Saturday, August 24, 2019

draw shape research

##draw shape## research on

  1. Shapes and Regions
  2. Drawing Library
  3. Controlling Drawn Shapes in C#
  4. .NET Shape Control
  5. Using SetWorldTransform() to Rotate Basic Shapes by Any Angle
  6. Resize and Rotate Shapes in GDI+
  7. Calculating angle between two points - java
  8. above posts need more time to study and reuse.

  9. Falling Blocks Board and Shape Control
  10. Using Shape Context Algorithm to Find Similarity and Difference Between Shapes
  11. Symmetry Drawing Tool
  12. Custom shaped form with a drop down in C#
  13. Controlling Drawn Shapes #2 (simulator)
  14. Drawing Gears - Circular and Non Circular
  15. Drawing multiple layers without flicker
  16. Advanced Shape Control
  17. Two First Controls - A Shape and an inherited Label Control
  18. Use XMLSerializer to Store a Shape's Information
  19. A Graphics Drawing Tool by using C# and Winforms
  20. GDI+ Line/Curve Drawing and Hit Test
  21. A Beginner’s Primer on Drawing Graphics using the .NET Framework
  22. Draw with Mouse
  23. Interactively Add Multiple Shapes Using Linked Lists GDI+ SVG
  24. Using GDI and GDI+ mixed drawing rubber band lines
  25. [tut4] Draw Lines with Circle and Rectangle End
  26. Controls of an arbitrary shape
  27. A custom drawing application based on the .NET Panel class
  28. Drawing Techniques
  29. Draw Straight and Curved Arrows
  30. Draw Over WinForms Controls
  31. Drawing and Evaluating Math Formulae in WPF Applications
  32. Drawing Lines And Rectangles Using the Mouse
  33. 2D Drawing Plug-in
  34. Owner Draw List Control with Design Pattern (Strategy)
  35. Tree Circle Draw Control
  36. Drawing Resizable Controls at Runtime
  37. Ellipse drawing algorithm
  38. Drawing a Dynamic Chart in C#
  39. AutoCAD Drawing Using C#
  40. Mandelbrot Set with Smooth Drawing
  41. Drawing Recurrence Plots with C#
  42. Making a 2D Physics Engine: Shapes, Worlds and Integration
  43. Using MeasureCharacterRanges to Draw Text
  44. Draw a Smooth Curve through a Set of 2D Points with Bezier Primitives
  45. Draw Closed Smooth Curve with Bezier Spline
  46. Drawing trackers, moving and resizing the objects using double buffering.
  47. Drawing Trig Functions via WPF
  48. Simple Vector Shapes
  49. Spirograph Shapes: WPF Bezier Shapes from Math Formulae
  50. Irregular Shaped Form

log logic and good papers

Friday, August 23, 2019

Visual Studio 2017 tricks

Visual Studio 2017 tricks. I added a class on top of form class , so my form designer view disappeared.after some research and testing, the second link offers a good solution.

  1. Visual Studio 2013 missing Start/Stop Debugging tool buttons
  2. Form can't be opened in designer Visual Studio 2015 (Using C#)
  3. the right solution is

    Check your Form1.Designer.cs and Form1.cs files to make sure you haven't put another class in at the top of the file before your partial class Form1{ because the designer will only load if the Form class is the first class defined in the file.

    You mentioned this solution as a comment to one of the answers but I tried performing the edits on the .csproj first before realizing that my changes were being reverted and I needed to remove the myCustomPropertyView class I'd lazily added to the top of the file.

    Visual Studio was still acting a bit weird (telling me I had errors on lines which were fully commented out) but once I closed and re-opened Visual Studio I was back up and running.

  4. How do you add image file to a image list in code?
  5. ImageList.ImageCollection.Add Method
  6. C# ImageList Use: Windows Forms

Friday, August 9, 2019

decompiler for .NET

decompiler for .NET: .NET Reflector by RedGate,ILSpy by SharpDevelop,JustDecompile by Telerik,dotPeek by JetBrains

