C++ standard library
- C++ library entities such as functions and classes are declared or/and defined in one or more standard headers. To make use of a library entity in a program, as in C program, we have to include them using the include preprocessor directive, #include.
- The Standard C++ library headers as shown in Table 23.1 together with the 16 Standard C headers (C++ wrappers - get the ideas of the wrappersswig.org) shown in Table 23.2, constitute an implementation of the C++ library.
- If you want to use functions, structure, macros and other built-in item available in the Standard C headers in C++ programming environment or ISO/IEC C++ compilers, use the C++ wrappers.
These C++ wrappers are C headers that prefixed by c character such as
from . - Other than those ISO/IEC C and ISO/IEC C++ Standard headers should be implementation dependant, it is non standard. Keep in mind that there are a lot more non standard headers that you will find.
- C Standard Library Reference Tutorial
- Useful resources:: ISO/IEC standard
- C library function - malloc()
- The C++ Standard Library Tutorial
- C++ New Library - operator delete[]
- operator delete, operator delete[]
- new and delete operators
- delete() in C++
- new and delete operators in C++ for dynamic memory
- My Rant on C++'s operator new
- Why shouldn't C++ operator new/delete/variants be in header files?
- C++ Memory Management: new and delete
- An Introductory STL tutorial
- Practical Guide to STL
- How to wrap an MFC collection into an STL compliant iterator with the Boost iterator_facade
- find_first_of: A performance pitfall among the STL algorithms
- An Addition to Smart List classes
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