Monday, January 17, 2022



    Top Reads

  1. School Of Basics | API Interview Questions | How API Work |
  2. API work in a client-server architecture

    1. What is API ?
    2. Application Programming Interface
    3. A software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other.
    4. How APIs work
    5. API work in a client and server architecture and needs a format and medium to communicate..

  3. What is API and API Testing
  4. In this video, you will learn:

    1. what is API
    2. what is API Testing.
    3. Difference between API and webservices
    4. Soap vs RestFul web services
    5. API methods
    6. API Testing using Postman

  5. Http Get And Post In C#
  6. Making an GET or POST Request is easy in C# thanks to the HttpClient object. See how you can build simple requests in .NET..

  7. Clean up your .NET with the Dispose Pattern
  8. very good pattern.

    n the managed-code world of .NET, we can be sometimes spoiled by the seamless intervention of Garbage Collection which quite happily waits until our objects are no longer referenced and then scoops them up and destroys them. That ‘Person’ object you’re no longer referencing? Gone. That ‘Tesla’ object you lovingly inherited from ‘Car’ and then added loads of ‘door’ properties to? Obliterated. See ya.

  9. About: Nick's Blog
  10. Must read.

    Good Reads

  11. RestSharp: REST APIs Testing using C# RestSharp and Json.Net - Part 1 | Getting started
  12. This is a paragraph.

  13. Intro to React Testing [Jest and React Testing Library Tutorial]
  14. Chris gives an introduction to React Testing and walks through a Jest and React Testing Library tutorial. Testing is a critical part of the React development process. There is no shortage of different ways to test our apps. This talk will give an intro to general testing principles and tools before diving into the specifics of testing React components using Jest and React Testing Library, the tooling recommended by the React core team..

  15. Postman Beginners Crash Course - Part 3 | API Testing | Data Driven Testing | HTML Reports
  16. Topics: 1) Data Driven Testing using JSON & CSV Files 2) How To Run Collections 3) How to Generate HTML Reports 4) Exporting & Importing collections.

  17. RestSharp
  18. Probably, the most popular REST API client library for .NET.

  19. RestSharp simple complete example [closed]
  20. I've not been able to find one good example of it. Could anyone please share and direct me to right resource please? I've already looked at following, and doesn't provide what I'm looking for i.e fully functional example:.

  21. RMB
  22. digital RMB

  23. What is API? - Application Programming Interface - Part-1
  24. What is API? - Application Programming Interface Learn:

    1. + REST API concepts and examples
    2. +Difference between API and WebService
    3. +REST API concepts and examples
    4. +What is Web Service
    5. +SOAP vs REST APIs
    6. +What is REST ? What is a REST API
    7. +What is Integration API

  25. What is a RESTful API? Understanding the RESTful API Definition
  26. The fundamentals of software development lay in the fact that systems can share data. REST has its full meaning as Representational State Transfer. It defines the set guidelines a developer should adhere to while creating an application programming interface..

  27. REST API vs Web API (vs SOAP API) [What’s the Difference?]
  28. In the world of web development, there are several confusing words that we often hear and let them pass because we can’t wrap our heads around them. They include Web API, REST API, and SOAP API, among others. If you have been finding these words confusing, read through to understand what they mean, how they relate, and their differences..

  29. Understanding How to Utilize a REST API
  30. REST (Representational State Transfer) APIs, sometimes also referred to as RESTful APIs, are an increasingly popular design style. REST APIs are built to take advantage of pre-existing protocols within an environment, most commonly over HTTP for a Web API. The REST API design is more lightweight and is known for its vast flexibility in enabling modern business connectivity..

  31. What is REST API?
  32. Representational state transfer (REST) is a software architectural style that defines a set of constraints to be used for creating Web services. Web services that conform to the REST architectural style, called RESTful Web services (RWS), provide interoperability between computer systems on the Internet. RESTful Web services allow the requesting systems to access and manipulate textual representations of Web resources by using a uniform and predefined set of stateless operations.

  33. What is a REST API?
  34. What is a REST API? What are the benefits and how are they fundamental to your cloud application?

    In this lightboard video, Nathan Hekman with IBM Cloud, answers these questions and much more as he visually shows the benefits a company can gain with using REST API.

  35. Learn JSON in 10 Minutes
  36. In this video we will cover everything you need to know about JSON in only 10 minutes. We will cover what JSON is, why JSON is important, what JSON is used for, the syntax of JSON, and multiple examples of JSON. JSON is the most popular data representation format, and is one of the most important, and easiest concepts you can learn in programming. It allows you to create APIs, config files, and structured data. We will be covering all of the terminology, and going through live examples of all the different JSON types..

  37. Learn JSON in 25 Minutes | Complete JSON Crash Course | JSON Tutorial for Beginners
  38. In this video you will learn everything about JSON that you need to know as a JavaScript programmer. We will understand JSON with some slides and then we will see multiple examples to understand how we use use JSON data in different scenarios. .

  39. JSON Crash Course
  40. In this video we will talk about JSON, JavaScript object literals and AJAX. Ill show you how to create JSON objects and arrays and also how to make an Ajax request to a .json file.

  41. What is REST API? | Web Service
  42. What is Web services what is API
    What is REST API How REST works
    Implementation of REST API.

  43. Calling REST API in C# console Application | Read JSON Data | part 1
  44. Here in this video, I have created a sample application in c# to fetch data from a rest API using restclient..

  45. How to Consume WEB API in C# | C# Tutorial for Beginners
  46. This video is about calling an existing WEB API from a C# application. You will learn to use the HttpClient class to retrieve new releases from Spotify using their Web API..

  47. Automate Rest GET Call using HTTP Client - Rest API Automation - Part-3
  48. Rest API GET Call - API Automation using HTTPClient: .

  49. Calling REST API in C# console Application | Post with header and parameter | part 2
  50. In this we will learn how we can call a rest api from a c# console application using rest sharp..

  51. This is a paragraph.

  52. This is a paragraph.

  53. This is a paragraph.

  54. This is a paragraph.

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