Tuesday, May 17, 2022

user control tricks

create simple engine from Custom Control books.

Error Message "Code generation for property 'notchChanged' failed. Error was:'Type TimeSpanControl in Assembly... is not marked as serializable'.


  1. Code generation for property < xxx > failed
  2. Solution is the attribute:


  3. UserControl collection not marked as serializable
  4. I must be missing something really obvious. I'm quite new to C# but have been programming in C/C++ for years, so sorry if it IS something blindingly obvious ;)

    Solution - Step 1
    I believe that you have this problem because Designer automatically tries to serialize all public UserControl properties. If this property is not needed for your custom UserControl design time support, then you can Add "DesignerSerializationVisibility" attribute:

  5. How can i fix the error start with code generation for property controls failed when trying to save or rebuild the project ?
  6. Solution - Step 2
    find the solution here: basically need to clean up the corrupted code in designer.cs file. for my case, all index=0. it is not right...

    1. 1. Backup your project.
    2. 2. Comments InitializeComponent method.
    3. Sample:
      public Form() { //InitializeComponent(); }
    4. 3. Rebuild Solution.
    5. 4. Open the Form Designer.
    6. 5. Open the ‘Form.Designer.c’s and ‘Form.cs’, then remove the code about the labels which you want delete.
    7. 6. Uncomments InitializeComponent method and rebuild the solution.
    8. 7. Save the project and restart it.


  7. SerializableAttribute Class
  8. Indicates that a class can be serialized. This class cannot be inherited.

  9. Type in assembly is not marked as serializable
  10. Type in assembly is not marked as serializable
  11. DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute Class
  12. https://www.codeproject.com/Questions/1241809/Code-generation-for-property-failed-Error-was-type
  13. C# Application Detected By Kaspersky As Trojan Virus (VHO:Trojan.MSIL.Convagent.gen)
  14. 0 "VHO:Trojan-Ransom.MSIL.Convagent.gen" how is fix

  15. Advanced Build Settings dialog box (C#)
  16. Use the Advanced Build Settings dialog box of the Project Designer to specify the project's advanced build configuration properties. This dialog box applies to C# projects only.

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