Tuesday, January 19, 2021

what is .ODL file?

what is .ODL file?


  1. VC++ MFC Tutorial: ActiveX Control Example
  2. This article is somewhat like an extension to POLYGON tutorial provided in Microsoft’s online documentation. So I would not be explaining the basic steps involved to create the project and adding control to the project. I would only explain the steps where I diverted form POLYGON tutorial. To completely follow the example code of this article we will have to do the following steps.

    It has two projects to download. so it is good reference for me.

  3. ActiveX Control Tutorial
  4. This article is for those enthusiastic VC++ developers who want to build their own ActiveX controls but don’t know where to start with. This article will take you to build your first ActiveX control. This article will show you the step by step method to build a control which draws different waveforms (Sin/Cos).I assume that you are familiar with VC++ and know some basics of ActiveX control.

  5. Understanding Interface Definition Language: A Developer's Survival Guide
  6. IDL is the preferred way to describe your interfaces. However, many developers only have a rudimentary knowledge of IDL. Knowing IDL will help you think about your interfaces in a more explicit manner, which is especially useful now that you spend so much time exposing interfaces..


  7. Thread: what is a ODL file?
  8. Hi, when i create a activex control with activex contrl wizard, i am getting a file with ".odl" extention. what it really stands for!!?.

    ActiveX based on COM technplogy. Do U know what is Proxy's and Stub's for COM objects?

    There are idl and odl files

    1. idl - interface definition language
    2. odl - as i remember - object definition language
    are special files for generation proxy and stub and h file with interface definition generates from it to.

    The .odl file is MFC's equivalent to an IDL file which is a (programming) language neutral define of your interface methods. It is from this file the type library is build.

    The '.odl' file contains the source code for the object description language for a control element type library. This file will be used by Visual C++ to create a type library. The created library provides the interface of the control element for other automation clients.

  9. Thread: Can I get .tlb or .odl file of my ActiveX DLL project?
  10. This is a paragraph.

  11. MIDL and ODL
  12. he Microsoft Interface Definition Language (MIDL) now includes the complete Object Definition Language (ODL) syntax. This allows you to use the 32-bit MIDL compiler to generate a type library and optional header files for a COM application..

    Note When the documentation refers to an ODL file, it is referring to a file that Mktyplib.exe can parse. When it refers to an IDL file, it is referring to a file that the MIDL compiler can parse. This is strictly a naming convention. The MIDL compiler will parse an input file regardless of its file name extension.

  13. Generating a Type Library with MIDL
  14. The top-level element of the ODL syntax is the library statement (library block). Every other ODL statement, with the exception of the attributes that are applied to the library statement, must be defined within the library block. When the MIDL compiler sees a library block, it generates a type library in much the same way that MkTypLib does. With a few exceptions, described in Differences Between MIDL and MKTYPLIB, the statements within the library block should follow the same syntax as in the ODL language and MkTypLib..

  15. ODL File Syntax
  16. The general syntax for an .ODL file is as follows:


    [attributes] library libname {definitions};

    The attributes associate characteristics with the library, such as its Help file and universally unique identifier (UUID). Attributes must be enclosed in square brackets.

    The definitions consist of the descriptions of the imported libraries, data types, modules, interfaces, dispinterfaces, and coclasses that are part of the type library. Braces ({}) must surround the definitions.

    The following table summarizes the elements that can appear in definitions. Each element is described in more detail in the section ODL Reference.

  17. ODL Statements and Directives
  18. The following sections describe the statements and directives that make up the Object Description Language (ODL).

  19. Attribute Descriptions
  20. The following topics describe the ODL attributes and the types of objects that they apply to, along with the equivalent flags set in the object's type information..

  21. ODL File Example
  22. The following example shows the .odl file for the Lines sample file, extracted from Lines.odl.

  23. Source File Contents
  24. The following topics describe the proper format for comments, constants, identifiers, and other syntactic items in an .odl file.

  25. Exposing ActiveX Objects
  26. Exposing objects makes them available for programmatic use by other applications and programming tools. This section discusses how to design an application that exposes objects, and then uses various samples from the COM Programmer's Reference to demonstrate how to implement the design.

    Note Throughout this section, the file names of sample applications appear in parentheses before the sample code.

  27. MFC OCX project conversion issue
  28. Special Edition Using Visual C++ 6
  29. This is a paragraph.

  30. This is a paragraph.

  31. This is a paragraph.

  32. This is a paragraph.

  33. This is a paragraph.

  34. This is a paragraph.

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