Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Special Folders and Path operations

Special Folders

    Special Strings & operators

  1. $ - string interpolation (C# reference)
  2. The $ special character identifies a string literal as an interpolated string. An interpolated string is a string literal that might contain interpolation expressions. When an interpolated string is resolved to a result string, items with interpolation expressions are replaced by the string representations of the expression results. This feature is available starting with C# 6..

  3. @ (C# Reference)
  4. The @ special character serves as a verbatim identifier. It can be used in the following ways:

  5. String Interpolation In C#
  6. C# string interpolation is a method of concatenating, formatting and manipulating strings. This feature was introduced in C# 6. Using string interpolation, we can use objects and expressions as a part of the string interpolation operation..

  7. The String Interpolation Operator
  8. Elsewhere in this tutorial, you'll find a lengthy description of the string data type, because dealing with text is such an important task. In this article we'll focus on a special operator for working with strings, allowing you to do quite a few extra tricks when declaring strings. It's called string interpolation (introduced in C# 6.0) and it will allow you to place special markers in your string, which the interpreter will later replace with the relevant values. It works much like the String.Format() method we already discussed, but the syntax is more readable and convenient..

    Directory class -complete

  9. If a folder does not exist, create it
  10. I use a FileUploader control in my application. I want to save a file to a specified folder. If this folder does not exist, I want to first create it, and then save my file to this folder. If the folder already exists, then just save the file in it..

  11. Directory Class
  12. Exposes static methods for creating, moving, and enumerating through directories and subdirectories. This class cannot be inherited..

  13. How to: Enumerate directories and files
  14. Enumerable collections provide better performance than arrays when you work with large collections of directories and files. To enumerate directories and files, use methods that return an enumerable collection of directory or file names, or their DirectoryInfo, FileInfo, or FileSystemInfo objects..

    If you want to search and return only the names of directories or files, use the enumeration methods of the Directory class. If you want to search and return other properties of directories or files, use the DirectoryInfo and FileSystemInfo classes.

    You can use enumerable collections from these methods as the IEnumerable <T > parameter for constructors of collection classes like List <T >.

  15. A Complete C# Directory Tutorial
  16. Folders on an operating system stores files. Directory class in C# and .NET provides functionality to work with foldes. The functionality includes in this article covers, how to read a folder properties, get size and number of files of a folder, create a folder, create a sub folder, iterate through all files in a folder, move a folder, and delete a folder..

  17. How to use C# Directory Class
  18. Directory class in CSharp exposes methods to create , delete , move etc. operations to directories and subdirectories . Because of the static nature of C# Directory class , we do not have to instantiate the class. We can call the methods in the C# Directory class directly from the Directory class itself..

  19. C# Back to Basics – File and Directory Classes
  20. File and Directory classes contain different static methods for manipulating the files, directories, and subdirectories. These classes exist in the System.IO namespace. So, let’s inspect some of the most used methods of both classes..

    File and Directory Classes

  21. Files & Directories
  22. all classes related with file and directory.

  23. C# Directory
  24. C# Directory tutorial shows how to work with directories in C#. In our examples we create directories, delete them, list directories or get their permissions..

  25. List of all tutorials
  26. all functions and methods needed in C# Windows Form application.

    This page contains all ZetCode e-books and tutorials..

  27. “c# get directory in a path” Code Answer’s
  28. it lists all userful methods for Windows Form application.

    Special Folders

  29. c# get documents folder
  30. c# get documents folder.

  31. How to get the path to my documents etc
  32. string path = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);.

  33. Get Special Folder
  34. This is a paragraph.

  35. Get locale specific directory in My documents
  36. I have my custom application that generates a directory in My documents path, after installation the application uses that directory, but i got an issue in Chinese windows OS, where my application folder name appears in Chinese, so is there any way i can get the file name properly in "en" or some wordaround so that i can that directory name at runtime..

  38. Sometimes you may want to get the current executable file path of your C# program. The working folder is needed to access settings, database, images, or resource files residing in the same directory as the currently running C# executable file of your program..

  39. Get Special Folder
  40. let me start again. How do I use this class, which extends the internal Environment.GetSpecialFolder?.

  41. DamianSuess/
  42. C# Environment.SpecialFolder.

  43. C# : Get Special Folder Path (Desktop, StartMenu, Program data)
  44. In C#, we can get the path of a special folder, such as Desktop, Program Files, Programs, Start Menu and Startup using the .net function Environment.GetFolderPath. and we can also get All User’s common profile path by using the API (“shell32.dll”) function SHGetSpecialFolderPath..

  45. A More Powerful BinaryReader/Writer
  46. Extending BinaryReader/Writer to support a different byte order, string and date formats, and advanced navigation in binary files

  47. Getting All "Special Folders" in .NET
  48. Retrieving the path to the new user folders like Downloads, Saved Games or Searches

  49. List the locations of special folders in C#
  50. List the locations of special folders in C#

  51. Get a Special Folder Path in C#
  52. Use the System.Environment namespace's GetFolderPath method to retrieve the path of a special folder. It can also create the folder if it does not exist.

    System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Recent, Environment.SpecialFolderOption.None))
  53. Get System Environment Special Folders and Temp Folder Path
  54. The System.Environment namespace has an enumeration that provides the location of all special folders. This code snippet enumerates them and also shows the Windows Temp Path..

  55. Environment.SpecialFolder Enumeration
  56. System_CAPS_noteNote The .NET API Reference documentation has a new home. Visit the .NET API Browser on to see the new experience.

    Specifies enumerated constants used to retrieve directory paths to system special folders.

  57. Where to store your application data?
  58. Actually I don’t intend to answer the question “Where to store your application data?” because this will depend on your requirements, but what this post will look at is, some of the options available and hopefully help shed light on what best suits your application..

  59. How to retrieve the Downloads Directory Path in WinForms C#
  60. Learn how to properly obtain the downloads directory path with C# in WinForms..

  61. How to set folder permission using C# code?
  62. Not every system has the right folder permission set to all user account and hence, sometime we need special access to specific folder during installation or while executing the application. It is not possible to manually set it up by browsing the folder and hence an automation is mandatory..

  63. Git Tutorial for beginners (Git Bash Commands)
  64. Git Tutorial for beginners (Git Bash Commands).

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