A Hierarchy of C++ classes designed to facilitate Windows programming
An alternative to using Win32 API functions
A Visual C++ Windows app can use either Win32 API MFC or both:.
Visual C++ Programming Workshop
good links of resources.
special edition using Visual C++ 6.0
MFC Macros and Globals
When you're writing programs, you must use many types of data and operations again and again. Sometimes, you have to do something as simple as creating a portable integer data type. Other times, you need to do something a little more complex, such as extracting a word from a long word value or storing the position of the mouse pointer. As you might know, when you compile your program with Visual C++, many constants and variables are already defined. You can use these in your programs to save time writing code and to make your programs more portable and more readable for other programmers. In the following tables, you'll have a look at the most important of these globally available constants, macros, and variables..
Windows Programming Review and a Look Inside CWnd
The Microsoft Foundation Classes were written for one single purpose: to make Windows programming easier by providing classes with methods and data that handle tasks common to all Windows programs. The classes that are in MFC are designed to be useful to a Windows programmer specifically. The methods within each class perform tasks that Windows programmers often need to perform. Many of the classes have a close correspondence to structures and window classes, in the old Windows sense of the word class. Many of the methods correspond closely to API (Application Programming Interface) functions already familiar to Windows programmers, who often refer to them as the Windows SDK or as SDK functions..
Getting a Handle on All These MFC Classes
There are more than 200 MFC classes. Why so many? What do they do? How can any normal human keep track of them and know which one to use for what? Good questions. Questions that will take a large portion of this book to answer. The first half of this book presents the most commonly used MFC classes. This section looks at some of the more important base classes.
CWnd class
As already mentioned, CWnd is an extremely important class. Only classes derived from CWnd can receive messages; threads and documents can receive commands but not messages.
Useful Classes
Useful Classes.
Messages and Commands
Understanding Message Routing
If there is one thing that sets Windows programming apart from other kinds of programming, it is messages. Most DOS programs, for example, relied on watching (sometimes called polling) possible sources of input like the keyboard or the mouse to await input from them. A program that wasn't polling the mouse would not react to mouse input. In contrast, everything that happens in a Windows program is mediated by messages. A message is a way for the operating system to tell an application that something has happened--for example, the user has typed, clicked, or moved the mouse, or the printer has become available. A window (and every screen element is a window) can also send a message to another window, and typically most windows react to messages by passing a slightly different message along to another window. MFC has made it much easier to deal with messages, but you must understand what is going on beneath the surface.
Messages are all referred to by their names, though the operating system uses integers to refer to them. An enormous list of #define statements connects names to numbers and lets Windows programmers talk about WM_PAINT or WM_SIZE or whatever message they need to talk about. (The WM stands for Window Message.) An excerpt from that list is shown in Listing 3.1..
Where can I find the Windows header files [closed]
First you need to install Visual Studio or the Windows SDK. I'd give URLs here but they change with every new version of windows. The header files could be in
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\vX.X\Include
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\vX.X\Include,(where vX.X reflects the version number).
Documents and Views
Understanding the Document Class
When you generate your source code with AppWizard, you get an application featuring all the bells and whistles of a commercial 32-bit Windows application, including a toolbar, a status bar, ToolTips, menus, and even an About dialog box. However, in spite of all those features, the application really doesn't do anything useful. In order to create an application that does more than look pretty on your desktop, you need to modify the code that AppWizard generates. This task can be easy or complex, depending on how you want your application to look and act.
Probably the most important set of modifications are those related to the document--the information the user can save from your application and restore later--and to the view--the way that information is presented to the user. MFC's document/view architecture separates an application's data from the way the user actually views and manipulates that data. Simply, the document object is responsible for storing, loading, and saving the data, whereas the view object (which is just another type of window) enables the user to see the data onscreen and to edit that data in a way that is appropriate to the application. In this chapter, you learn the basics of how MFC's document/view architecture works..
Drawing on the Screen
Understanding Device Contexts
Most applications need to display some type of data in their windows. You'd think that, because Windows is a device-independent operating system, creating window displays would be easier than luring a kitten with a saucer of milk. However, it's exactly Windows' device independence that places a little extra burden on a programmer's shoulders. Because you can never know in advance exactly what type of devices may be connected to a user's system, you can't make many assumptions about display capabilities. Functions that draw to the screen must do so indirectly through something called a device context (DC).
Although device independence forces you, the programmer, to deal with data displays indirectly, it helps you by ensuring that your programs run on all popular devices. In most cases, Windows handles devices for you through the device drivers that users have installed on the system. These device drivers intercept the data that the application needs to display and then translates the data appropriately for the device on which it will appear, whether that's a screen, a printer, or some other output device.
To understand how all this device independence works, imagine an art teacher trying to design a course of study appropriate for all types of artists. The teacher creates a course outline that stipulates the subject of a project, the suggested colors to be used, the dimensions of the finished project, and so on. What the teacher doesn't stipulate is the surface on which the project will be painted or the materials needed to paint on that surface. In other words, the teacher stipulates only general characteristics. The details of how these characteristics are applied to the finished project are left to each specific artist.
For example, an artist using oil paints will choose canvas as his drawing surface and oil paints, in the colors suggested by the instructor, as the paint. On the other hand, an artist using watercolors will select watercolor paper and will, of course, use watercolors instead of oils for paint. Finally, the charcoal artist will select the appropriate drawing surface for charcoal and will use a single color.
Persistence and File I/O
Understanding Objects and Persistence
One of the most important things a program must do is save users' data after that data is changed in some way. Without the capability to save edited data, the work a user performs with an application exists only as long as the application is running, vanishing the instant the user exits the application. Not a good way to get work done! In many cases, especially when using AppWizard to create an application, Visual C++ provides much of the code necessary to save and load data. However, in some cases--most notably when you create your own object types--you have to do a little extra work to keep your users' files up to date.
When you're writing an application, you deal with a lot of different object types. Some data objects might be simple types, such as integers and characters. Other objects might be instances of classes, such as strings from the CString class or even objects created from your own custom classes. When using objects in applications that must create, save, and load documents, you need a way to save and load the state of those objects so that you can re-create them exactly as users left them at the end of the last session.
An object's capability to save and load its state is called persistence. Almost all MFC classes are persistent because they're derived directly or indirectly from MFC's CObject class, which provides the basic functionality for saving and loading an object's state. The following section reviews how MFC makes a document object persistent.
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