Saturday, January 21, 2023

coordinate system

coordinate system

  1. Computer Graphics: Coordinate Systems
  2. good clear description

  3. Coordinate System
  4. best description I ever see...

  5. coordinate system - stony brooks
  6. another best descriptions

  7. World coordinate system - how does it work in FANUC ?
  8. World coordinate system - how does it work in FANUC ?

    Must Read

  9. Coordinate Systems and Transformations
  10. GDI+ provides a world transformation and a page transformation so that you can transform (rotate, scale, translate, and so on) the items you draw. The two transformations also allow you to work in a variety of coordinate systems.

  11. Types of Coordinate Systems
  12. GDI+ uses three coordinate spaces: world, page, and device.

    World coordinates are the coordinates used to model a particular graphic world and are the coordinates you pass to methods in the .NET Framework.

    Page coordinates refer to the coordinate system used by a drawing surface, such as a form or control.

    Device coordinates are the coordinates used by the physical device being drawn on, such as a screen or sheet of paper.

    When you make the call myGraphics.DrawLine(myPen, 0, 0, 160, 80), the points that you pass to the DrawLine method—(0, 0) and (160, 80)—are in the world coordinate space. Before GDI+ can draw the line on the screen, the coordinates pass through a sequence of transformations. One transformation, called the world transformation, converts world coordinates to page coordinates, and another transformation, called the page transformation, converts page coordinates to device coordinates.

  13. Matrix Representation of Transformations
  14. An m×n matrix is a set of numbers arranged in m rows and n columns. The following illustration shows several matrices.

  15. Global and Local Transformations
  16. A global transformation is a transformation that applies to every item drawn by a given Graphics object. In contrast, a local transformation is a transformation that applies to a specific item to be drawn.

    Theoretic Papers

  17. Coordinate Systems
  18. Coordinate System "Handedness"

  19. World coordinates, Normalised device coordinates and device coordinates
  20. detailed answers..

  21. Introduction to Computer Graphics (Lecture 4): Coordinates and transformations
  22. Many slides courtesy past instructors of 6.837, notably Fredo Durand and Barbara Cutler.

  23. Coordinate Systems
  24. The World Coordinate System We have learned that points' and vectors' coordinates relate to the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system defined by three perpendicular unit vectors (that make up a basis). We have also explained that we can create as many coordinate systems as we want and that points and vectors have unique coordinates within each of these coordinate systems. However, in most 3d applications, each type of coordinate system is defined with respect to a master coordinate system called the world coordinate system. It represents the origin and the main x-, y-, and z-axes defined by all other coordinate systems. The world coordinate system is the most important of all the different coordinate systems in the rendering pipeline. These include the object, local (used in shading), camera, and screen coordinate systems. We will explain all of these as we go along.

  25. Coordinate System
  26. best description I ever see...

  27. Changing Coordinate Frame
  28. Often in computer graphics we will find it useful to describe locations with respect to a particular coordinate frame. The most common scenario is describing the vertices that make up an object with respect to that object's coordinate frame

  29. coordinate system transformation
  30. good explanantion

  31. coordinate system -indiana
  32. coordinate system - stony brooks
  33. another best descriptions

  34. 2D and 3D Viewing Transformations
  35. 2D and 3D Viewing Transformations

  36. world coordinate system
  37. world coordinate system

  38. Coordinate Representations in Computer Graphics
  39. With few exceptions, general graphics packages are designed to be used with Cartesian coordinate specifications. If coordinate values for a picture are specified in some other reference frame (spherical, hyperbolic, etc.), they must be converted to Cartesian coordinates before they can be input to the graphics package. Special-purpose packages may allow use of other coordinate frames that are appropriate to the application.

    In general; several different Cartesian reference frames are used to construct and display a scene. We can construct the shape of individual objects, such as trees or furniture, in a scene within separate coordinate reference frames called modeling coordinates (MC), or sometimes local coordinates or master coordinates.

