Wednesday, January 12, 2022


c# context menu get parent control

    Good Tricks

  1. Getting the parent object from a context menu
  2. I have a several buttons and all have a context menu. That context menu has one menu item called delete. All context menus share the same click event.

    I want to be able to determine which button it has come from (get the when the delete menu is clicked..

  3. context menu parent?
  4. Hi I added a context menu on label (c#, winforms). my context menu having 3 child items and i want to display label text when i click on any one of context menu items..

    Microsoft Docs

  5. ContextMenu.SourceControl Property
  6. Gets the control that is displaying the shortcut menu..

  7. ContextMenuStrip Class
  8. Represents a shortcut menu.

  9. context menu parent?
  10. Hi I added a context menu on label (c#, winforms). my context menu having 3 child items and i want to display label text when i click on any one of context menu items..

  11. C# Tutorial 98: How to use ContextMenuStrip (Right mouse click) in C#
  12. good video.

  13. Dropdown Menu - Custom ContextMenuStrip (Multilevel) - C# & WinForms
  14. How to create a a Dropdown Menu/ Custom ContextMenuStrip? In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a Custom ContextMenuStrip with 2 design styles:h.

  15. C# Windows Form notes: very good ones
  16. My preference is to create forms entirely in code, so when I add a new file I select "class" instead of "form" to get a simple *.cs file..

  17. Check which submenu item was clicked in context menu strip
  18. There is a ContextMenuStrip in a grid control. I have named it as GridContextMenu..

  19. This is a paragraph.

  20. This is a paragraph.

  21. This is a paragraph.

  22. This is a paragraph.

  23. This is a paragraph.

  24. This is a paragraph.

  25. This is a paragraph.

  26. This is a paragraph.

  27. This is a paragraph.

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