying object property data within a data grid view control. The example includes a test application comprised of a simple data container class and a sample application used to bind and display object data within a data grid view control. The value of the approach is to permit a developer to quickly display object data in tabular format, or to provide a convenient method for editing object data.

  17. Different Methods of Data Binding to a DataGridView
  18. This code explains different ways of generating data sets to be used as data sources for a DataGridView.

  19. Basic File IO and the DataGridView
  20. Create a versatile line reading application using the .NET StreamReader and the DataGridView.

  21. Exporting DataGridview To Excel
  22. How to export DataGridView data to Excel.

  23. DataGridView Class
  24. Displays data in a customizable grid.


  25. LiteDB - download site
  26. LiteDB is a serverless database delivered in a single small DLL (< 450kb) fully written in .NET C# managed code (compatible with .NET 4.5 and NETStandard 2.0). Install it via NuGet or just copy the DLL to your bin project folder. LiteDB is a simple and fast NoSQL database solution. Ideal for mobile apps (Xamarin ready), desktop/local applications, application file format, web applications, and one database per account/user data store. Portable UWP and Xamarin iOS/Android, ACID transactions, single datafile (like SQLite), recovery data in writing failure (WAL mode), map your POCO class to BsonDocument, fluent API for custom mapping. Cross collections references (DbRef), store files and stream data (like GridFS in MongoDB), LINQ query support, free for everyone, including commercial use. LiteDB supports SQL-like language for data and structure manipulations. You can insert, update, delete or query your database using a very similar SQL relational language.
  27. My work with LiteDB
  28. Recently I was looking for a storage system for my program. This is a desktop application that creates many objects and searches for text in them. So I thought: "Why don't I try something new." Instead of an SQL database, I could use some kind of document database. But I didn't want to have a separate server, I wanted this database to work with a simple file. Search the Internet for this kind of databases for .NET applications quickly led me to LiteDB. And here I want to share my experience with this database.

  29. How to create .NET Standard library in Visual Studio 2015
  30. In this article I'll show how you can create in Visual Studio 2015 library compliant with some version of .NET Standard.

  31. LiteDB - A .NET NoSQL Document Store in a single data file
  32. A simple, fast and free embedded .NET NoSQL Document Store in a single data file. Inspired on MongoDB, supports collections, POCO classes, Bson Documents, indexes, stream data and LINQ expressions.

  33. LiteDb Review
  34. In this post, we will cover some use cases of LiteDB that I personally encountered to give you some perspective as to how and for what it can be used for.

  35. Embedded NoSQL database for .NET
  36. An open source MongoDB-like database with zero configuration - mobile ready

  37. Getting Started
  38. LiteDB is a simple, fast and lightweight embedded .NET document database. LiteDB was inspired by the MongoDB database and its API is very similar to the official MongoDB .NET API.

  39. falahati / LiteDBViewer
  40. LiteDB v5 contains an internal database browser and editor named LiteDB Studio.

    Therefore, this project will not continue into version 5 of LiteDB and if you need a viewer for your database please consider using LiteDB Studio.

  41. LiteDB Studio
  42. Update to LiteDB v5.0.8

  43. fastBinaryJSON
  44. A binary JSON serializer based on fastJSON (support for MonoDroid, netcore)

  45. Displaying JSON from PHP into a DataGridView using Json.NET
  46. Explaination of how to use JSON to get data from a remote server in C#.

    DataGridView Basics

  47. DataGridView Helper Class
  48. DataGridView Helper Class for Winforms

  49. DataGridView Event Sequences
  50. A useful tool to help you understand DataGridView events as you navigate the DataGridView

  51. Excel export from DatagridView
  52. A way to export data to native excel (xls) from a Datagridview with any data source

  53. DataGridView with hierarchical data binding
  54. The TreeGridView by Mark Rideout with data binding and sorting

    Windows Form Basics

  55. Windows Forms Events Lifecycle
  56. Today there are a large number of books covering .NET and Windows Forms. While most of these books discuss the essentials of working with Windows Forms and guide you well on your way to becoming proficient in developing Windows Forms applications, very few books cover a vital and much needed topic. And this topic is: the sequence of events that are triggered for a Form. Knowing the lifecycle of a Form can help you place important bits of code in relevant events.

  57. Top 10 Windows Forms Articles You Must Read
  58. Abstract: If you have missed on some top articles of Windows Forms on, then this is a must read for you. The Top 10 articles have been decided by our editorial panel based on the popularity of the article, user rating and top views of the articles.

  59. Windows Form Programming Using C#
  60. Windows Form Programming for Begginers Using C#

    More Encoding stuff

  61. Strings and Encoding
  62. String is a type from the System namespace that is used for most of text related operations.

  63. We just launched a new site – Online List Tools – utilities for working with lists. Check it out!
  64. online ascii to bytes

  65. Convert from string to us-ascii in c#
  66. Strings in .NET already are Unicode, so there's no need to convert them from Unicode to Unicode. If you want to output a unicode escaped string, then try this:

  67. System.Text.Encoding Class
  68. Represents a character encoding.

  69. Encoding.Default Property
  70. Gets the default encoding for this .NET implementation.

  71. Correctly reading encoded text with the StreamReader in .NET
  72. I’ve got a list of my team members in a text file which I need to parse and process in .NET. The file is pretty simple – it’s called MyTeamNames.txt and it contains the following names:

  73. Does c# use ascii or unicode?
  74. Does c# use ascii or unicode?

  75. Convert String to ByteArray
  76. A String can be converted to Byte Array in few different ways. In .Net, every string has a character set and encoding. Encoding is the process of transforming a set of Unicode characters into a sequence of bytes.

  77. Character Encoding and Usage in .NET
  78. Understanding character encoding with the help of simple examples

  79. UTF-8 Character Encoding in .NET
  80. Every year or so I manage to uncover a gap in my knowledge as it relates to strings, character sets, and encoding. I have just started embracing this as part of the cycle of mastering (or attempting to master) any given topic. Whenever I feel the need I resort to the most fundamental mechanisms of learning. It is a simple act of reading, practice and memorization.

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