Sunday, January 31, 2021

My Focus on OpenGL

My Focus on OpenGL: oenGL control-lean control

    GLFW on

  1. 2D Drawing with an OpenGL Control
  2. An article explaning how to create a user control for 2D shape drawing with OpenGL

  3. An OpenGL ActiveX Control Developed with MFC
  4. The article focuses on how to develop a OpenGL ActiveX Control (OCX) with MFC, which can be used in VB application or HTML, and how to use the OpenGL ActiveX Control in VB and HTML to develop a 3D application and Internet Webpage. To simplify the demo code, I borrow the 3D Font class which has been posted at Codeguru.

    this need old OPENGL lib files.

  5. GLFW: A (Simple) OpenGL Framework Library
  6. This is a paragraph.

  7. 3D Engine, from GLUT to GLFW
  8. This is a paragraph.

  9. Simple OpenGL Framework
  10. the download link is working now.

    legacy GLUT download

  11. install GLUT and configure Visual Studio to use it
  12. The purpose of this lab is to introduce OpenGL programming and set up your computer so that you can begin developing OpenGL applications.

    In order to display an image, you must create some sort of drawing canvas. In modern operating systems, the basic drawing canvas is a window. With OpenGL, you create a window and then create an OpenGL drawing context assocated with that window, which allows you to use your video hardware to draw 3D objects directly into that window. Opening that window and creating the OpenGL context is cumbersom and varies from system to system. GLUT was developed in order to simplify and unify this initial step.

    In this lab I will show you how to download and install GLUT and configure Visual Studio to use it. After that we will compile and run a sample program to test that everything is working. You can follow these same instructions if you would like to install GLUT on your home computer to work on the homework projects.

  13. GLUT - The OpenGL Utility Toolkit
  14. 2000/03/22 - GLUT 3 specification is now available in PDF format!.

    GLUT (pronounced like the glut in gluttony) is the OpenGL Utility Toolkit, a window system independent toolkit for writing OpenGL programs. It implements a simple windowing application programming interface (API) for OpenGL. GLUT makes it considerably easier to learn about and explore OpenGL programming. GLUT provides a portable API so you can write a single OpenGL program that works on both Win32 PCs and X11 workstations.

    GLUT is designed for constructing small to medium sized OpenGL programs. While GLUT is well-suited to learning OpenGL and developing simple OpenGL applications, GLUT is not a full-featured toolkit so large applications requiring sophisticated user interfaces are better off using native window system toolkits like Motif. GLUT is simple, easy, and small. My intent is to keep GLUT that way.

  15. GLUT for Win32
  16. The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT), originally written by Mark Kilgard, ported to Win32 (Windows 95,98,Me,NT,2000,XP) by Nate Robins. For more information check out the README-win32.txt provided in the distribution for installation instructions, and Win32 specific information..

    The latest version of the library is 3.7.6 (Nov 8, 2001)! (117 KB) GLUT for Win32 dll, lib and header file (everything you need to get started programming with GLUT). (4.76 MB) GLUT source code distribution (including a whole slew of great example programs + data).

    Documentation for the GLUT API is available in HTML, Postscript and PDF formats. For general information about GLUT, see's GLUT page or's GLUT FAQ. or sgi's GLUT ftp.

  17. GLUT API Index
  18. The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) Programming Interface API Version 3
  19. original GLUT API dictionary.

  20. Nate Robin's tutor
  21. Tutors source code package ( 920KB)

    Source package + Windows executables ( 1.24MB)

    The fog tutorial program (shown at right) demonstrates how to use depth cueing (or fog) in OpenGL. It includes command panels that allow dynamic update of the parameters for linear, exponential and exponential2 fog functions. The fog color can also be dynamically changed.

  22. OpenGL & Librairies installer WIN32 v0.2
  23. In few seconds, Install OpenGL, GLU, GLAUX, GLUT, & SDL headers, librairies and .DLLs for Code::Blocks 8.02 on Windows . ( The program suppose that you have installed Code::Blocks in the default location : C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks )

  24. freeGLUT API dictionary
  25. he Open-Source OpenGL Utility Toolkit (freeglut 3.0.0) Application Programming Interface

    it has all definitions of freeGLUT API.

  26. CSc 433/533: OpenGL and GLUT Tutorial
  27. Windows 95/98 With Visual C++ If you would like to develop your program using Windows with Visual C++, a project with the glut .lib file for windows can be downloaded here. This project includes the GLUT/OpenGL example file canvas.c. For more information on canvas.c, click here.

    If you would like the entire GLUT package for windows (the source code), click here. The library must be complied, and it includes a Makefile using nmake which can be read by visual c++.

  28. freeGlut windows development libraries
  29. Whilst at the University of Essex, I took a module called “Interactive Computer Graphics” (or EE222 as we referred to it). Half of the course consisted of using POV-Ray to create images, and then putting them together to make a high quality animation. The other half of the course consisted of programming real-time interactive graphics using C and OpenGL, with the help the GLUT library freeglut. I went on to do my final year project, creating a simulation in C++ and OpenGL. It was the first time I had ever written a real application, and I still have a soft spot for GLUT.

    For my university project, I used Nate Robins’ GLUT for Win32 project for the Windows build, and freeglut for the Linux build. Windows freeglut binary packages are somewhat hard to find, particularly for the MinGW compiler, so I’ve created suitable packages and put them online. You can use them to build freeglut applications using Microsoft’s Visual C++ and MinGW.

  30. Getting started with OpenGL
  31. This is a paragraph.

  32. Tutorial: OpenGL 3.1 The First Triangle (C++/Win)
  33. This is a paragraph.

  34. Getting Started
  35. This is a paragraph.

    JumpStart to FreeLGUT!

  36. OpenGL Geometric Primitives
  37. Learn OpenGL geometric primitives through this interactive program..

  38. Blog/OpenGL/Geometric Primitives/
  39. This is a paragraph.

  41. This is a paragraph.

  43. This is a paragraph.

  44. This is a paragraph.

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