  1. ILSpy 2.2 release
  2. Tools and Utilities for the .NET Developer
  3. .NET Tools / .NET Controls / .NET Software Components for the .NET Framework - Product Directory
  4. Top 8 Reverse Engineering Tools for Cyber Security Professionals [Updated 2019]
  5. ILSpy - a free .NET assembly browser and decompiler
  6. Is there any disassembler to rival IDA Pro?
  7. My First Foray Into Software Reverse Engineering
  8. List of awesome reverse engineering resources
  9. Reverse Engineering Beta
  10. A Crash Course in x86 Assembly for Reverse Engineers
  11. Reverse Engineering book

  12. Quick Start Guide to .NET Reverse Engineering
  13. Quick Start Guide to .NET Reverse Engineering
  14. Introduction Into Windows Anti-Debugging
  15. An Anti-Reverse Engineering Guide
  16. Introduction Into Windows Anti-Debugging
  17. An Anti-Reverse Engineering Guide
  18. Themida software

  19. Simple Assembly Explorer
  20. Simple Assembly Explorer (SAE) – Another great .NET disassembler
  21. Reverse engineering tools review
  24. SeeUnsharp .NET Obfuscator
  25. best free .net decompiler
  26. Decompile .NET Assemblies
  27. Phoenix Protector
  28. Suite Advanced
  29. Explorer Suite
  30. Reverse code engineering of .NET applications
  31. free .net decompiler list

  32. de4dot -binary
  33. 0xd4d/de4dot
  34. A Windows installable package for the de4dot .NET deobfuscator
  35. Download De4Dot EXE for JustDecompile? Telerik JustDecompile Resources Buy Try
  36. De4dot
  37. ILSpy
  38. .NET Decompiler
  39. An Introduction To .NET Decompiler
  40. .NET Reflector OverviewSupport
  41. Best .NET Decompiler Tools in the Market
  42. Telerik JustDecompile
  43. .NET Decompiler
  44. .NET DECOMPILER: dotPeek
  45. Spices .Net Decompiler
  46. 10+ Essential Tools for .NET Developers. Expert Roundup
  47. Free .NET Decompiler - JustDecompile (
  48. 0xd4d/dnSpy
  50. it’s SmartAssembly.
  51. .:Detect It Easy:.DIE
  52. How to Kill Symbolic Deobfuscation for Free; or Unleashing the Potential of Path-Oriented Protections
  54. Featured NET Decompiler Software
  55. x86 Disassembly/Disassemblers and Decompilers

event pool

unit testing topic

unit testing topic

  1. Example of creating a Unit-test in MS Visual Studio 2010 – C#
  3. How just about everyone gets unit testing wrong
  4. Unit Testing for C# Developers
  5. Testing the Untestable with Microsoft Fakes and Visual Studio 2012 Update 2
  6. How to explicitly enable or disable C# unit tests in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
  7. Annotations and Attributes of Testing Frameworks
  8. Strategy for Unit Testing of Legacy Application Code
  9. Naming standards for unit tests
  10. I Pity The Fool Who Doesn't Write Unit Tests
  11. Introduction to Unit Testing
  12. Continuous Testing in .NET
  13. Unit Testing: The Good, Bad, and Ugly
  14. Introduction to Unit Testing with: MS tests, NUnit and Fluent Assertions.
  15. Get started with unit testing
  16. Walkthrough: Create and run unit tests for managed code
  17. Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework
  18. Unit test your code: for VS 2019 version
  19. You Still Don’t Know How to Do Unit Testing (and Your Secret is Safe with Me)
  20. Unit testing best practices with .NET Core and .NET Standard
  21. Walkthrough: Test-driven development using Test Explorer
  22. Unit test basics
  23. Unit Tests, How to Write Testable Code and Why it Matters
  24. Best Practices In Writing Unit Tests
  25. Top Five Best Practices for Writing Unit Test Scripts
  26. Run unit tests with Test Explorer
  27. Best Practices for Writing Unit Tests in C# for Bulletproof Code
  28. Writing Great Unit Tests: Best and Worst Practices
  29. Unit testing in .NET
  30. Unit testing frameworks in C#: Comparing XUnit, NUnit and Visual Studio
  31. 20+ Most Commonly Used Unit Testing Tools
  32. Visual Studio Live Unit Testing: New to Visual Studio 2017
  33. On the Effectiveness of Unit Test Automation at Microsoft
  34. Parasoft Unit Testing Starter Kit

dictionary research

dictionary research: search dictionary on

  1. Implementing a Generic Object Pool in .NET
  2. Understanding Generic Dictionary in-depth
  3. LINQ and dictionaries
  4. Derivative-free nonlinear optimization for .NET and Java
  5. Difference between Hashtable and Dictionary
  6. Hashtable vs. Dictionary
  7. Understanding Dictionaries in .NET
  8. Dictionary with a Custom Key
  9. Dictionary + Locking versus ConcurrentDictionary
  10. C# Multi-key Generic Dictionary
  11. Know Thy .NET Dictionaries
  12. A Dictionary for Enum Descriptions
  13. this is a very good trick to take a look at Enum description. can be used in GDI+ application to describe distinct states.

