Saturday, February 29, 2020

System info topics

System info topics.

  1. Device Property Sheet Dialog
  2. System Dialogs
  3. System Information
  4. Enumerate Installed Devices Using Setup API
  5. Enumerate Properties of an Installed Device
  6. Error C2664 'RPC_STATUS UuidFromStringW(RPC_WSTR,UUID *)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'TCHAR *' to 'RPC_WSTR' EnumDevices

  7. Error while compiling (C2664)
  8. Error C1189 #error: Building MFC application with /MD[d] (CRT dll vers

  9. C++ UUID to stl string
  10. UuidFromString function

Sunday, February 23, 2020


research on TCHAR vs. UNICODE.

  1. Validating file names
  2. Most Recently Used (MRU) Menu Class for .NET 2.0 in C#
  3. How to get a list of installed applications
  4. XWinVer - Simple class to get Windows OS version
  5. Windows Version Numbers
  6. XPEInfo - a non-MFC class to get info from PE file
  7. Generate Help Macro File Tool
  8. Associate File Extension with Shell OPEN command and Application
  9. Registry List Control
  10. System Information
  11. System Dialogs
  12. FileVersion - Retrieve file version information
  13. HowTo: Export C++ classes from a DLL
  14. High Speed Graphics Library for WinCE
  15. An introduction to lex and yacc part 1
  16. An introduction to lex and yacc part 2

  17. MFC Windows Coding Guidelines
  18. A class to make it easy to work with file names
  19. A handy class to make use of Windows Registry
  20. What Every Computer Programmer Should Know About Windows API, CRT, and the Standard C++ Library
  21. Unicode, MBCS and Generic text mappings
  22. XTrim - trim leading and trailing whitespace characters
  23. What are TCHAR, WCHAR, LPSTR, LPWSTR, LPCTSTR (etc.)?
  24. String Manipulations using TCHAR Library
  25. A TCHAR style header file for STL strings and streams
  26. Formatted MessageBox/AfxMessageBox
  27. CSplitPath
  28. Useful CString Manipulation Functions
  29. Some useful additions for the C++ standard librar
  30. Shell Links
  31. How to create and resolve a shortcut
  32. CRegSettings - registry helper class
  33. The coding gentleman's guide to detecting the .NET Framework
  34. Easy Installer
  35. Modified Easy Installer
  36. PlanetDance:good demo for astrology:GANN
  37. Zip Utils - Clean, Elegant, Simple, C++/Win32

Saturday, February 22, 2020

good image editor

tips on MFC project compiling

tips on MFC project compiling. one tip is how to use comctl32.dll. I read some reminders on the book "MFC from ground up", such as we must invoke initinstance(). this post explains why.

  1. When a MessageBox in InitInstance Didn't Show
  2. So to conclude, what I learned because of message box problem is:

    1. Whether or not you are using Manifest file, you should call InitCommonControls() or InitCommonControlsEx().
    2. MFC42.dll has set COMCTL32.DLL to delay load. ( But when I checked in MFC8.dll, the delayed loading of COMCTL32 is removed )
    3. If we use manifest file, COMCTL32.DLL will be doing the registration of all System Classes instead of user32.dll. So it is necessary to ensure that COMCTL32.DLL has loaded before you create a window belonging to system class.

how to set up additional include libraries

how to set up additional include libraries such as comctrl32.dll to include common control library.

  1. linking to ComCtl32.lib in Visual C++ Express
  2. Please don't reply to the post as I have solved it myself. The reason I hav'nt deleted the post is just in case anyone else comes across the problem.

    Well, I sometimes can't see the wood for the trees so I apologise for any inconvenience this has caused! To link the comctl32.lib, ( not .dll and in lowercase ), I found the linker command line in Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition and added it there, thus for anyone else;

    Project >> Properties >> Congifuration Properties >> Linker >> Command Line

    Then simply add comctl32.lib and away you go!

    Oh, and don't forget "#include <commctrl.h>"

  3. dumping crash information with additional dependencies
  4. Visual studio 2015 default additional libraries
  5. Linker Property Pages
  6. /DEFAULTLIB (Specify Default Library)
  7. How to include libraries in Visual Studio 2012?
  8. How to Add an External C++ Library to Your Project
  9. .Lib Files as Linker Input
  10. Help: Set default additional dependencies
  11. /LIBPATH (Additional Libpath)
  12. Overview of potential upgrade issues (Visual C++)

Mathematics class in C++ and splitting .h file with .cpp file to remove dependency

viewport concept research

viewport concept research. search "viewport" in

  1. Controlling Drawn Shapes in C#
  2. Controlling Drawn Shapes #2 (simulator)
  3. very good test on concept of GDI+ in C#. I need to take a look at it to use this in my PF application.