    Once individual object shapes have been specified, we can place the objects into appropriate positions within the scene using a reference frame called world coordinates (WC).

    Finally, the world-coordinate description of the scene is transferred to one or more output-device reference frames for display. These display coordinate systems are referred to as device coordinates (DC) or, screen coordinates in the case of a video monitor.

    Modeling and world-coordinate definitions allow us to set any convenient floating-point or integer dimensions without being hampered by the constraints of a particular output device. For some scenes, we might want to specify object dimensions in fractions of a foot, while for other applications we might want to use millimeters, kilometers, or light-years.

    Generally, a graphics system first converts world-coordinate positions to normalized device coordinates (NDC), in the range from 0 to 1, before final conversion to specific device coordinates. This makes the system independent of the various devices that might be used at a particular workstation. Figure 2-65 illustrates the sequence of co-ordinate transformations from modeling coordinates to device co-ordinates for a two-dimensional application. An initial modeling-coordinate position (Xmc, Ymc) in this illustration is transferred to a device coordinate position (Xdc, Ydc) with the sequence:

    The modeling and world-coordinate positions in this transformation can be any floating-point values; normalized coordinates satisfy the inequalities: 0 ≤ Xndc ≤ 1, 0 ≤ Yndc ≤ 1; and the device coordinates Xdc and Ydc are integers within the range (0, 0) to (Xmax, Ymax) for a particular output device. To accommodate differences in scales and aspect ratios, normalized coordinates are mapped into a square area of the output device so that proper proportions are maintained.

  40. Transformations From World To Viewing Coordinate
  41. Transformations From World To Viewing Coordinate

  42. Coordinate System
  43. analyzes the world2ndc matrix we have worked with in all of the tutorials

  44. Computer Graphics - Week 3
  45. Computer Graphics - Week 3

Monday, January 16, 2023

inversion of control, dependency injection

design pattern

  1. The Inversion of Control Pattern
  2. An understanding of "The Inversion of Control" Pattern

  3. Inversion of Control: Overview with Examples
  4. This article discusses the basic concepts of IoC, how to achieve it, and Dependency Injections.

  5. The Visitor Pattern Explained
  6. In my last job interview I got a (rather vague) question about traversing a tree and operating on the tree nodes. I think I’ve a lot of experience in programming but I couldn’t figure out the answer on my own. The answer the guy wanted to hear was: visitor pattern.

  7. Implement Observer Pattern in .NET (3 Techniques)
  8. Multiple techniques of implementing The Observer Pattern in .NET

  9. Cholesky decomposition
  10. The Cholesky decomposition is an approach to solve a matrix equation where the main matrix A is of a special type. It must be symmetrical to the main diagonal, element a11 must be positive and the other elements in the main diagonal must be bigger than or at least as big as the square of the other elements in the same row. Mathematically it is said the matrix must be positive definite and Hermitian. But does anybody understand this? :-)

  11. To Solve a Cubic Equation
  12. Gerolamo Cardano published a method to solve a cubic equation in 1545. There is a description of this method on Wikipedia. But it is not too detailed and on the German Wikipedia. In fact, the last part is missing and without this part, one cannot implement it into an algorithm. So I thought I could

  13. Cubic Equation
  14. Solution for ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d = 0 Method by Gerolamo Cardano (1501-1576) in his treatise Ars Magna.

  15. Quartic Equation
  16. Paper: A Note on the Solution of Quartic Equations By Herbert E. Salzer Quartic Equations Am. Math Society Proceedings, 1959. Modified here for support all cases.

  17. Quadratic equation
  18. In algebra, a quadratic equation (from Latin quadratus 'square') is any equation that can be rearranged in standard form as[1]

  19. Quintic function
  20. In algebra, a quintic function is a function of the form

Saturday, January 14, 2023

data plotter

data plotter

  1. DataPlotter - linear or logarithmic display of 2D data
  2. The DataPlotter is a .NET control for graphical display of 2D data. For both the X and Y axis a linear or logarithmic (any base) scaling can be selected.

