Saturday, May 14, 2022


c# icloneable clone example

  1. value (C# Reference)
  2. The contextual keyword value is used in the set accessor in property and indexer declarations. It is similar to an input parameter of a method. The word value references the value that client code is attempting to assign to the property or indexer. In the following example, MyDerivedClass has a property called Name that uses the value parameter to assign a new string to the backing field name. From the point of view of client code, the operation is written as a simple assignment.

  3. Proper way to implement ICloneable
  4. What is the proper way of implementing ICloneable in a class hierarchy? Say I have an abstract class DrawingObject. Another abstract class RectangularObject inherits from DrawingObject. Then there are multiple concrete classes like Shape, Text, Circle etc. that all inherit from RectangularObject. I want to implement ICloneable on DrawingObject and then carry it down the hierarchy, copying available properties at each level and calling parent's Clone at the next level.

  5. Implementing ICloneable in a class
  6. Implement ICloneable in a class with a twist. Expose a public type safe Clone() and implement object Clone() privately.

  7. How to Implement ICloneable Interface in Derivable Classes in .NET
  8. It is common requirement in .NET programming to create a cloneable class, i.e. to implement System.ICloneable interface. Another common requirement is to implement a class which would serve as a base class to other classes. It is somewhat less common to implement both requirements at the same class, i.e. to make a class cloneable in such way that classes derived from it are also cloneable.

  9. The ICloneable Controversy: Should a Class Implement ICloneable or Not?
  10. System.ICloneable interface has been introduced with a relatively vague accompanying documentation and ever since it has remained the inexhaustible source of disputes. Should a given class implement ICloneable interface or not? And, once it does, should the clone be deep or shallow? And if deep, how deep? And if moderately deep, how much of the implementation details shoul be documented and communicated to the consumer?

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