Saturday, October 26, 2019
tips to use CodeMap in Visual Studio 2019
tips to use CodeMap in Visual Studio codemap visual studio on
- Understand design from code with Visual Studio 2015 code maps
- Understand design from code with Visual Studio 2015 code maps
- How to make full graphical code map with full Code Map Visual Studio
- Using VS 2017 / 2019 Code Map to find out the Code Dependencies
- VS 2013 Dev Features Part 2 (Code Map, Lens, Clone and Suspend and Resume )
- How to Use the Class Diagram Tool in Visual Studio
- How to Use the Class Diagram Tool in Visual Studio
- Getting Class Diagrams in Visual Studio 2017
- Visual Studio 2013 Launch Understanding Your Code Using Code Map
- CodeMap: deep program analysis and visualization for large-scale software.
- Visual Studio 2013 Launch Enhanced Debugging Using Code Map Debugger Integration
- 快速上手 Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 的 Code Map (程式碼地圖) 功能
- Visual Studio Code Intro & Setup
- CodeMap: deep program analysis and visualization for large-scale software.
- Visual Studio 2013 Launch Understanding Your Code Using Code Map
Sunday, October 20, 2019
C# interface implicit implementaion
- Generics in C#
- A Deep Dive into C# Interface
- C# Interfaces. Implicit implementation versus Explicit implementation
- What's the difference between implementing an Interface explicitly or implicitly?
- Explicit Interface Implementation (C# Programming Guide)
- Implicit and Explicit Interface Implementations
- C# Implicit and Explicit Interface Examples
- Explicit Interface VS Implicit Interface in C#?
- Implement interfaces explicitly or implicitly in C#
- Explicit Interface Implementation with C#
- C# | Explicit Interface Implementation
- Distinguishing the Explicit and Implicit Interface Implementation in C#
- C# Interface: Definition, Examples, Best Practices, and Pitfalls
- 8.4 Explicit Interface Implementation
- Interface - Implicit Implementation by dotnetdesignprinciples
- C#/.NET Little Wonders: Explicit Interface Implementation
- Implicit vs Explicit interface implementations
- ImplicitInterfaceImplementation
- Dealing with Conflicting Interfaces: Part II - .NET
- Implicit Implementation
- Explicit Interface Implementation in C#
- Default Interface Methods in C# 8
- Implicit versus Explicit Interface implementation (C#)
- C# Interface
- Interface Attributes != Class Attributes
- When to add an interface to a class
- C# 8.0: default interface implementation
- Explicit interface implementation in .NET
- VB Equivalent to C# Interfaces
- Internal Interface Classes in C#
- Be Careful with the Implicit Implementation for Interfaces
- Interfaces
- Interface vs Abstract class vs Concrete class
- Use Reflection to find Methods that implement explicit interfaces
- Conversions (explicit or implicit) and interfaces in C#
- Interface in C# using an example
- Explicitly Implementing an Interface with an Event
- C# Interface vs Abstract Class
- C#: Implementing Generic Method of Generic Interface Causes Runtime Exception
- interfaces Why Doesn't C# Allow Static Methods to Implement an Interface?
- .NET Interface-based Programming
- Implementing virtually and re-implementing of interfaces in C#
- The curious case of the publicity-seeking interface and the shy abstract class
- Using the IComparable interface example C#.Net
- Writing Implicit and Explicit C# Conversion Operators
- The Five Types of C# Types
- Explicit interface implementation
- Why does an abstract class need to implement interface methods?
- an explanation of implicit conversion vs explicit conversion
- How to explicitly implement an interface event
- Custom Implementation of the Option/Maybe Type in C#
- Interface vs. Virtual vs. Abstract
- Custom Type Conversion in C#
good example and test it.
test it.
good post.
a good read
good read
good read
good read
good read
good read
a must read
make a copy and print out
a must read
Saturday, October 19, 2019
.NET crypto
.NET crypto
- Crypt in C++ and Decrypt in C# (and C++)
- Public Key RSA Encryption in C# .NET
- C# RSA equivalent code to the C++ Crypto API
- .NET Framework Cryptography Model
- Cryptography in .NET (part 1)
- Cryptography in .NET
- Cryptography 101 for the .NET Framework
- Applied Cryptography in .NET and Azure Key Vault: A Practical Guide to Encryption in .NET and .NET Core
- Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms and Source Code in C
- Simple Cryptography Demo
- Public Key RSA Encryption in C# .NET
- Cryptography with certificates
- Articles » General Programming » Cryptography & Security » Cryptography Follow report Encryption and Decryption of Data using Elliptic Curve Cryptography( ECC ) with Bouncy Castle C# Library
- Cryptography in .NET for Beginners
- All about Cryptography in .NET
- C# Elliptical Curve Cryptography with Bouncy Castle Curve P-128
- The .NET Framework Security Model
- Get Certificates from the System Store
software architecture
software architecture
- Goal-Driven Development Continued
- Software Architecture
- Modular Software Development In C#
- Software Component Principles Revisited
- A Secure Software Distributon SDK
- Articles by Jeffrey Walton (Articles: 24): on Crypto++
- handbook of applied cryptogaphy
- An AES Encrypting Registry Class
- Product Activation Based on RSA Signatures
- Product Keys Based on the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
- Tamper Aware and Self Healing Code
- Applied Crypto++: Using the RSA Digital Signature System (Part I)
- RSA Encryption with .NET 2.0 Cryptography Services and Crypto++ Wrapped as a Managed C++ Class Library
- How to: Wrap Native Class for Use by C#
- Use C++ codes in a C# project — solution of wrapping native C++ with a managed CLR wrapper
- Wrapping Native Libraries
- C++/C# interoperability
- Compiling and Integrating Crypto++ into the Microsoft Visual C++ Environment
good numeric algorithms
some good numerical algorithms can be used in my charting applications
- Affine Transformations in Computer Graphics
- Fast stepwise rotation
- Perspective Projection of a Rectangle (Homography)
- Prime Number Algorithm
- Dancing with Spirals
- The Spiral TrackBar Control
- Array-less Numerical Spiral Pattern
- Looping in a spiral
- LicenceProvider
- Crafting an interpreter Part 1 - Parsing and Grammars
- Crafting an interpreter Part 2 - The Calc0 Toy Language
- Crafting an interpreter Part 3 - Parse Trees and Syntax Trees
- Parsing Expression Grammar Support for C# 3.0 Part 1 - PEG Lib and Parser Generator
- Update Checker For Software Update
- Spiraling Twisting Polygons and Roses
- Turtle Graphics and L-systems with F# and WPF
- Graphing Calculator in C# with LES
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