Saturday, September 26, 2020

drawing all kinds of shapes in VC/MFC and C#

drawing all kinds of shapes in VC/MFC

  1. The Spiral TrackBar Control
  2. very good formular is presented here.

  3. Using the new MFC7/ATL7 shared classes.
  4. his example demonstrates using the new shared ATL/MFC classes such as CPoint, CRect, CSize and CString

  5. Classes Shared by MFC and ATL
  6. The following table lists the classes shared between MFC and ATL.

  7. CRect Class
  8. CSize Class
  9. CPoint Class
  10. CStringT Class
  11. CImage Class
  12. special techniques

  13. Anti Aliased Image Rotation
  14. Anti Aliased Image Transformation (Aaform)
  15. Fast stepwise rotation
  16. We study the problem of computing R cos(a + k b) and R sin(a + k b) for increasing k

  17. Perspective Projection of a Rectangle (Homography)
  18. Short study of the perspective projection of a rectangle in space; homography opposed to bilinear transform.

    my note: it can be used to draw rotated Elliptic.

  19. Affine transformation
  20. Affine Transformations in Computer Graphics
  21. Some simple examples of how to apply affine transformations in computer graphics.

    need to reuse his method on MFC demos.

  22. Fractals in theory and practice
  23. Generate and understand NURBS curves
  24. Spline Interpolation - history, theory and implementation
  25. Transmission Line Matrix for Acoustic Simulations
  26. Sunflower Fractal - Practice
  27. A Math Class That Gives You More Than Just the Answer
  28. Rotating Picture Tray
  29. Elliptical Rotating Picture Tray and Editor
  30. we can see the formula to rotate an Elliptic...

  31. Gearographic Curves - Part 1
  32. Gearographic Curves - Part 2
  33. Dancing with Spirals
  34. it includes all kinds of formula of spirals. need to implement them in MFC and take a look their math attributes...

  35. The Vogel Spiral Phenomenon
  36. Spiral
  37. logarithmic spiral
  38. spiral
  39. Polar coordinate system
  40. Dynatrade-Bell™, Quantitative Trading Engine
  41. The Orthodromic Distance Between Two Geo-points
  42. Graphing Calculator in C# with LES
  43. this plotter can draw spiral with formulas!

  44. Using SetWorldTransform() to Rotate Basic Shapes by Any Angle
  45. Symbolic Link Rotation Utility for the Support of the Rotation of the Windows® Logon/Shutdown Screen
  46. EMF Record Rotation for EMR_POLYGON16
  47. CBTAngleWnd: A cool rotation angle custom control with full source code!
  48. VC++ Linker: /SUBSYSTEM (Specify Subsystem)
  49. Calculate exp() and log() Without Multiplications
  50. cordic methods
  51. Natural Logarithms and Exponent
  52. A simple program to solve quadratic equations with
  53. Atomiq - Code Similarity Finder
  54. Techniques for Avoiding Code Duplication
  55. Best-fitting line, circle and ellipse
  56. Using C to Blend Mathematics and Art (When Math goes Beautiful)
  57. qTimeLineEditor - A flexible graphical time line editor for your animations
  58. a good ruler logic

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