Saturday, January 9, 2021

.IDL file, what is it?

.IDL and MDL file, what is it?

  1. Including a .idl file in a C++ project
  2. For example: you have an AFileName.idl

    1. Add the AFileName.idl to you project: Right Click on The project->Add->Existing Item...
    2. Click Right on The AFileName.idl from the project->Compile
    3. The step 2 will generate AFileName_h.h, AFileName_i.c, AFileName_p.c,...
    4. Now you can #include "AFileName_h.h" and use it, you also may need to add AFileName_i.c or other generated files to your project depending on your needs..

    If you do add a .c file to your project you'll probably also have to change the file's C/C++ | Advanced | "Compile As" property to "Compile as C Code (/TC)" and may also have to set the file's C/C++ | Precompiled Headers | "Precompiled header" property to "Not using precompiled headers"

  3. Configuring a Win32 Project to Compile IDL
  4. This is a paragraph.

  6. This is a paragraph.

  7. Microsoft Documents

  8. Basics of an IDL file
  9. This article describes the basics of an IDL file..

  10. How to add an IDL file to a Visual Studio Project
  11. This is a paragraph.

  12. MIDL: Compiling IDL files
  13. he previous lesson introduced you to IDL. We defined IMyComInterface and IYourComInterface using IDL. This lesson builds on that work..

  14. Interface Definition Language - IDL
  15. This is a paragraph.

  16. COM interface properties:: vtable
  17. A COM interface contains a group of related COM methods. COM interfaces have the following properties. The runtime binary layout of a COM interface contains vtable. A vtable is a table of pointers to interface methods. A COM interface pointer is a pointer to a vtable.

    Methods in a vtable are accessed by table position, not by method name. The placement of functions in a vtable is called vtable order..

  18. COM Method Properties (binary requirements)
  19. COM is a binary standard. This means that at its lowest level, COM methods and interfaces must follow a prescribed in-memory layout. COM also constrains the return type of a COM method. The following list summarizes the properties of a COM method..

  20. Implementing COM objects
  21. In previous lessons we used C++ classes to define COM interfaces, and looked at how to specify COM interfaces in IDL and the C++ class definitions created by compiling IDL files with MIDL. Our next step is to study the standard development paradigms used to develop COM objects in C++. In practice, three standard mechanisms are used. They all define one C++ class to implement a COM object. They differ in how the object's interfaces are handled..

  22. IUnknown and Interface Navigation
  23. This is a paragraph.

  24. QueryInterface guidelines
  25. This is a paragraph.

  26. how to multi idl files to C++ code ?
  27. Writing the IDL Interface
  28. This is a paragraph.

  29. The Hello Client-Server Example
  30. IDL Files and Cpp
  31. This is a paragraph.

  32. Anatomy of an IDL File/a>
  33. This is a paragraph.

  35. This is a paragraph.

  36. MIDL Compilation
  37. This is a paragraph.

  38. MIDL Compiler Options
  39. This is a paragraph.

  40. Loading and Registering a Type Library
  41. This is a paragraph.

  42. Building and Registering a Proxy DLL
  43. This is a paragraph.

  44. C-Compiler Definitions for Proxy/Stubs
  45. This is a paragraph.

  46. IDL Attributes
  47. This is a paragraph.

  48. Compiler Attributes
  49. Compiler attributes provide a variety of functionality..

  50. IDL Files
  51. This is a paragraph.

    How do I invoke the MIDL compiler to generate a .TLB file (type library) from an .IDL file?

    This is a paragraph.

  52. Using the MIDL Compiler
  53. This is a paragraph.

    A good example to use MIDL compiler

  54. MIDL Compiler
  55. Defining an Interface with MIDL
  56. MIDL files are text files that you can create and edit with a text editor. If you generate a UUID for your interface, you will typically store the output in a template MIDL file. For more information on UUIDs, see Generating Interface UUIDs..

  57. This is a paragraph.

  58. This is a paragraph.

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