app.config reading and writing
app config under solution app.config
- How to use App.Config (Application Configuration) in Console Application or Windows Application in C# ?
- Multi App.config in Visual Studio 2017
When we develop a console application or windows application, we may require putting the configuration settings in an App.config file similar to Web.config in application. You can do this by following the below steps in Visual Studio,.
I have been working on a couple of projects and I like to keep my test/build environment separate from my production environment. Usually I only see these kinds of transformations in a web.config(web projects). Transformations in the config files allow for many different settings based on the specific configuration you may be building your project in. An example of why you might want multiple config files in a web application is so that you can have a local testing connection string and a production connection string set based on your project configuration. A quick search around the web will show many third party XML Transformation tools that you can use. With a bit of configuration Visual Studio will do this just fine..
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