  14. Know your collections: from IEnumerable to List and beyond
  15. Concurrent Observable Collection, Dictionary, and Sorted Dictionary
  16. Transform a List To Dictionary of Lists
  17. Indexed Dictionary
  18. Accelerating Enum-Based Dictionaries with Generic EnumComparer
  19. A Better Sorted List and Dictionary
  20. Indexed collections (Indexed dictionary)
  21. A Dictionary Collection Sorting By Value
  22. Performance measurement of HashTable vs. Dictionary
  23. Creating a Custom Event Dictionary
  24. Multi-key Generic Dictionary Class for C#

Thursday, August 8, 2019

good charting posts

databinding topics

databinding topics

  1. Data Binding with Windows Forms 2.0: Programming Smart Client Data Applications with .NET
  2. Simple Data Access in C#
  3. Articles by Wrox (Articles: 11)
  4. Asynchronous data loading and data binding with Windows Forms
  5. Data binding concepts in .NET windows forms
  6. A Detailed Data Binding Tutorial
  7. Understanding Simple Data Binding
  8. Implementing complex data binding in custom controls
  9. Converting CSV Data to Objects
  10. Data Pivot
  11. Data quality for developers
  12. Data Binding
  13. C# class library for exporting data to CSV/Excel file
  14. Write Data to Excel using C#
  15. From Binary to Data Structures
  16. C# 2.0 Nullable Data Readers
  17. Test Data in Attribute
  18. Postulate.WinForms: a new look at data binding
  19. DataGridView with hierarchical data binding
  20. Persisted Data in C#
  21. Data Structures for Polynomial Division
  22. A Generic Set Data Structure
  23. Data Structures in Object Oriented Programming

Visual Studio Designer topics

Visual Studio Designer topics

  1. Visual Studio Designer Cache Hell

some C# basics: databinding

some C# basics

  1. Basic Introduction to Data Annotation in .NET Framework
  2. Daily .NET Tips: a very good website on C#
  3. An "easy to use" FTP client library
  4. Partial FTP Downloader
  5. Changing the look and feel of the propertygrid
  6. Create a Project from Existing Code Files in Visual Studio
  7. Back to Basics – Calling base class constructor from derived class in C#
  8. Back to Basic – Events in C#
  9. Back To Basics – Delegate in C#
  10. How to refactor and make static class code testable?
  11. A Preview of C# - Chapter 7: Namespaces and the Base Classes
  12. Professional C# - Graphics with GDI+
  13. Beginning C# - Chapter 13: Using Windows Form Controls
  14. Using AppDomain Storage for Large Data Collections
  15. Create First Data WareHouse
  16. Create Data Classes
  17. Data Binding TreeView in C#
  18. Data Acquisition Library
  19. Sharing data among Windows Forms
  20. Passing Data between Windows Forms
  21. Customized display of collection data in a PropertyGrid
  22. Securing Data in .NET

some good discussion on interface

data caching

Configuration Management will be used in software configuration.

