Saturday, April 22, 2023

power on tricks

collected some tips here

  1. What To Do If Your Computer Won’t Turn On After A Power Surge
  2. What To Do If Your Computer Won’t Turn On After A Power Surge

  3. Fix: Computer Won’t Turn On After Power Outage [8 Ways]
    1. Unplug the big black power cable from the back of the computer. If it’s a laptop, remove the battery as well
    2. Hold the ‘on’/power button your computer
    3. Wait 5 seconds
    4. Press the power button to ‘turn off’ your computer
    5. Plug in the big black power cable from the back of the computer again
    6. Turn on your computer

ClickOnce techniques

worthy to try..

  1. .NET Silent ClickOnce Installer for Winform & WPF in C# & VB
  2. NET compliant Silent ClickOnce Update Background Worker Service for Winform & WPF in C# & VB

  3. .NET Silent ClickOnce Installer for Winform & WPF in C# & VB
  4. In .NET Core 3.1, Microsoft added the missing Click-Once support that was in the .NET Framework. This article covers how to implement, troubleshoot & test locally, plus release to production/live MVC web server for installation and silent updating.

  5. .NET App Settings Demystified (C# & VB)
  6. In this article, you will learn how to enable development and production AppSettings support for non-ASP.NET Core Applications - Console, Winforms, and WPF - C# & VB samples included

  7. Working with SQLite in C# & VB
  8. DotNet.Core.SQLite - a lightweight performance wrapper library for working with SQLite including usage examples in C# & VB

  9. Convert JSON to C# Classes using Paste JSON as Classes Feature
  10. This tip shows how to convert complex JSON to C# classes in Visual Studio.

  11. LogViewer Control for WinForms, WPF, and Avalonia in C# & VB
  12. .NET Core LogViewer Control for WinForms, WPF, and Avalonia using the ILogger Framework with Microsoft Logger, Serilog, NLog, and Log4Net in C# & VB on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux

Friday, April 14, 2023

numerical stability

use this technique in astrologic algorithms...

  1. Solving Differential Equations - Numerical Integration and stability
  2. Practical implementations of the integrator expanded with more examples.

TracerX topics

some take-aways from my research

  1. TracerX Logger and Viewer for .NET
  2. Easy to use logger with a powerful viewer that supports filtering by thread, logger, etc.

Friday, April 7, 2023

TortoiseGit tutorials

TortoiseGit tutorials

    Must Watch video

  1. TortoiseGit Basics
  2. Here are the basics of working with TortoiseGit.

    Must watch video for me...

  3. Starting out with Git: How to use Git on Windows (TortoiseGit tutorial)
  4. how to generate putty key and set up GitHub server side SSH key...

  5. How to install and setup TortoiseGit then a demo with GitHub
  6. My Note: How to download and install tortoiseGit; how to set up GitHub server side;

    Step 1: download and install tortoiseGit on my desktop:

    Step 2: usingTortoiseGit: generate SSH keys: private and public key - > start puttyGen and generate the pair of keys:public and private.

    Step 3: new finding:if we want to change public key, we can generate a new public key. just click load button to load up private key and generate a new public key...

    Step 4: set up on GitHub then go to gitHub->log in ->Account Settings-> SSH key -> Add SSH Keys -> Add title and past public key in the below text box: - click add key -> confirm password to add paraphrase:

    Step 5: go back to tortoiseGit to check-> settings->git-> name and email are set correctly. the name and email are need to commit source code to GitHub.

    Step 6: Now: create an Eclcipse project and add some contents files

    Step 7: find this project and folder and select. right click it and create Git repository. please note: uncheck "make it bare" option.

    Step 8: right click project folder->tortoiseGit->Git commit->"master" and do the first commit.

    Step 9: create a code repository on GitHub: title can be as this convention: xx.yy.zz. copy SSH url link that will be used in tortoiseGit code push.

    Step 10: we can also use tortoiseGit->Git Syn menu->start up a window. it has all actions. here we just use "push" button.

    the set up is: Local Branch: master. Remote Branch:master. Remote URL: origin, which is set up by clicking "Manage" button. "AutoLoad Putty Key" checkbox is checked.

    Step 11: Git Pull action: on local machine, create a folder and create a Git repository inside this folder.

  7. Git and GitHub Version Control Tutorial - Part 4
  8. very good series and need to browse through them..

  9. Git and GitHub Version Control Tutorial - Part 1
  10. 1. what is Git 2. install Git Client 3. demo of Git 4. intro into GitHub

  11. Git and GitHub Version Control Tutorial - Part 2
  12. 1. Recap Part 1 2. GitHub 3. Using Git Bash with GitHub 4. Git Windows Client 5. Overview of Branching, Merging, Cloning, Forking

  13. it and GitHub Version Control Tutorial - Part 3
  14. 1. Overview of Branching, Cloning, Pulling, and Merging 2. Demo of it on Git Bash 3. Same demo on Windows Git 4. Intro into Forking 5. Demo of Forking and a Pull Request 6. Overview of Part 4

  15. Git and GitHub Version Control Tutorial - Part 4
  16. 1. Merge Conflicts 2. Git Tagging 3. Previous commit 4. Final thoughts 5. Congrats!

