c# chart select point
- C# Chart, Windows Forms (Series and Points)
- Selection of Points or Series in MS Chart
- Chart.HitTest Method
- Extract nearest X,Y data from line series during mouseover event
- GDI+ Line/Curve Drawing and Hit Test
- Hit Testing Lines and Curves
- hit test project
- Rectangle.Contains Method
Use the Chart control from Windows Forms to display data in a graphical way. Chart. The Chart control visualizes your data. It displays data in your Windows Forms program as a bar graph or chart. With Chart you can quickly display your data in a colorful graphic controlled by C# code.
I am look at the System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart class, and I cannot figure out how to enable the selection of points or series (like in Excel charts). Is the functionality there, or do I have to implement it myself?
Determines the chart element, if any, that is located at a point defined by the given X and Y coordinates.
I'm doing an evaluation of this product. I'm using VS2015, C#, winforms. I'd like to know how to extract X,Y data from a line series chart at the nearest data point to where I mouse over the plotted line in the chart.
Demo application for developing a drawing application using GDI+. Featuring line/curve draw, hit test, and implementation of CObject/CObArray classes.
Useful graphics applications, such as CAD or drawing programs, permit the user to select and manipulate graphics objects. This article describes three methods for detecting if the user has selected a line or a curve.
need to download it soon..
Determines if the specified point is contained within the rectangular region defined by this Rectangle.
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