  4. The ViewPort Explorer
  5. Using the Viewport Meta Tag
  6. Too Many Abstractions? Follow Up
  7. CZoomView
  8. A utility to measure screen area in pixels
  9. above posts are related with viewport.

  10. Model View Controller Architecture
  11. lib puremvc
  12. How to select an object using OpenGL
  13. CStatusGraphCtrl - a C++ wrapper class on CWnd, to display status graphically
  14. True OpenGL Zooming
  15. An Enhanced WPF Custom Control for Zooming and Panning
  16. MFC D3D Application - Direct3D Tutorial Part III
  17. MFC D3D Application: Direct3D Tutorial: Part I
  18. MFC D3D Application - Direct3D Tutorial Part II
  19. An Advanced Preview within Doc/Vew architecture
  20. Starting DirectX with Visual Basic .NET
  21. Basic Directx Transformation with VB.NET

Friday, February 21, 2020


screen printing topic

Win32 leagacy recompilation error fixes

Win32 leagacy recompilation error fixes

    Error C1189 #error:

    MFC does not support WINVER less than 0x0501. Please change the definition of WINVER in your project properties or precompiled header. PrintDlg c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\enterprise\vc\tools\msvc\14.16.27023\atlmfc\include\afxv_w32.h 40

  1. Update WINVER and _WIN32_WINNT
  2. o modify the macros, in a header file (for example, in targetver.h, which is included by some project templates that target Windows), add the following lines.

    #define WINVER 0x0A00

    #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0A00

    usually defining these macro in stdAfx.h file is good.

    Error D8016 '/ZI' and '/Gy-' command-line options are incompatible

  1. Visual Studio error D8016: '/ZI' and '/Gy' command-line options are incompatible
  2. #visual studio # Error D8016 '/ZI' and '/Gy-' command-line options are incompatible
  3. solution is:

    the same issue got, resolved by changing Project ➔ Properties ➔ C/C++ ➔ General ➔ Debug Information Format ➔ Program Database (/Zi)

    Error C2664 'int StringFromGUID2(const GUID &,LPOLESTR,int)': cannot convert argument 2 from 'USHORT [100]' to 'LPOLESTR'

  1. How do I create a variable or constant of type LPOLESTR?
  2. A light wrapper class for GUID

Error C2440 '=': cannot convert from 'const char [6]' to 'LPSTR' Tooltips c:\demo\tooltips\tooltips\tooltips.cpp 292

code snippet is: ((NMTTDISPINFO*)hdr)->lpszText = "Lines"; when I build tooltip project in Visual C++ project.

My solution:((NMTTDISPINFO*)hdr)->lpszText = (LPSTR)"Lines";

  1. Compiler Error C2440
  2. this is official explanation from Microsoft.

  3. cannot convert from 'const char *' to 'LPCTSTR'
  4. cannot convert from 'const char *' to 'LPCTSTR'
  5. cannot convert from 'const char *' to 'LPCTSTR'
  6. ERROR C2440

Monday, February 17, 2020

resource file building in Visual C++ projects

some issues fix on building menu resource file.

#include afxres.h or #include windows.h can fix this issue in resource file definition.

  1. error RC2104: undefined keyword or key name: DS_SETFONT
    1. Error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _main
    2. Error C2440: cannot convert from 'void*' to 'HICON__ *' (or similar)
    3. Fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'afxres.h'
    4. Error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol InitCommonControls
    5. Dialog does not display when certain controls are added

  3. Resource Compiler Error RC2104
  4. error RC2104 : undefined keyword or key name: ID_FILE_MRU_FILE1 in my .rc file
  5. Thread: error RC2104 : undefined keyword or key name
  6. Ошбика undefined keyword or key name: WS

  7. fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'afxres.h'
  8. the answer is:

    Or, if you don't want to install MFC, you can replace the line: #include "afxres.h" with: #include

  9. VS 2017 .RC file - Error RC1015 cannot open include file 'afxres.h'
  10. In the newest version of Visual Studio 2017 this seems to have been separated into two components that needs to be installed. 1)Visual C++ ATL for x86 and x64 2)Visual C++ MFC for x86 and x64

    Tools -> Get Tools and Features... will list what components are installed and allow for adding and removing of components.

  11. Cannot open include file 'afxres.h' in VC2010 Express
  12. answerThis header is a part of the MFC Library. VS Express edition doesn't contain MFC. If your project doesn't use MFC you can safely replace afxres.h with windows.h in your terrain2.rc.

