how to exclude folder in TortoiseSVN client submission?
- Ignore files which are already versioned
- Tortoise svn:ignore list
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Tortoise svn:ignore list
Ignoring Files And Directories, If you right click on a single unversioned file, and select the command TortoiseSVN → Add to Ignore List from the context menu, a submenu appears allowing Open the context menu there and you will see the option to remove it from the ignore list. As far as the "recursive" option on ignoring an item, that likely means it will add the item to the svn:ignore property of the current directory and its child directories rather than just the current directory.
Ignore files which are already versioned, If you have not yet committed the add, then all you have to do is use TortoiseSVN → Undo Add to undo the add. You should then add the file(s) to the ignore list The big difference here is that the global ignore list is a client property. It applies to all Subversion projects, but on the client PC only. In general it is better to use the svn:ignore property where possible, because it can be applied to specific project areas, and it works for everyone who checks out the project.
TortoiseSVN - Ignoring files and folders, If you select 'SVN Commit' from the menu, then select the file/folder you will be able to Ignore from there. Otherwise, you can select If the files are already in the repository, they have to be deleted from the repository and added to the ignore list. Fortunately TortoiseSVN has a convenient shortcut for doing this. TortoiseSVN → Unversion and add to ignore list will first mark the file/folder for deletion from the repository, keeping the local copy.
To find out what the different settings are for, just leave your mouse pointer a second on the editbox/checkbox... and a helpful tooltip will popup.
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