ActiveX PLot controls
after I compiled ActiveX project, then register it. close this project and it is done for now.
then open the Hello World project. in the toolbox window, right click -> Choose Items -> COM tab, go to bottom, click Browse button. Click Browse button and browse to where .ocx file is located and select this .ocx file. then it is done.
Visual Studio needs administrative previledge.
then compile this Hello World project. it is working!
- Create .zip folder from the command line - (Windows)
- Visual Studio 2010 - C++ project - remove *.sdf file
- Visual Studio keeps putting IPCH folder in my solution folder
- Project Cleaner
- An OpenGL ActiveX Control Developed with MFC
- gdiplusplot
- How to prevent or remove Visual Studio ipch/pch folders from the project
- GDI+ Plot ActiveX Control
- Warning MSB8012 TargetExt(.dll) does not match the Linker's OutputFile property value (.ocx). This may cause your project to build incorrectly. To correct this, please make sure that $(OutDir), $(TargetName) and $(TargetExt) property values match the value specified in %(Link.OutputFile).
- Loongnix 系统
- Leslie Zhai
- MOF Data Types
- Numbers (WMI)
- Clean Visual Studio Workspaces
Best Solution
the best solution is:
Imagine that you want to compress the same folder that you are on Command Prompt WITHOUT opening a powershell window:
powershell Compress-Archive .
Not So Good
This is a paragraph.
In putting together content for this site, I find myself working in Visual C++ which presented an unintended consequence, the project folder’s files are big, huge in fact! Most of the problem boils down to the intermediate files that Visual C++ generates for intellisense and pre-compiled headers.
Good Project and Working!
great thoughts!
xiangzhai / gdiplusplot.
isual Studio uses an ipch folder to save intellisense information and will create a sub folder below the project by default. The ipch folder can be deleted but Visual Studio applies admin level permissions which makes it difficult to delete Unfortunately Visual Studio does not allow a pch location to be altered for individual projects or solutions but the location can be overriden for an entire Visual Studio installation
You can instuct Visual Studio to "Always use the fall back location", if the fall back location is not supplied then Visual Studio will use a temp folder It is useful to note that once you change this setting Visual Studio releases all admin locks on any existing pch folders allowing you to delete them In the Tools>Options example below "Always Use Fallback location" has been altered from False to True.
GDI+ 2D plot ActiveX control.
the linker generated .ocx but in general setting it generates .dll file. so this will be an issue.
also all #include statements shall be put inside library definition statement.
Warning MSB8012 TargetExt(.dll) does not match the Linker's OutputFile property value (.ocx). This may cause your project to build incorrectly. To correct this, please make sure that $(OutDir), $(TargetName) and $(TargetExt) property values match the value specified in %(Link.OutputFile). GDIPlusControl C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets 1217.
the ocx registration command is:
Error MSB3075 The command "regsvr32 /s /c "C:\ActiveX\gdiplusplot-master\GDIPlusPlot\Debug\GDIPlusPlot.ocx"
echo regsvr32 exec. time > "C:\ActiveX\gdiplusplot-master\GDIPlusPlot\Debug\regsvr32.trg"
:VCEnd" exited with code 5. Please verify that you have sufficient rights to run this command. GDIPlusPlot C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets 255
龙芯开源社区是龙芯CPU的基础软件生态建设平台,由龙芯公司组织并联合产业链合作厂商(合作者)、国际开源软件社区及开源爱好者共同参与建设。 社区以“开源、开放”的形式进行管理,设置PMON、内核、KVM虚拟机、龙芯浏览器、JAVA、图形、媒体、编译工具、龙芯容器生态等系列基础软件项目,发布有龙芯社区版操作系统Loongnix,系统由龙芯中科,龙芯梦兰等社区主要成员单位共同完成。龙芯基础软件方面的研制优化成果将首先在社区版的Loongnix操作系统中集成和验证。 如果您是龙芯计算机的用户,请先检阅Loongnix系统适配机型一览表,然后下载安装Loongnix系统,获得最好的体验... ... 如果您是系统厂商,欢迎您从社区获取龙芯平台基准Loongnix系统,以及最新的优化成果... ... 如果您愿意为国产芯片软件生态建设贡献一份力,那么欢迎您能参与到社区的建设中来,加入社区... ....
I am from Wuhan, a very beautiful city in China!.
This is a paragraph.
In MOF, numbers are digits that describe numerical values. MOF provides a variety of data types that translate into Automation, and also allows those numbers to be in different formats. The following table lists the numeric values that MOF supports..
Clean Viusal Studio workspaces by deleting folders such as Release, Debug etc. and intermediate files.
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