set up my own application configuration: start from easier ones...
Quick Jump
Read/Write App.Config File with .NET 2.0
Learn what .NET 2.0 offers you to read/write App.Config files
Four Ways To Read Configuration Setting In C#
This article will demonstrate how we can get/read the configuration setting from Web.Config or App.Config in C#. There are different ways to set the values inside the configuration file and read their values, which are based on the defined keys. We define those values inside the configuration section, which might be needed to make it more secure. It can be some secret keys or the value, which should be received frequently.
C# Application Configuration Basics
Configurations are integral to applications that has to deal with user preferences or configurable components. C# .NET offers two standard means of handling configurations. They are rich and extendable, however, the defaults are adequate for the basic needs. Here I review the basic usage of the two configuration methods.
App.Config: Basics and Best Practices
In one of my previous posts, I wrote about the .NET build configuration system. I mentioned the app.config file, but didn’t really dive into it. So let’s take a closer look at this file now.
When you create a (non-web) .NET Framework application in Visual Studio, an app.config file is added to your project. When you create a class library or a .NET Core project, such a file is not included, although it can be done afterward.
What Is CSharp App Config And How To Use It
Csharp's App Config is a cornerstone for developers working with .NET applications. This article delves into its practical applications, offering a clear understanding of how to efficiently manage application settings.
Use Visual C# to store and retrieve custom information from an application configuration file
This article introduces how to store custom information from a configuration file that you can retrieve later during run time by its associated application. It's helpful when you must define data that's associated with an application.
Manage application settings (.NET)
Application settings enable you to store application information dynamically. With application settings, you can use a client computer to store information that shouldn't be included in the application code at runtime. Application settings can include connection strings, user preferences, and more.
What is App.config in C#.NET? How to use it?
I have done a project in C#.NET where my database file is an Excel workbook. Since the location of the connection string is hard coded in my coding, there is no problem for installing it in my system, but for other systems there is.
More Basics
Multiple app.config in C# Solution based on Build Selection
This is a nifty trick which I have learned in the recent months, so I thought to share …
App.Config in C#
This tutorial will explain the App.Config file in a C# project and demonstrate how it can be used.
How to use App.config in Visual Studio C# .NET
Add reference to System.Configuration :
good collection of config tricks
Creating Custom Configuration Sections in App.config
I recently started a new job as a Software Developer working on extending Sage software functionality. Much of this development is done in Visual C#. Through the projects I have been given, there have been a few concepts I have learnt that have proven to be very useful. One such concept is custom Configuration Sections in a Visual C# application’s App.config file.
How to use Configuration in a C# Console Project
Its very common and good practice to use a configuration file if you want your application to be externally configurable. This article shows how to create and use one in your C# Console Application.
Four Ways to Read Configuration Setting in C#
This article will demonstrate us how we can get/read the configuration setting from Web.Config or App.Config in C#. There are different purposes to set the values inside the configuration file and read their values based on defined keys, we define those values inside the configuration section which might be need to make it more secure, it could be some secret keys or the value which should get frequently.
C# Example: Reading Configuration Values from App.config File
C# Example: Reading Configuration Values from App.config File
C# – Store Variables and Collections in Config file
In this article, we will talk about the config file used for a C# application. What is the goal of it, and how to use it. How to get values and create your own config section.
Using the Settings file in C#
As a software developer, how many times have you needed to store your application’s settings in a file, be it an ini file, an xml file, or maybe even a plain text file? It is a common requirement for many developers, and with C# it is really simple to do.
C# custom App.config sections
C# custom App.config sections: source code example
Configuration Management
his article shows how to store/handle configuration settings in a config file and backend database.
Managing configuration settings persistence in .NET applications
A simple way to manage config settings read/write persistence through ADO.NET and XML.
Cinchoo - Simplified Configuration Manager
Easy configuration management in .NET
Unraveling the Mysteries of .NET 2.0 Configuration
In this article, you will learn how to utilize the powerful new .NET 2.0 configuration features to simplify and centralize your configuration code.
Custom Configuration Sections in .NET
Learn how to create custom configuration sections in .NET to help you simplify your application's configuration
Implementing Protected Configuration With Windows Apps
How to use the ProtectedConfiguration API to protect sensitive information in your application’s configuration file.
Application and component configuration
Application and component configuration from XML .config files.
Manage .NET configuration file appsettings section
This is .NET 2.0 Windows Form Application wich can help you to none tech user to update you appsettings in your application configuration file.
Creating a Custom Configuration Section in C#
Creation of a custom configuration section similar to AppSettings. Stores settings for both Development and Production environments, and returns the appropriate settings based on the machine’s configuration in which the application is being executed.
Modifying Configuration Settings at Runtime
This article will demonstrate how to add, delete, and update key value pairs in an App.config file.
Custom Configuration Sections in .NET 2.0
Creating a custom configuration section in .NET 2.0.
TreeConfiguration - configuration made as simple as it gets (or sets)
Manage configuration data with a few lines of code. Very few.
C# Tutorial - How to Display a Value from TextBox as Label Output
This video will demonstrate how to get value from textbox and show it as output on label