  3. Line Graph Component in C#
  4. Line graph is user control which can be integrated into Winforms. The X points are plotted against Y.

  5. Linear and Logarithmic Display of 2D Data, An Enhancement
  6. The DataPlotter is a .NET control for graphical display of 2D data. For both the X and Y axis, a linear or logarithmic (any base) scaling can be selected.

  7. A Simple Graph Control
  8. A simple control to draw graphs of points as a function of time

  9. Graphi - The Line Graph Component
  10. Displays a line graph for statistics using Enum.

  11. Cristi Potlog's Chart Control for .NET
  12. This article introduces a sample chart control for Windows Forms.

  13. A Curve Custom Control for Windows Mobile
  14. This article describes/provides a 2D Curve Custom Control for Windows Mobile.

grid source code

free grid control in C#

  1. C# Grid
  2. An implementation of a grid in C#

  3. SourceGrid - Open Source C# Grid Control
  4. SourceGrid is a free open source grid control. Supports virtual grid, custom cells and editors, advanced formatting options and many others features

  5. C# 股票软件,带K线解析以及画图和一些个指标C# 股票软件,带K线解析以及画图和一些个指标C# 股票软件,带K线解析以及画图和一些个指标
  6. good to look at

  8. 关于股票的小软件,软件通过对市场信息数据的统计,按照一定的分析模型来给出数(报表)、形(指标图形)、文(资讯链接)。

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

how to draw hexagon and harmonics

how to draw hexagon

  1. Drawing a Hex Map
  2. I'm looking for some sample code that shows how to properly draw a hexagonal map. I'd like to also see how to make the hex click-able.

  3. Scott W Harden, DMD, PhD
  4. good website for graphics

  5. Hexagonal Grids
  6. This guide will cover various ways to make hexagonal grids, the relationships between different approaches, and common formulas and algorithms. I've been collecting hex grid resources for over 25 years. I wrote this guide to the most elegant approaches that lead to the simplest code, starting from the guides by Charles Fu and Clark Verbrugge. Most parts of this page are interactive.

  7. Algebraic Formula To Create A Hexagon In C#
  8. In computing floatingpoint arithmetic FP is arithmetic using formulaic representation of real A number that can be represented exactly is of the following form: point but the valuetorepresentation curve i.e. the graph of the logarithm function on the rounding used as replacement values when there is an overflow.

  9. Drawing Polygons
  10. In this lesson, you'll learn how to draw polygons using VB Net and C# code. You'll also see some more fill style

  11. INTERFACES 2020
  12. An interface is similar to a class, but it provides a specification rather than an implementation for its members.

  13. Custom drawing in 2D¶
  14. Godot has nodes to draw sprites, polygons, particles, and all sorts of stuff. For most cases, this is enough; but not always. Before crying in fear, angst, and rage because a node to draw that specific something does not exist... it would be good to know that it is possible to easily make any 2D node (be it Control or Node2D based) draw custom commands. It is really easy to do it, too.

  15. Creating a single hexagon in C# using DrawPolygon
  16. Ok so i have created a triangle but I cant for the life of me work out the coordinates to create a simple hexagon,

  17. C# Drawing Regular Polygons
  18. Drawing polygons in C# is relatively easy thanks to GDI+. As far as drawing regular polygons (polygons with edges of the same size) it gets slightly tricky because we need to calculate the polygon vertices.

  19. C# Draw polygons using angle degrees and Trig
  20. I'm trying to create simple shapes, Hexagon, Pentagon, Triangle, etc by having a starting Point and calculating where the other Points should be for each vertex. And i keep create straight lines or weird overlaping polygons. I use the method below to try to calculate the vertices for a Hexagon, then do a simple graphics.DrawPolygon(pen, aptsVertices) to draw it later. Any help would be appreciated.

