Monday, May 16, 2022

IEnumerable vs. List

c# ienumerable to list

  1. IEnumerator Interface
  2. Supports a simple iteration over a non-generic collection.

  3. IEnumerable Interface
  4. Exposes an enumerator, which supports a simple iteration over a non-generic collection.

  5. List <T > Class
  6. Represents a strongly typed list of objects that can be accessed by index. Provides methods to search, sort, and manipulate lists.

  7. C# | List Class
  8. List <T > class represents the list of objects which can be accessed by index. It comes under the System.Collection.Generic namespace. List class can be used to create a collection of different types like integers, strings etc. List lt;T > class also provides the methods to search, sort, and manipulate lists.

  9. IEnumerable in C#
  10. Many times there is a need to loop through a collection of classes or lists which are anonymous types. IEnumerable interface is one of the best features of C# language which loops over the collection. Let us learn about it step by step so beginners also can understand.


  11. Converting from IEnumerable to List [duplicate]
  12. Casting IEnumerable<T > to List <T >
  13. I was wondering if it is possible to cast an IEnumerable to a List. Is there any way to do it other than copying out each item into a list?

  14. Convert an IEnumerable to a List in C#
  15. C# IEnumerable Examples
  16. Use the IEnumerable interface. IEnumerable things can be looped over with foreach.

  17. Understanding and Implementing the Iterator Pattern in C#
  18. How to implement the Iterator pattern in C#

  19. A Beginner's Tutorial on Implementing IEnumerable Interface and Understanding yield Keyword
  20. This article discusses how to implement IEnumerable interface and using yield keyword.

  21. Implement a method returning an IEnumerable (Iterators in C#)
  22. Developers do not need to implement the IEnumerable and IEnumerator interfaces to return an IEnumerable. They can avoid writing all of that code by taking advantage of support for iterators in C#. This tutorial shows how.

  23. Split String

  24. Split a string by another string in C#
  25. I've been using the Split() method to split strings, but this only appears to work if you are splitting a string by a character. Is there a way to split a string, with another string being the split by parameter?

  26. C# Split String Examples
  27. Use the string.Split method. Call Split with arguments to separate on newlines, spaces and words.

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