    Even I too faced similar issue: fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'afxres.h'. from this code Replacing afxres.h with Winresrc.h and declaring IDC_STATIC as -1 worked for me. (Using visual studio Premium 2012)

    //#include "afxres.h" #include "WinResrc.h" #define IDC_STATIC -1

    Alternatively you can create your own afxres.h:

    #ifndef _AFXRES_H #define _AFXRES_H #if __GNUC__ >= 3 #pragma GCC system_header #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef _WINDOWS_H #include #endif /* IDC_STATIC is documented in winuser.h, but not defined. */ #ifndef IDC_STATIC #define IDC_STATIC (-1) #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Microsoft C++ porting and upgrading guide

Microsoft C++ porting and upgrading guide

  1. Microsoft C++ porting and upgrading guide
  2. This article provides a guide for upgrading Microsoft C++ code to the latest version of Visual Studio. For projects created in Visual Studio 2010 through 2015, just open the project in Visual Studio 2019. You can upgrade a Visual Studio 2008 or earlier project in two steps. Use Visual Studio 2010 to convert the project to MSBuild format first. Then open the project in Visual Studio 2019. For complete instructions, see Upgrading C++ projects from earlier versions of Visual Studio.

    The toolsets in Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2017, and Visual Studio 2019 are binary-compatible. Now you can upgrade to a more recent version of the compiler without having to upgrade your library dependencies. For more information, see C++ binary compatibility 2015-2019.

  3. Upgrade C++ projects from earlier versions of Visual Studio
  4. To upgrade a project created in an earlier version of Visual Studio, just open the project in the latest version of Visual Studio. Visual Studio offers to upgrade the project to the current schema.

    If you choose No, the project doesn't get upgraded. For projects created in Visual Studio 2010 and later, you can still use the project in the newer version of Visual Studio. Just set your project properties to continue to target the older toolset. If you leave the older version of Visual Studio on your computer, its toolset is available in later versions. For example, if your project must continue to run on Windows XP, you can upgrade to Visual Studio 2019. You then specify the toolset as v141_xp or earlier in your project properties. For more information, see Use native multi-targeting in Visual Studio to build old projects.

    If you choose Yes, then the project gets upgraded in place. It can't be converted back to the earlier version. In upgrade scenarios, that's why it's good practice to make a backup copy of the existing project and solution files.

  5. Overview of potential upgrade issues (Visual C++)
  6. Over the years, the Microsoft C++ compiler has undergone many changes, along with changes in the C++ language itself, the C++ Standard Library, the C runtime (CRT), and other libraries such as MFC and ATL. As a result, when upgrading an application from an earlier version of Visual Studio you might encounter compiler and linker errors and warnings in code that previously compiled cleanly. The older the original code base, the greater the potential for such errors. This overview summarizes the most common classes of issues you are likely to encounter, and provides links to more detailed information.

    Note In the past, we have recommended that upgrades that span several versions of Visual Studio should be performed incrementally one version at a time. We no longer recommend this approach. We have found that it's almost always simpler to upgrade to the most current version of Visual Studio no matter how old the code base.

  7. Upgrade your code to the Universal CRT
  8. n Visual Studio 2015, the Microsoft C Runtime Library (CRT) was refactored. The Standard C Library, POSIX extensions and Microsoft-specific functions, macros, and global variables were moved into a new library, the Universal C Runtime Library (Universal CRT or UCRT). The compiler-specific components of the CRT were moved into a new vcruntime library.

    The UCRT is now a Windows component, and ships as part of Windows 10. The UCRT supports a stable ABI based on C calling conventions, and it conforms closely to the ISO C99 standard, with only a few exceptions. It is no longer tied to a specific version of the compiler. You can use the UCRT on any version of Windows supported by Visual Studio 2015 or Visual Studio 2017. The benefit is that you no longer need to update your builds to target a new version of the CRT with every upgrade of Visual Studio.

    the path information is listed in this link.

  9. Update WINVER and _WIN32_WINNT
  10. When you use the Windows SDK, you can specify which versions of Windows your code can run on. The preprocessor macros WINVER and _WIN32_WINNT specify the minimum operating system version your code supports. Visual Studio and the Microsoft C++ compiler support targeting Windows 7 SP1 and later. Older toolsets include support for Windows XP SP4, Windows Server 2003 SP4, Vista, and Windows Server 2008. Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, and Windows 2000 are unsupported.

    When you upgrade an older project, you may need to update your WINVER or _WIN32_WINNT macros. If they're assigned values for an unsupported version of Windows, you may see compilation errors related to these macros.

