OPENGL techniques highlights. keyword: openGL
- True OpenGL Zooming
- Getting Started with Volume Rendering using OpenGL
- OpenGL Win32 AppWizard
- Rubber-Banding with OpenGL
- OpenGL for Both Native and .NET Environment
- missing glaux.h in v6.0a sdk?
- OpenGL Geometric Primitives
- Learning Modern OpenGL
- Handling Enhanced Mouse Wheels in your Application
- Mouse Selection in OpenGL Scene
- Interactive Techniques in Three-dimensional Scenes (Part 1): Moving 3D Objects with the Mouse using OpenGL 2.1
- Pick Selection with OpenGL and OpenCL
- Adding demo of OpenCL and OpenGL pick selection
- Linear Rigid Body Dynamics with OpenGL
- Capturing the Mouse
- 2D Drawing with an OpenGL Control
- Getting Started With OpenGL
- Shapefile C Library
- .SHP File API
- Rendering Shapefile in OpenGL
- OpenGL Terrain Generation - An Introduction
- PicZoom: A Photo Viewer Created in OpenGL
- OpenGL MFC AppWizard
- Generating Outlines in OpenGL
- inside Configuration Properties->General->Output directory:$(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)\
- inside Configuration Properties->General->Intermediate Directory:$(Configuration)\
- inside Configuration Properties->General->Intermediate Directory:$(Configuration)\
- inside Configuration Properties->General->Target Name: $(ProjectName)d
- inside Configuration Properties->General->Target Extension: .lib
- inside Configuration Properties->General->Configuration Type: Static Library(.lib)
- inside Configuration Properites->Librarian->General->output file: $(OutDir)$(TargetName)$(TargetExt)
- OGLTools, A OOP solution to OpenGL programming
True zooming on a perspective view...
Step by step explanation of 3D image rendering using OpenGL
This article demonstrates texture based rendering. It starts off with the 2D texture approach and explains the issues if we use it, and ends with the 3D texture technique.
This Custom AppWizard for VC++ 6.0 or VC++.NET creates an OpenGL enabled Win32 application suitable for demos and simple games.
Rubber-banding with OpenGL - A utility class
This article shows how you can bring OpenGL to both native and .NET environment.
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Learn OpenGL geometric primitives through this interactive program.
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One another approach for picking objects with the mouse in OpenGL scene.
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Using GPU Acceleration to Compute Ray-Triangle Intersection
source code in GitHub.
Simulating displacement, velocity, and acceleration in code..
Notes on TrackMouseEvent, and SetCapture on Win32
An article explaning how to create a user control for 2D shape drawing with OpenGL
This article is all about getting started with OpenGL.
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The .SHP API uses a SHPHandle to represent an open .shp/.shx file pair. The contents of the SHPHandle are visible (see shapefile.h) but should be ignored by the application. It is intended that all information be accessed by the API functions. Shape Types
Rendering ESRI Shapefiles(.shp) using OpenGL.
This code will demonstrate how to generate a terrain from a bitmap file.
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Great Demo & Greate Thoughts
An article showing how to make a Custom AppWizard for OpenGL applications in Visual Studio .NET 2008
Using multi-pass techniques to generate outlines in OpenGL.
the project folder is Outline_Mode_src.
in OGLT.h header file, you can see the dll in debug mode shall be names in $(ProjectName)d.dll
inside the folder:C:\Demo_Temp\Outline_Mode_src\include, there are many header files and I can see more techniques are used inside this project.
working. displayed 3-D coordinate system.
it used another project from Jonathan de Halleux in the following articles. it produced some useful helper classes so that user can cause OPENGL easily in MFC application.
this thought can be used in my project.
A set of classes designed to make programming of OpenGL easier
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