freetype library
- OAG Library (OpenGL) Part 1 - Setting Up the Library for an MFC Application
- OAG Library (OpenGL) Part 2.1 - Drawing Objects 2D using the Mouse and Programatically
- OAG Library (OpenGL) Part 2.2 - Drawing 2D Texts Using the Mouse and Programatically
- OAG Library (OpenGL) Part 2.3 - Drawing 2D Textures Using the Mouse and Programatically
- Simple OpenGL Test Framework
- FreeType Fonts in OpenGL
- The FreeType Project:: download page
- freetype documentation
- ubawurinna / freetype-windows-binaries
- FreeType 2.0 Tutorial Step 1 -- simple glyph loading
- FreeType 2 Tutorial
- freetype Documentation
- Text Rendering
- FreeType Fonts in OpenGL
- FreeType 2 Tutorial Step 1 — simple glyph loading
- FreeType 2 Tutorial Step 2 — managing glyphs
- FreeType 2 Tutorial Step 3 — handling internals
- Freetype Fonts in OpenGl
- Using Freetype in visual studio
- Wikibooks OpenGL Modern TutorialsModern Tutorials Repository
- OpenGL Programming/Modern OpenGL Tutorial Text Rendering 02
- OpenGL Programming/Modern OpenGL Tutorial Text Rendering 01
- C++ OpenGL Tutorial - 30 - FreeType Installation
- Ep. 18: FreeType and FreeType-GL - Sparky Engine (How To Make a Game Engine)
- Let's read a Truetype font file from scratch
- The OpenType Font File
- An Introduction to TrueType Fonts: A look inside the TTF format
- How to Install, Remove, and Manage Fonts on Windows, Mac, and Linux
- Where is my TrueTypeFonts located in my computer?
- True Type Font File
- Retrieving Font Name from TTF File
- True (open, free) Type
- OpenGL Tutorial - 1 | Getting Started | OpenGL in C++ with the GLUT library
Freetype & OpenGL examples
OAG is a library written in C++. With this library, you can create OpenGL based applications.
This tutorial shows Library Code for Geometries 2D how to draw them programatically and how draw to objects using the mouse in an application MFC..
This tutorial shows library code for 2D Texts and how to draw them programatically using the mouse in an MFC application.
This tutorial shows library code for 2D Textures and how to draw them programatically using the mouse in an MFC application.
A simple OpenGL framework for fast prototyping of OpenGL and game applications.
A Quick Example
My note: this based on lesson 13. can follow and do exercise...
So here's a quick tutorial to show you how to use the FreeType version 2 font rendering library in OpenGL. By using the FreeType library we can create anti-aliased text that looks better than text made using bitmap fonts (as in Lesson 13). Our text will also have some other advantages over bitmap fonts - it will be easy to rotate and works well with OpenGL's picking functions.
Note: This tutorial has a small bug, see the fix here!
Feeetype 2 download
A free, high-quality, and portable font engine
FreeType is a software font engine that is designed to be small, efficient, highly customizable, and portable while capable of producing high-quality output (glyph images). It can be used in graphics libraries, display servers, font conversion tools, text image generation tools, and many other products as well.
FreeType Windows libraries (win32/win64) Compiled with VS Express 2017 (SDK 10.0.19041.0)
The freetype libraries use the Universal CRT and therefore requires Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable to be present on system.
FreeType 2.0 Tutorial Step 1 -- simple glyph loading.
FreeType 2 Tutorial
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At some stage of your graphics adventures you will want to draw text in OpenGL. Contrary to what you may expect, getting a simple string to render on screen is all but easy with a low-level API like OpenGL. If you don't care about rendering more than 128 different same-sized characters, then it's probably not too difficult. Things are getting difficult as soon as each character has a different width, height, and margin. Based on where you live, you may also need more than 128 characters, and what if you want to express special symbols for like mathematical expressions or sheet music symbols, and what about rendering text from top to bottom? Once you think about all these complicated matters of text, it wouldn't surprise you that this probably doesn't belong in a low-level API like OpenGL.
Nehe's lesson 13.
This is the first section of the FreeType 2 tutorial. It will teach you how to:
This is the second section of the FreeType 2 tutorial. It describes how to:
This is a paragraph.FreeType 2 Tutorial Step 3 — handling internals
In the summer of '03 I wrote a tutorial explaining how to use freetype fonts in OpenGL. It still survives on the web as Nehe Lesson 43. The tutorial code on NeHe's site has known bugs, I've included fixes below.
If you found the tutorial helpful, you might also be interested in this hacked version of the tutorial code that uses glDrawPixels instead of textured polygons to render the character glyphs -- it's simpler, and may be more robust (because it's immune to any problems related to texture memory or matrix stacks).
Here's some code that uses w_char's instead of chars, and which may be helpful if you need to display text in a language other than english (it'll give you things like "öáæé").
Go to freetype directory, open the solution file in builds/windows/vs2010, and build it to get *.lib files..
A good OpenGL Books
very good.
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This is a paragraph.
very good video.
Ep. 18: FreeType and FreeType-GL - Sparky Engine (How To Make a Game Engine)
Drag a font file here to reveal its innermost secrets! Here's one in case you don't have one handy..
An OpenType font file contains data, in table format, used for rendering of text. Portions of the data are used by applications to calculate the layout of text using the font; that is, the selection of glyphs and their placement within a line. Other data provide descriptions of glyphs as TrueType or Compact Font Format (CFF) outlines. Still other data can provide monochromatic or color bitmaps or SVG documents as alternate glyph descriptions. The font data also includes meta-information, such as name strings that can used to present the font as an available choice in a font-picker user interface. Each of these types of data is stored in one or more tables each designed for a particular purpose.
The primary font technology used on Microsoft Windows and the Mac OS is based on the TrueType specification. TrueType fonts are scalable which means the glyphs can be displayed at any resolution and any point size (though the glyphs may not look good in extreme cases). A TrueType font is a binary file containing a number of tables. There is a directory of tables at the start of the file. The file may contain only one table of each type, and the type is indicated by a case-sensitive four letter tag. Each table and the whole font have checksums.
The TrueType specification was developed by Apple and adopted by Microsoft. Later Microsoft and Adobe expanded the specification to support smart rendering and PostScript glyphs. The new specification, which added more tables, was called OpenType. Apple also added tables to TrueType to support a different smart rendering system producing the Apple Advanced Typography (AAT) font specification. SIL’s Graphite smart rendering system works by adding tables, too. This section is only concerned with the tables which were part of the original TrueType specification and which are still used in OpenType, AAT, and Graphite to describe glyphs and provide general font data. For more details, see the reference documentation
Whether you want to use a new font in a Word or just change your operating system’s system font to give it a different look, you’ll first have to install the font on your operating system.
The installation process makes the font available to all programs on your operating system. Most applications don’t allow you to simply load a font file and use it — they provide a list of installed fonts for you to choose from.
Burgi is correct, they are in C:\Windows\Fonts. However, navigating there in Explorer will result in a special view rather than a list of files. The easiest way to copy a file out from there is to use the command prompt, since it's not subject to the special folder views. This command copies the normal Arial font file to the current directory:
copy C:\Windows\Fonts\arial.ttf .
If you're not sure which file corresponds to a certain font, I would look in this Registry key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts
I am working on Scalable font. I wanted to know the specification of .ttf file or contains of .ttf file and how these contains are arranged. Question- Does anybody knows about the basic structure of .ttf file.
How to see the contains of .ttf binary file.
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OpenGL Tutorial - 1 | Getting Started | OpenGL in C++ with the GLUT library.
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