Thursday, January 30, 2020

scheme of software protection

some thoughts of software protection. include three components:

search "updater" in

  1. software updater. it update software version and check sum into registry item.
  2. software version enforcer. it will check current running software copy version and check sum. then compare the assembly version and check sum in the current registry. if the comparison match/equal, then let current copy working. otherwise disable current working copy. this software enforcer must be signed with my public key.
  3. my software product. it is obfuscated copy first. when it starts to run, it needs to check if my software version enforcer installed, then check public key of my company. if it is my company public key, or no software enforcer installed, then stop working and refuse to run.

  4. Copy Protection for Windows Applications
  5. Copy Protection for Windows Applications (Part 2)
  6. Copy Protection for Windows Applications (Part 3
  7. Copy Protection for Windows Applications (Part 4)

  8. An efficient way for automatic updating
  9. Download-Manager-for-Application-Updates
  10. TU: The Easy Update Library for Your Projects
  11. SmartClient: .NET Self Updating Applications
  12. Updating application clients with a Windows Installer: a simple workaround
  13. CatenaLoigc product
  14. Updater
  15. Adding automatic updates to your program - Part 1
  16. Application Auto Update Revisited
  17. Automatic Online Update Toolkit
  18. Purchase the Software Update Wizard
  19. Simple update check function
  20. UpdaterApp - a Library for Easy Update

  21. Maintenance and Updating of Legacy Code
  22. MS Access (*.mdb) + C#: SELECT, INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE Queries
  23. Batch Image Resizer
  24. An Updated Batch Image Resize Tool

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