Monday, March 28, 2022

C API export

C API export

  1. Exporting C Functions for Use in C or C++ Language Executables
  2. If you have functions in a DLL written in C that you want to access from a C language or C++ language module, you should use the __cplusplus preprocessor macro to determine which language is being compiled, and then declare these functions with C linkage if being used from a C++ language module. If you use this technique and provide header files for your DLL, these functions can be used by C and C++ users with no change.

  3. Way to use common class between C style exporting API in C++ DLL
  4. Part II Using the C/C++ API
  5. Example 1a: Set up My API to run an export
  6. Data Export and Import Operations
  7. DLL Export Viewer v1.66
  8. This utility displays the list of all exported functions and their virtual memory addresses for the specified DLL files. You can easily copy the memory address of the desired function, paste it into your debugger, and set a breakpoint for this memory address. When this function is called, the debugger will stop in the beginning of this function. For example: If you want to break each time that a message box is going to be displayed, simply put breakpoints on the memory addresses of message-box functions: MessageBoxA, MessageBoxExA, and MessageBoxIndirectA (or MessageBoxW, MessageBoxExW, and MessageBoxIndirectW in unicode based applications) When one of the message-box functions is called, your debugger should break in the entry point of that function, and then you can look at call stack and go backward into the code that initiated this API call.

  9. Windows 10 DLL File Information 37
  10. Windows 7 DLL File Information
  11. API hooking revealed
  12. The article demonstrates how to build a user mode Win32 API spying system

  13. Win32 API: C++ to .NET
  14. Merits of Anti-Reverse-Engineering for MOGs
  15. Merits of Anti-Reverse-Engineering for MOGs

  16. A Chained Property Observer
  17. Set of utility classes to observe a chain of INotifyPropertyChanged objects.

  18. A UITypeEditor for easy editing of flag enum properties in the property browser
  19. A UITypeEditor for easy editing of flag enum properties in the property browser.

  20. Complex Properties in C#
  21. 'Complex properties' and Size3D in C#.

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