Saturday, November 30, 2019


weak reference

weak reference

  1. 央行范一飞:推进数字化形态法定货币出台应用
  2. WeakReference Class
  3. the above demo is good use to WeakReference. i has a good example to be a framework for my pf project. data table can be put into a cache.

  4. Understanding weak references in .NET
  5. we have a good definition here:A weak reference is a reference to an object that still allows such an object to be collected. In such an event, the weak reference will become null.

  6. Low impact images
  7. C# WeakReference Example
  8. WeakReference Class
  9. My two cents on weak references in .Net
  10. Prefer WeakReference to WeakReference
  11. Short vs. Long Weak References and Object Resurrection
  12. Practical uses of WeakReference
  13. Writing High-Performance .NET Code by Ben Watson
  15. Writing High-Performance .NET Code 2nd Edition
  16. WeakReference understanding
  17. #740 – Short vs. Long Weak References
  18. #733 – How to Tell If an Object Has Been Garbage Collected
  19. Weak References
  20. Weak Event Patterns
  21. How to Kill a Keep Alive with a Weak Reference (C#)

backtesting in Python

Thursday, November 28, 2019

parent class of a control

parent class of a control

partial trust code

goood personal links

static class topics

static class topics

  1. Create Data Classes
  2. AnyDataFileToXmlConverter Class/Utility
  3. A Class Based Enumeration Implementation
  4. A class for operations with Large Integer Numbers
  5. A C# Single Application Instance Class
  6. Constructing an instance class from its base class instance
  7. C# Binary Literal Helper Class
  8. A Decimal Class Implementation
  9. A BigNumber Class Done in C#
  10. Cat - A Statically Typed Programming Language Interpreter in C#
  11. C# FileAssociation Class
  12. DataGridView Helper Class
  13. A generic Trictionary class
  14. Fraction class in C#
  15. NT Security Classes for .NET
  16. Refactoring Legacy Code - Part 1: Dealing with Static Cling
  17. A BitStream Class for the .NET Framework
  18. C# Static Cache and Multithreading
  19. Do You Write Interfaces for Classes? I’m Begging You… Stop!
  20. Static constructor in C#
  21. Identifying static variables in a reuseable component
  22. Generic Types Don't Share Static Members
  23. Implementation of Class Factories in C#
  24. Constant , Readonly and Static in C#
  25. Must Remember: 9 Key Concepts to Keyword ‘Static’
  26. Static Interfaces in C#
  27. "Method can be made static" May Hide OO Design Flaw
  28. Static Class, Singleton and their Side Effects
  29. Static Keyword Demystified
  30. drew
  31. Stateful or Stateless classes
  32. Introducing C# 2.0 static classes
  33. Static Events
  34. Interfaces and Abstract Classes
  35. Class Mechanics
  36. Static Members vs Instance Members (Overview)
  37. A Set class
  38. Object-Oriented Static Destructors
  39. C# BigInteger Class
  40. A DelegateQueue Class
  41. A .NET State Machine Toolkit - Part I
  42. A DelegateQueue Class
  43. Understanding Static Methods and Data
  44. Internals of Static Polymorphism

Saturday, November 23, 2019

C# SystemInfo class and TabLayouPanel class

card game

candlestick pattern


new features of C# 8.0

Saturday, November 16, 2019

simple parser

good articles on OOP programming

good articles on OOP programming

  1. Track Object Finalization
  2. Data Transfer Object
  3. Objects Comparer
  4. Implementing Deep Cloning using Reflection
  5. Using Objects Comparer to Compare Complex Objects in C#
  6. An Easy to Use Observer Pattern Implementation (No Inheritance Required)
  7. Runtime Object Editor
  8. Object Inspector
  9. Finding Undisposed Objects
  10. Object Comparer
  11. Code Rescue: Copying code from CodeProject to Visual Studio
  12. Timer surprises, and how to avoid them
  13. Facts and Fallacies of Events in C#
  14. LPTextFileDiff: another textfile compare utility.
  15. Object Explorer
  16. Deep copy of objects in C#
  17. Following object inheritance

  18. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Concepts (OOP) and More
  19. Why Object Oriented Programming Matters
  20. Lessons from a Life in a Chair
  21. How to Write a Really Object Oriented Program
  22. How to write a really object oriented program
  23. a good example to write Canvas class as an exercise. worth reading it..

  24. Introduction to UML
  25. The refactoring guideline
  26. The Big Testing Guideline
  27. Object Oriented Programming with C++
  28. dwl::fractalBrowser
  29. Delegates: C++11 vs. Impossibly Fast - A Quick and Dirty Comparison
  30. DWinLib 6: Pretty WinAPI Incorporation
  31. Programmatically change display resolution
  32. DWinLib - A Minimal Project
  33. Object Oriented Design Principles
  34. OOP in the Real World - Creating an Equation Editor
  35. Building a General Purpose Interpreter, Math Engine and Parser in C#
  36. NULL Object Design Pattern
  37. Generic Object Factory
  38. A Look At What's Wrong With Objects
  39. Convert XML to C# Object
  40. Object Oriented Programming Concepts

research on multithreading

Monday, November 11, 2019

good utiliy on Windows Form applications

good utiliy on Windows Form applications

  1. Articles by Tom Clement (Articles: 5, Tip/Tricks: 2)
  2. the following link deserve a look and see it is related with my Point & figure chart application.

  3. Solving the .resx Merge Problem
  4. Context Help Made Easy
  5. A Pretty Good Splash Screen in C#
  6. A Magical Edit Menu Manager

study on delegate

more details on events and more info fom Dave/CEO

operator overloading

New Features of C# 8

New Features of C# 8

  1. New Features of C# 8

Saturday, November 9, 2019

study on pong games

good posts on Generics in C#

research on ICloneable interface