  11. Fix your dependencies on C++ library internals
  12. Microsoft has published the source code for the Standard Library, most of the C Runtime Library, and other Microsoft libraries in many versions of Visual Studio. The intent is to help you understand library behavior and to debug your code. One side-effect of publishing the library source code is that some internal values, data structures, and functions are exposed, even though they are not part of the library interface. They usually have names that begin with two underscores, or an underscore followed by a capital letter, names that the C++ Standard reserves to implementations. These values, structures, and functions are implementation details that may change as the libraries evolve over time, and so we strongly recommend against taking any dependencies on them. If you do, you risk non-portable code and issues when you try to migrate your code to new versions of the libraries.

  13. Floating-point migration issues
  14. Sometimes when you upgrade your projects to a newer version of Visual Studio, you may find that the results of certain floating-point operations have changed. This generally happens for one of two reasons: Code generation changes that take better advantage of the available processor, and bug fixes or changes to the algorithms used in math functions in the C runtime library (CRT). In general, the new results are correct to within the limits specified by the language standard. Read on to find out what's changed, and if it's important, how to get the same results your functions got before

  15. Use native multi-targeting in Visual Studio to build old projects
  16. Normally, we recommend that you update your projects when you install the latest version of Visual Studio. The cost of updating your projects and code is usually more than offset by the benefits of the new IDE, compiler, libraries, and tools. However, we know that you may not be able to update some projects. You may have binaries that are tied to older libraries or platforms that for maintenance reasons you can’t upgrade. Your code may use non-standard language constructs that would break if you moved to a more recent compiler. Your code might rely on 3rd party libraries compiled for a specific version of Visual C++. Or you may produce libraries for others that must target a specific older version of Visual C++.

    Fortunately, you can use Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio 2015 to build projects that target older compiler toolsets and libraries. You don't have to upgrade a Visual Studio 2010, Visual Studio 2012, Visual Studio 2013, or Visual Studio 2015 project to take advantage of new features in the IDE:

  17. C++ features deprecated in Visual Studio 2019
  18. Support for Windows XP development Visual Studio 2019 and later does not include support for creating code for Windows XP by using the v142 toolset. Support for Windows XP development by using the v141 toolset that shipped in Visual Studio 2017 is available as an optional component in the Visual Studio Installer. For information on how to install the v141 Windows XP platform toolset, see Configuring programs for Windows XP.

  19. VCBuild vs. MSBuild: Build system changes in Visual Studio 2010
  20. The MSBuild system for C++ projects was introduced in Visual Studio 2010. In Visual Studio 2008 and earlier releases, the VCBuild system was used. Certain file types and concepts that depended on VCBuild either do not exist or are represented differently in MSBuild. This document discusses the differences in the current build system. To convert a Visual Studio 2008 project to MSBuild, you must use Visual Studio 2010. After the project is converted, you should use the latest version of Visual Studio to upgrade to the current IDE and compiler toolset. For more information, including how to obtain Visual Studio 2010, see Instructions for Visual Studio 2008.

  21. Visual Studio IDE tools for upgrading C++ code
  22. Visual Studio helps you upgrade legacy C++ code with compiler options, code analysis warnings, and editor features such as Quick Fixes, Quick Info, and the enhanced scroll bar. The term "legacy code" refers to any of these categories. this section contains a demo.

    Code that was formerly allowed by the Microsoft C++ compiler (MSVC) but never conformed to the C++ standard.

    To upgrade older non-conformant MSVC code, turn on the /permissive- compiler option. All instances of non-conformant usages are underlined with red squiggles in the code editor. The error messages in the Error List window include a recommendation for how to fix the error. Click on the error code to go to its help page in the documentation. If fixing all the errors at once is impractical, you can upgrade non-conformant code in stages by turning on the permissive- option, fixing some errors, then turning the option off again. The code will compile with the new improvements, and you can go back and fix the remaining issues at a later time. See the /permissive- page for examples of non-conformant MSVC code.

    Code that was permitted in an earlier version of the C++ standard but has been deprecated or removed in a later version.

    To upgrade to a newer language standard, set the C++ Language Standard option to the desired standard and fix any compile errors that are raised. In general, we recommend setting the language standard to /std:c++17. The errors raised when upgrading to a newer standard are not related to the errors raised when using the permissive- option.

    Code that conforms to all versions of the standard but is no longer considered best practice in modern C++.

Security Best Practices for C++

create C++ prooject in Visual Studio 2019

create C++ prooject in Visual Studio 2019. here are complete list of post to configure Visual Studio 2019.