    Best to Me

  17. TortoiseGit Tutorial – How To Use TortoiseGit For Version Control
  18. This Tutorial Explains how to Download, Install and use the Git Version Control Client – TortoiseGit, a free Open-source Tool for Git-based Repositories:

  19. GitHub Tutorial For Developers | How To Use GitHub
  20. This GitHub Tutorial Explains What is GitHub and How to Create a Repository, Branch & Pull Request. It includes Branch Protection Rules & Conflict Resolution:

    How to user Branches? The developers normally work on the task assigned to them on a separate branch and merge the changes to the master branch. For Example, branches can be created for feature development or resolving bugs or working on enhancements, etc. Thus, by creating a branch the work is isolated without disturbing the other branches.

    We are now in the feature branch. The files are the same. We will now make some changes to the files in the feature branch and create a pull request to review the changes and merge the code into the master branch.

  21. Git Vs GitHub: Explore The Differences With Examples
  22. Sometimes people even use them interchangeably. In reality, both Git and GitHub are related to version control, however, they are not the same. In this tutorial, we will learn about Git vs GitHub and also walk through the differences between the

  23. Getting Started With Project Planning: GitHub Projects Beta Review
  24. GitHub recently introduced a new beta feature for better project planning. This new experience gives the project team a view of a roadmap for the future.

    The project plan is very much part of your GitHub Organization to plan and track your work and you do not need to switch to other tools.

    Let’s dive in and look at using this new project experience for issues within your repositories, add existing project to github and also look at how sprints can be planned as part of project tracking.

  25. GitHub Tutorial For Developers | How To Use GitHub
  26. GitHub is a cloud service that helps developers store and manage their source code as well as track and control all the changes to the source code.

    In simple terms, GitHub is meant for developers wherein they can manage the project, host the source code and review them too. We will explore all of these in this series.

  27. GitHub Desktop Tutorial – Collaborate With GitHub From Your Desktop
  28. This Tutorial Explains how to Download and use the GitHub Desktop to Collaborate With GitHub From Your Desktop for Efficient Version Control:

  29. Advanced Git Commands And GitHub Integration Tutorial
  30. This Tutorial Explores Useful Git Commands such as Git Stash, Git Reset, Git Cherry Pick, Git Bisect & Explains how to Integrate GitHub with Jira:

  31. GitHub Projects, Teams, Fork & Wiki For Documenting Projects
  32. This Tutorial on GitHub Explains Concepts like GitHub Projects, Organization and Teams, Fork a Repository, Issues and Project Milestones, GitHub Wiki etc:

    Official Manual

  33. TortoiseGit Manual
  34. official TortoiseGit Manual

  35. TortoiseGit Tutoria
  36. TortoiseGit Tutorial - PDF version

  37. Starting out with Git: How to use Git on Windows (TortoiseGit tutorial)
  38. very good tutorials- quick: 7 minutes..

  39. TortoiseGit Basics
  40. Here are the basics of working with TortoiseGit.

    Configure .gitignore file in Git

  41. Ignoring files
  42. You can configure Git to ignore files you don't want to check in to GitHub.

  43. .gitignore for Visual Studio Projects and Solutions
  44. Which files should I include in .gitignore when using Git in conjunction with Visual Studio Solutions (.sln) and Projects?

  45. gitignore/VisualStudio.gitignore
  46. gitignore/VisualStudio.gitignore

  47. Add Git Ignore to an existing Visual Studio Solution (New Git Experience)
  48. A few years ago I wrote a post covering how to Add Git Ignore to an existing Visual Studio Project which was using Visual Studio 2015 I believe. Though it is an old post, it holds up through the current version of Visual Studio. Fast forward to today and Visual Studio has a new Git Experience in preview which alters this process. This post will cover adding a Git ignore file to an existing solution using Visual Studio’s new Git experience. If you don’t see the Git menu in Visual Studio see the previous link for information on enabling the feature preview.

    Set up Hook

  49. Save Yourself Some Troubles with TortoiseGit Pre-commit Hook
  50. How to save yourself some trouble with TortoiseGit pre-commit hook

  51. Why the use of GetPixel and SetPixel is so inefficient!
  52. Couple of seconds to process a one megapixel picture… what the hell?

Saturday, April 1, 2023

TortoiseGit trouble shooting

TortoiseGit trouble shooting

Pageant is runnning always once it is started. on the bottom right toolbar, search for that icon. click add key....

  1. TortoisePlink
  2. introduction To provide an improved experience to any Git GUI using the command-line tools, this packaging of TortoiseGit’s customized plink provides a simple way to install TortoisePlink without the full TortoiseGit package.

    Setup Improved SSH interaction is as simple as downloading and installing TortoisePlink. But a few things should be checked.

    1. Ensure that the SSH, GIT_SSH, SVN_SSH, and CVS_RSH environment variables are not set for the user or system.
    2. Ensure that you are running the build of PuTTY that matches that of TortoisePlink if you want to use Peagent for you SSH keys.
    3. Ensure the VCS clients you are using, such as Git, do not have a specific SSH client specified.

  3. How to set up SSH auth with Windows/git/tortoisegit/putty/Synology
  4. Make sure you have followed heavyd directions on the ssh keys. Windows Git AND TortoiseGit require 2 environment variables set in Windows. (replace with your paths if different)

    1. GIT_SSH=C:\Program Files\TortoiseGIT\bin\TortoiseGitPlink.exe
    2. SVN_SSH=C:\Program Files\TortoiseGIT\bin\TortoiseGitPlink.exe
    3. You also need to make sure the PLINK_PROTOCOL is not being overridden. Otherwise, PLINK_PROTOCOL=ssh