  1. Microsoft Enterprise Library 6
  2. Exploring Caching: Using Caching Application Enterprise Library 4.1
  3. Cache: A threadsafe, Simple, Efficient, Generic In-memory Cache
  4. Caching in .NET Framework Applications
  5. MemoryCache Class
  6. A Simple and Generic Cache
  7. Caching Data in WinForms DataGridView in NET 2.0
  8. Data Caching
  9. Configuration Management
  10. Simple Method Caching
  11. Virtual Cache
  12. Refresh your cached data asynchronously
  13. Ten Caching Mistakes that Break your App
  14. How to use data caching in a .NET Windows Forms application
  15. DataTable caching performance
  16. Using C# Generics to implement a Cache collection
  17. How to: Cache Objects Simply using System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache
  18. A High Performance Multi-Threaded LRU Cache
  19. Cache Collection
  20. Simple cache object and cache dictionary
  21. WeakReferences as a Good Caching Mechanism
  22. A C# data import caching solution utilizing Generics and your existing business classes
  23. Creating an in-memory "L1" Cache for StackExchange.Redis .NET Clients
  24. Caching in .NET
  25. Simple Client Side WCF Caching
  26. Generic Lazy Load Cache Class
  27. Caching for Non-Web Applications – Part 1
  28. Distributed Cache - Simplified
  29. How to Create a Simple Enterprise Library Cache Manager Provider for Velocity
  30. Demystifying the .NET Global Assembly Cache
  31. Why Object Oriented Programming Matters
  32. SimpleCache Gives You a Small, Fast and Flexible Cache for Your Application
  33. Using Cache in Your WinForms Applications
  34. Towards a Better Local Caching Strategy
  35. Implementing Distributed Caching using Memcached
  36. Memory cache for collections of objects
  37. Generic Cache Manager
  38. Installing a DLL into the Global Assembly Cache (GAC)
  39. Using Reflection to Bind Object Data to Data Sources
  40. Who We Are:a chinese outsourcing vendor
  41. Object Cache

Friday, August 2, 2019

auto digrammer

auto digrammer. just updated microsoft.service.location, unity reference, updated wpftoolkit reference to the one in the lib folder. ignore system.xaml warning. recompile SUT.Print.engine . then everything will work.

  1. The type 'IUnityContainer' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced
  2. Microsoft.Practices.Unity or 4.0.1? #229
  3. 200% Reflective Class Diagram Creation Tool
  4. ok so just follow these steps to resolve building issues

    1. download the code zip
    2. Extract it somewhere
    3. OPen solutioon in VS2012
    4. Open the references for the SUT.PrintEngine project
    5. Remove the references to
    6. - Microsoft.Practices.Unity
      - Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation
    7. Re add the references from the folder "Lib" within the downloaded code project file under the "Sut.PrintEngine" project
    8. - Microsoft.Practices.Unity
      - Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation
    9. rebuild
    10. happy days

  5. Reference to System.Xaml missing from template WPF UserControl
  6. "Assembly '...' Was Not Found" When including a reference to a local namespace
  7. Troubleshoot broken references
  8. Cannot find System.Xaml?
  9. Back port .NET 4 to 3.5 SP1 in VS2010
  10. argeting .net framework 3.5, just remove the reference to System.xaml. it shall be fine.

  11. Duplicate AssemblyVersion Attribute
  12. the good answer is:
    Starting from Visual Studio 2017 another solution to keep using the AssemblyInfo.cs file is to turn off automatic assembly info generation like this:

  13. VS 2017 does not create AssemblyInfo.cs
  14. Shared AssemblyInfo for uniform versioning across the solution
  15. How to use Assembly Version and Assembly File Version
  16. Understanding the Visual Studio AssemblyInfo Class
  17. Defining Common Assembly Properties for Multi-project .NET Core 2.0 Solution in Visual Studio 2017
  18. .NET Standard GenerateAssemblyInfo Add Item AssemblyInfo Error
  19. Duplicate AssemblyVersion Attribute
  20. How to: Enable and Disable Automatic Binding Redirection
  21. Allow C# application built with .NET 2.0 to run on .NET 4.0/4.5
  22. Migration Guide to the .NET Framework 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, and 4.5
  23. Migration of .Net 2.0/3.0/3.5 Application to .Net 4.5
  24. How to: Configure an App to Support .NET Framework 4 or later versions
  25. Version compatibility in the .NET Framework
  26. Backwards Compatibility of .NET Framework 4
  27. What is .NET framework backward compatibility?
  28. Building Applications for Different .NET Framework Versions
  29. Multi-Targeting and Porting a .NET Library to .NET Core 2.0
  30. How a Windows 10 Update Might Have Broken Your .NET App
  31. Should, When, and How Can I Migrate to .NET Core
  32. Upgrading Projects to .NET 4.6
  33. How to: Determine which .NET Framework versions are installed
  34. .NET Versioning and Multi-Targeting - .NET 4.5 is an in-place upgrade to .NET 4.0
  35. The Complete List of Migration Issues Upgrading to .NET 4.0