  1. Visual Studio projects - C++
  2. A Visual Studio project is a project based on the MSBuild build system. MSBuild is the native build system for Visual Studio and is generally the best build system to use for Windows-specific programs. MSBuild is tightly integrated with Visual Studio, but you can also use it from the command line. For cross-platform projects, or projects that use open-source libraries, we recommend using CMake projects in Visual Studio in Visual Studio 2017 and later. For information about upgrading MSBuild projects from older versions of Visual Studio, see the Microsoft C++ Porting and Upgrading Guide.

  3. Set compiler and build properties
  4. In the IDE, all information that is needed to build a project is exposed as properties. This information includes the application name, extension (such as DLL, LIB, EXE), compiler options, linker options, debugger settings, custom build steps, and many other things. Typically, you use property pages to view and modify these properties. To access the property pages, choose Project > projectname Properties from the main menu, or right-click on the project node in Solution Explorer and choose Properties.

  5. Share or reuse Visual Studio project settings
  6. To create a custom group of settings that you can share with others or reuse in multiple projects, use Property Manager to create a property sheet (.props file) to store the settings for each kind of project that you want to be able to reuse or share with others. Using property sheets are far less error-prone than other ways of creating "global" settings.

  7. Property inheritance in Visual Studio projects
  8. The Visual Studio project system is based on MSBuild, which defines file formats and rules for building projects of any kind. MSBuild manages much of the complexity of building for multiple configurations and platforms, but you need to understand a little bit about how it works. This is especially important if you want to define custom configurations or create reusable sets of properties that you can share and import into multiple projects.

  9. How to: Modify C++ project properties and targets without changing the project file
  10. You can override project properties and targets from the MSBuild command prompt without changing the project file. This is useful when you want to apply some properties temporarily or occasionally. It assumes some knowledge of MSBuild. For more information, see MSBUild.

  11. Consuming libraries and components
  12. Often, a C++ project needs to call functions or access data in a binary file such as static library (.lib files), DLL, Windows Runtime component, COM component, or .NET assembly. In these cases, you have to configure the project so that it can find that binary at build time. The specific steps depend on the type of your project, the type of the binary, and whether the binary is being built in the same solution as your project.

  13. How to: Organize Project Output Files for Builds
  14. This topic describes best practices for organizing project output files. Build errors can occur when you set up project output files incorrectly. This topic also outlines the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative for organizing your project output files.

  15. Understanding Custom Build Steps and Build Events
  16. Specify custom build tools
  17. A custom build tool provides the build system with the information it needs to build specific input files. A custom build tool specifies a command to run, a list of input files, a list of output files that are generated by the command, and an optional description of the tool. For general information about custom build tools and custom build steps, see Understanding Custom Build Steps and Build Events.

  18. Specifying build events
  19. You can use build events to specify commands that run before the build starts, before the link process, or after the build finishes.

    Build events are executed only if the build successfully reaches those points in the build process. If an error occurs in the build, the post-build event does not occur; if the error occurs before the linking phase, neither the pre-link nor the post-build event occurs. Additionally, if no files need to be linked, the pre-link event does not occur. The pre-link event is also not available in projects that do not contain a link step.

  20. Troubleshooting Build Customizations
  21. Formatting the Output of a Custom Build Step or Build Event
  22. How to: Create a C++ Project from Existing Code
  23. In Visual Studio, you can port existing code files into a C++ project using the Create New Project From Existing Code Files wizard. This wizard creates a project solution that uses the MSBuild system to manage source files and build configuration. It works best with relatively simple projects that do not have complex folder hierarchies. The wizard isn't available in older Express editions of Visual Studio.

    Porting existing code files into a C++ project enables the use of native MSBuild project management features built into the IDE. If you prefer to use your existing build system, such as nmake makefiles, CMake, or alternatives, you can use the Open Folder or CMake options instead. For more information, see Open Folder projects for C++ or CMake projects in Visual Studio. Both options let you use IDE features such as IntelliSense and Project Properties.

  24. Release Builds
  25. A release build uses optimizations. When you use optimizations to create a release build, the compiler will not produce symbolic debugging information. The absence of symbolic debugging information, along with the fact that code is not generated for TRACE and ASSERT calls, means that the size of your executable file is reduced and will therefore be faster.

  26. How to: Create a Release Build
  27. Common Problems When Creating a Release Build
  28. Fixing Release Build Problems
  29. Using the Debug Build to Check for Memory Overwrite
  30. How to: Debug a Release Build
  31. Checking for Memory Overwrites
  32. Optimizing your code
  33. Why Floating-Point Numbers May Lose Precision

Friday, February 14, 2020

pre-compiled header

pew-compiled header

  1. Precompiled Header Files
  2. C/C++ Building Reference
  3. Compiling a C/C++ project
  4. Compiler Options
  5. You can set compiler options for each project in its Visual Studio Property Pages dialog box. In the left pane, select Configuration Properties, C/C++ and then choose the compiler option category. The topic for each compiler option describes how it can be set and where it is found in the development environment. See MSVC Compiler Options for a complete list.

