create temporary file names
- Generate temporary files with any extension
- Generating a String of a Method Name and of its Arguments in C++
- Using CString
- MFC Debugging Techniques
- CString to std::cout
- Crypt Library Demo
- Alternative to URLDownloadToFile function
- Diagnostic Services
- General diagnostic macros
- General diagnostic functions and variables
- Object diagnostic functions
- MFC Macros and Globals
- Class Library Overview
- Hierarchy Chart
- MFC Desktop Applications
- Customization for MFC
- Structures, Styles, Callbacks, and Message Maps
- Message Maps (MFC)
How to get temporary files with any extension..
A method utilizing variadic arguments and variadic macros is presented which permits the simple generation of a string of any method name and of its arguments from within that method.
Supportive Docs
The topics in this section describe how to program with CString. For reference documentation about the CString class, see the documentation for CStringT.
To use CString, include the atlstr.h header.
The CString, CStringA, and CStringW classes are specializations of a class template called CStringT based on the type of character data they support.
If you are debugging an MFC program, these debugging techniques may be useful..
std::wcout << a.GetString();.
Learn the basics of Microsoft CryptoAPI Library.
How to download files from an HTTP server.
MFC programming
The Microsoft Foundation Class Library supplies many diagnostic services that make debugging your programs easier. These diagnostic services include macros and global functions that allow you to track your program's memory allocations, dump the contents of objects during run time, and print debugging messages during run time. The macros and global functions for diagnostic services are grouped into the following categories:
The Microsoft Foundation Class Library can be divided into two major sections: (1) the MFC classes and (2) macros and globals. If a function or variable is not a member of a class, it is a global function or variable.
The MFC library and the Active Template Library (ATL) share string conversion macros. For more information, see String Conversion Macros in the ATL documentation.
The MFC macros and globals offer functionality in the following categories..
This overview categorizes and describes the classes in the Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC) version 9.0. The classes in MFC, taken together, constitute an application framework — the framework of an application written for the Windows API. Your programming task is to fill in the code that is specific to your application..
The following illustration represents the MFC classes derived from CObject:.
The Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library provides an object-oriented wrapper over much of the Win32 and COM APIs. Although it can be used to create very simple desktop applications, it is most useful when you need to develop more complex user interfaces with multiple controls. You can use MFC to create applications with Office-style user interfaces. For documentation on the Windows platform itself, see Windows documentation. For information on building Windows applications in C++ without MFC, see Build desktop Windows apps using the Win32 API.
The MFC Reference covers the classes, global functions, global variables, and macros that make up the Microsoft Foundation Class Library..
You can save and load the state of your application to the registry. When you enable this option, your application will load its initial state from the registry. If you change the initial docking layout for your application, you will have to clear the registry data for your application. Otherwise, the data in the registry will override any changes that you made to the initial layout..
This section documents the structures, styles, and callback functions used by the Microsoft Foundation Class Library and the MFC message maps.
This section of the reference lists all message mapping macros and all CWnd message-map entries along with the corresponding member function prototypes:.
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