  21. Angle class for radians and degrees
  22. I want to do a angle class to be initialized in radians or degrees but i don't know if it is a good idea. I'm thinking about something like this:

    Must Read

  23. Make Square of Nine chart in Excel and performance of astrolevel on 3rd Feb
  24. In this video, I show the Making of Square of Nine chart in Excel and the performance of astrolevel on 3rd Feb. I will start the first batch of my Gann Astro learning course from the 1st week of February. If you want to know anything about my course the contact me. My phone number: 9433797025 Whatsapp no: 8013079984

  25. Gann square of 144 Gann Mid point method explained
  26. This is the webinar recording of 13th June 2021 . This explains the Gann square of 144 Gann Mid point method of price and time forecast. Smart finance have created a new group to give updates on W. D . Gann learning . if you wish to be a member of that group then visit this link

  27. How to use Gannzilla
  28. In this video, I show how to use Gannzilla software and why Gannzilla is not useful. I am conducting a course about W.D Gann and Astrology. If you want to know anything about my course the contact me. My phone number: 9433797025 Whatsapp no: 8013079984

  29. W. D. Gann Square of Nine
  30. Recently I have started looking at Gann again and have found many resources that I have not seen before. I am not an expert on Gann but thought if I start a thread and share what I have found there may be others that are interested also.

  31. Looking At The Hexagon Chart
  32. In this week's video I take a quick look at W. D. Gann's Hexagon Chart.

  33. Jeff Cooper's Square Of 9 Wheel
  34. Jeff Cooper breaks down the methodology behind the Square of 9 Wheel and Gann Theory. Take a FREE trial to his report here:

  35. W D Gann's Square of Nine
  36. In this video I talk about the calculator known as W. D. Gann's Square of Nine. The first of Two parts.

  37. Michael S Jenkins Explains Gann's Time and Price Squared
  38. V_10_Gann Square of 9 method 1
  39. Using Gann square of 9 to find resistance and support lines, method 1

  40. Gann Analysis - Basics #1
  41. Watch other Analysis videos:

  42. Gann Square Of Nine: Excel Template And Library
  43. Gann Square Of Nine: Excel Template And Library

  45. These harmonic numbers are applicable to BOTH time and price cycles, represent important resistance levels and can be arranged beautifully in solids.

  47. 9 digits as method of calculations – Harmonics (Harmony)

  49. The following is extract from the book titled, "W. D. Gann Declassified" that I am working on. Time permitting, IF the book is completed, it will be available on this website free of charge and without any copyright. (I didn't spend 22 years researching Gann to sell books and more importantly, it's Gann's work not mine).

Monday, January 2, 2023

Must Read- Gann papers

Must Read- Gann papers. I have one PDF file: :/GANN_documents/AAA_dokumen.tips_gann-square-of-9-cmt-association-advancing-the-gann-square-of-9-.pdf


  1. Make Square of Nine chart in Excel and performance of astrolevel on 3rd Feb
  2. In this video, I show the Making of Square of Nine chart in Excel and the performance of astrolevel on 3rd Feb. I will start the first batch of my Gann Astro learning course from the 1st week of February. If you want to know anything about my course the contact me.

  3. Prepare W D Gann's Dynamic Level calculator and different use ENGLISH
  4. In this video, I discuss how you can prepare a Gann Dynamic level calculator and use it in the market. There are different ways you can use it. In the last, I show my way of properly using it. You can ask me any doubt via WhatsApp or email. I am conducting a course about W.D. Gann's concept and Financial Vedic astrology. If you want to know anything about my course then contact me.


  5. W.D Gann the Basis of My Forecasting Method
  6. AeroDynamics Investment
  7. good training

  8. Square of 9 Chart
  9. please print out

  10. Sqaure of 9
  11. good excel templates

  12. W.D. Gann's Books and Educational Materials
  13. We are the Original and Authorized Publishers of W.D. Gann's Books and Educational Materials.