  6. Compiler options listed alphabetically
  7. Compiler options listed by category
  8. Linker options
  9. Linking
  10. Linker options can be set inside or outside of Visual Studio. Within Visual Studio, you access linker options by right-clicking on a project node in Solution Explorer and choosing Properties to display the property pages. Choose Linker in the left pane to expand the node and see all the options

  11. Configure C++ projects for 64-bit, x64 targets
  12. This section contains topics about targeting 64-bit x64 hardware with the Visual C++ build tools. a good gateway to more links.

  13. Open Folder support for C++ build systems in Visual Studio

  14. Use of "stdafx.h"
  15. Precompiled headers
  16. How to include the stdafx.h from the root directory?
  17. It's interesting that the trick that I use isn't in the answers:

    1. Create stdafx.h and stdafx.cpp in the root folder of the project.
    2. Go to project properties -> precompiled headers. Change to "use".
    3. Go to stdafx.cpp, right-click properties -> precompiled headers. Change to "create".
    4. Go to project properties -> advanced; change "Force include files" to stdafx.h;%(ForcedIncludeFiles)

    Don't change any CPP file; keep your header files as they are. Build as-is.

    No typing, no RSI, no hassle with include paths, no other pain and misery. And the beauty is that it will still work when you move your solution to another platform. Awesome.

  18. StdAfx.h
  19. Projects in Visual C++ 2010 – Part 3: Precompiled Headers
  20. CCurveDlg - Curve Interpolation
  21. The Ultimate (DLL) Header File
  22. 0.7 — Compiling your first program
  23. What is “stdafx.h” used for in Visual Studio?

GDI+ and MFC memory leaks

Friday, February 7, 2020

C: Far Pointer: research

Far pointers are a specialty of the 8086 architecture. Unless you are going to write DOS or Windows 16 programs, you won't ever need to use them. Far pointers aren't part of standard C either and do not exist on other platforms.

Answer from Link #1 is good and clear one:If does nothing unless you happen to be using a 16 bit x86 compiler.

If you look in the Win32 header WinDef.h (in Visual Studio, simply right-click the word FAR in the source and select "Go to Definition", you will see that it is a macro defined as far, which in turn is also a macro defined as nothing at all!

It is only there to allow the compilation of legacy Win16 source as Win32. In 16 bit x86 compilers, far was a compiler extension keyword to support seg::offset pointers which resolve to a 20bit address (16 bit x86 only had a 1Mb address space!). They are distinct from 16 bit near pointers which comprised only the ::offset from the current segment.

  1. What does Far mean in c?
  2. Far pointer
  3. difference between far and huge pointers
  4. What are near, far and huge pointers?
  5. near, far and huge pointers in C
  6. Far pointer in c programming
  7. What is meant by Near, Huge and Far Pointers in C programming
  8. What is the use of Far Pointer and how it works?
  9. C Programming dangling pointer
  10. What is a dangling pointer?
  11. Dangling, Void, Null and Wild Pointers in C++
  12. Dangling, Void , Null and Wild Pointer in C
  13. Dangling Pointer in C
  14. What is dangling pointer in c?
  15. What is Dangling Pointer with Cause and How to avoid it?
  16. Dangling pointer

good cursor library

Thursday, February 6, 2020

dialog based appliction -tips and tricks

dialog based appliction -tips and tricks

    Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State:
    Error C3861 'EndDiaglog': identifier not found Dialog2 c:\demo\dialog2\dialog2\dialog.cpp 86

  1. CDialog - EndDialog from a MODELESS dialog?
  2. Compiler Error C3861
  3. Thread: EndDialog problems
  4. MFC:: Hierarchy Chart
  5. initializing a LPCTSTR /LPCWSTR [duplicate]
  6. What does LPCWSTR stand for and how should it be handled with?
  7. cannot convert parameter from `const char *` to `char *`
  8. Working with Strings
  9. CDialog Class:: MSDN document
  10. Windows dialog design in C++ without dialog templates.
  11. XFolderDialog - a folder selection dialog based on CFileDialog
  12. A Beginners Guide to Dialog Based Applications - Part One
  13. Tips for dialog based applications
  14. Beginners Guide to Dialog Based Applications - Part Two
  15. Screen Capture (Simple Win32 Dialog Based)
  16. Calculate pi to one million decimal places
  17. A class for child dialogs
  18. Tutorial - Modeless Dialogs with MFC
  19. CResizableDialog
  20. Modeless Dialog Management
  21. above three posts are related..

  22. CodePlotter Remoded 1.6 - A standalone version for VC6, .NET, Delphi, C++ Builder and VB coders
  23. MiniSpy
  24. InterSpy - An integrated Windows message trace and filter utility
  25. EasyFtp 1.3.2 (for Applications)
  26. Minimal Undo - An Undo/Redo Framework
  27. A Simple, Action Based, Undo/Redo Framework
  28. How to implement a scrollable child dialog
  29. Image Capture Desktop and Track User

Win32: baremetal programming

Win32: baremetal programming.

google: c++ rc file tutorial

  1. Win32 Simple Application AppWizard
  2. Screen Saver AppWizard
  3. Resource Comparer
  4. resource hacker: very good free tool!
  5. Message Cracker Wizard for Win-SDK-Developers
  6. MFC Resources Fallback
  7. XResFile - Files Stored in Resources: Part 1 - Text and Binary
  8. Simple Version Resource Tool for Windows
  9. .NET Manifest Resources
  10. Resource ID Organiser Add-In for Visual C++ 5.0/6.0/.NET
  11. An MFC Calculator Custom Control with No Resource File Dependencies
  12. search edit tool
  13. Using WindowsX.h for Better Code Organization and Message Cracking

  14. Working with Resource Files: good gateway to more links
  15. How to: Create Resources (C++)
  16. MFC - Windows Resources
  17. Creating and Using Resource Scripts
  18. How to add a resource file to a project?
  19. Issue 02 Index: good post on C/C++ programming
  20. My first Win32 UI
  21. Quick introduction to Windows API
  22. Introducing resources; menus
  23. MAKEINTRESOURCE : what is it?
  25. Using Resources
  26. Why does MAKEINTRESOURCE() work?
  27. MAKEINTRESOURCE: Win API reference
  28. Introduction To Windows And Graphics Programming With Visual C++ (With Companion Media Pack) (Second Edition) 2nd Edition
  29. Ahhh Windows programming.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

DLL basics & CRT distribution & VS building tricks

DLL basics

  1. MSI Custom Action DLL
  2. Regular DLL Tutor For Beginners
  3. Making DLLs easy to build and use
  4. Basic C++ Win32 DLL
  5. How to link DLLs to C++ Projects
  6. Deploying Visual C++ Runtime Files as Private Assemblies
  7. Super Easy DLL
  8. some comments are really good:

    I'm fairly new to C++ and have been trying to follow this example after struggling on my own. But the problem I've got is I can't seem to get Visual Studio to create a .lib file, have you got any suggestions? Because without the .lib I can't link it into my projects... :S

    You will have do the following. 1. Right click on your project on solution explorer and click "Properties". 2. Expand the "Linker" item in the tree. 3. Click on "Input" 4. Type in the name of your def file in the case of this example it would be "EasyDll.def" in the text box beside "Module Definition File". 5. Selection "Release" from the configuration dropdown box at the top left and enter in "EasyDll.def" to make sure that you also are given a .lib file when you compile for release mode too. Cheers,

  9. Create projects easily with private MFC, ATL and CRT assemblies
  10. Change WINVER
  11. Including stdafx.h in a non-default location
  12. Visual Studio Project Converter
  13. A-Utility-to-Convert-VS-NET-2003-Project-Files

Windows 98 basic concepts:: Win32 programming

Windows 98 basic concepts:: Win32 programming

  1. Using Windows: an example to demo a window basic
  2. WinMain function
  3. Windows Data Types
  4. Large Integers

  5. Window Classes: summary and index to all classes and their functions
  6. About Window Classes
  7. Window Class Styles
  9. Using Window Classes
  10. Window Class Reference
  11. Window Class Functions
  12. WNDCLASSEXA structure
  13. Timers
  14. Window Properties

  15. Window Procedures: summary and indexes
  16. winuser.h header
  17. windowsx.h header
  18. Windows GDI
  19. winbase.h header
  20. Messages and Message Queues
  21. this configuration section has good code snippet to test all these functions and get/set the parameters. good to practice them.

  22. Configuration
  23. GetSystemMetrics function
  24. SystemParametersInfoA function
  25. GetSysColor function
  26. SetSysColors function
  27. WINDOWINFO structure
  28. WINDOWPLACEMENT structure
  29. WINDOWPOS structure
  30. WNDCLASSA structure
  31. WNDCLASSEXW structure
  32. WNDCLASSEXA structure
  33. WNDCLASSW structure

Monday, February 3, 2020

exception handling in C++

tips on fixing compilation error of temp file cleaning tool

tips on fixing compilation error of temp file cleaning tool

Error D8016 '/ZI' and '/Gy-' command-line options are incompatible DirClean C:\Demo\dirclean\cl

Note: If you get the error “ Command line error D8016: '/ZI' and '/Gy-' command-line options are incompatible” -

Solution 1 : Use “Release” mode

Solution 2 : Go to “Project”>”Properties”>”C/C++”>”General” and replace the “Debug Information Format” from “/Zl” to “/Zi”

  1. Note if you get the error command line error d8016 zi
  2. Visual Studio error D8016: '/ZI' and '/Gy' command-line options are incompatible
  3. Build failed with D8016 'ZI' and '/Gy-' command-line options are incompatible message
  4. Error_D8016_'/ZI' and '/Gy-' command-line options are incompatible

issue:: Error C1189 #error: MFC does not support WINVER less than 0x0501. Please change the definition of WINVER in your project properties or precompiled header. DirClean c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\enterprise\vc\tools\msvc\14.16.27023\atlmfc\include\afxv_w32.h 40

  1. MFC does not support WINVER less than 0x0501
  2. Converting Projects from VC++ 6.0 to Visual Studio 2005

Error C1083 Cannot open include file: 'atlimpl.cpp': No such file or directory DirClean c:\demo\dirclean\stdafx.cpp 34

the answer is: in my case: remove atlimp.h from stdafx.cpp file.

NeoKenshinX wrote: I'm migrating a VS 6.0 C++ project to VS 2010. The compiler tells me to remove following files:

statreg.cpp is obsolete. Please remove it from your project. atlimpl.cpp is obsolete. Please remove it from your project.

How can I remove these files (they are in the "External Dependencies" folder)?

They are #included in stdafx.cpp, if I recall correctly (or is it stdafx.h? ) And why is it necessary to remove them?

It's not necessary, but if you don't, you'll see this annoying warning every time you build. If you look at these files, they consist of nothing but #pragma message "statreg.cpp is obsolete. Please remove it from your project."

  1. statreg.cpp, atlimpl.cpp is obsolete
  2. error C1083:cannot open include file: 'atlimpl cpp': No such file or directory
  3. Cannot open include file with Visual Studio
  4. Error 102 error C1083 : Cannot open include file: 'atlimpl.cpp': No such file or directory
  5. Error 102 error C1083 : Cannot open include file: 'atlimpl.cpp': No such file or directory

issue is:

Error C2316 'CMemoryException': cannot be caught as the destructor and/or copy constructor are inaccessible or deleted DirClean c:\demo\dirclean\cshellfileop.cpp 82

  1. why does the below code compile successfully in VS2010?
  2. Compiler Error C2316
  3. Visual Studio Context Menu Shortcut

clipboard topics in VC

clipboard topics in VC. it will be used in my .NET version check project.

the first two articles are very useful and need to test their code and get good grasp on them.

  1. Clipboard little helper
  2. Using the Clipboard, Part I: Transferring Simple Text
  3. Clipboard backup (Visual C++)
  4. SmartClip - A Clipboard enhancement utility
  5. All You Ever Wanted to Know About the Clipboard...
  6. ClipSpy
  7. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing Shell Extensions - Part I
  8. The Complete Guide to C++ Strings, Part I - Win32 Character Encodings
  9. The Complete Guide to C++ Strings, Part II - String Wrapper Classes
  10. A Handy Debugging Macro for Switch Statements
  11. An Advanced Windows Hotfix Manager
  12. A Utility to Clean Up Compiler Temp Files
  13. CShellFileOp - Wrapper for SHFileOperation
  14. SHFileOperationA function
  15. What is the Win32 API function to use to delete a folder?
  16. Copy, Move, Delete Files and Folders Using SHFileOperation
  17. SHFILEOPSTRUCT and the SHFileOperation
  18. How to Implement Drag and Drop Between Your Program and Explorer

Saturday, February 1, 2020

time issues in Win32 MFC programming

time issues in Win32 MFC programming. one issue is:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C2660 'ATL::CTime::GetLocalTm': function does not take 0 arguments Message5 c:\demo\message5\message5\message5.cpp 64

  1. A problem with ATL::CTime.GetLocalTm()
  2. this post gives two ways to resolve the issue

  3. CTime Class
  4. how to remove warning C4996 with gmtime and asctime
  5. This function or variable may be unsafe visual studio
  6. Date and Time in C++
  7. Developing MMC Snap-ins
  8. what is the error of this code?
  9. how to solve this error?