Thursday, November 26, 2015

rasperry PI

rasperry PI

  1. Single Board Computers

    this is #1 site.

  2. Raspberry Pi
  3. Raspberry Pi
  4. Raspberry Pi / Pi Zero
  5. Raspberry Pi 2 Model B Starter Pack - Includes a Raspberry Pi 2
  6. Raspberry Pi Zero: the $5 computer
  7. Raspberry Pi Starter Kit for Pi 2 Or Model B+
  8. Raspberry Pi Starter Kit for Pi 2 Or Model B+
  9. Raspberry Pi Starter Kit for Pi 2 Or Model B+

    I bought my toolkit from this site. it is very good and keep this link for long time.

  10. BlueBot: 4-in-1 Robotics Kit

    I bought this toolkit for first time learner. will follow up on this item.

  11. Science Kits Instructions for the above 4-in1 Robotics kit
  12. Advanced Bristlebot Kit
  13. this is advanced kit. can be good for next stage.

  14. Bristlebot Kit

    this is a basic level kit.

chinese medicine topics

chinese medicine topics

  1. good Chinese medicine theory website
  2. chinese medicine books
  3. 大小续命汤——千古中风奇方
  4. 七件事男人婚后千万不能对女人做
  5. 健康长寿要靠“三通”
  6. 滔滔而来的博客

datetime and timespan topics

datetime and timespan topics

  1. TimeSpan Structure
  2. TimeSpan
  3. DateTimePicker
  4. DateTime.
  5. System.TimeSpan Structure
  6. Index of /~lok/csharp/refdocs/System/types:: all good documents
  7. Index of /~lok/csharp/refdocs
  8. a very interesting guy here:
  9. guys' notes

parallel computing

parallel computing topics

  1. Miller-Rabin and Primes (in Parallel)
  2. Introducing .NET 4.0 Parallel Programming
  3. Introduction to Parallelism in .NET 4.0
  4. Parallel programming in .NET - Internals
  5. Multi core programming using Task Parallel Library with .NET 4.0
  6. Using an MCU on the Intel® Edison Board with the Ultrasonic Range Sensor
  7. Parallel Computing and Data Parallelism
  8. Parallel Computations in C#
  9. Tiny Framework for Parallel Computing
  10. Parallel Computing Concepts via C# 4.0
  11. Parallel Artificial Neural Networks in .NET Framework
  12. Connect the Intel® Edison Board to IBM IoT Foundation
  13. Begin Parallel Programming With OpenMP
  14. A Beginner's Primer to OpenMP
  15. Concurrent Programming - A Primer
  16. A Comprehensive Look at Concurrency through the OpenMP API
  17. Fast Prime Factoring Algorithm

Friday, November 20, 2015

ExtenderProvider topics

ExtenderProvider topics

  1. Getting to know IExtenderProvider
  2. A Status Bar Text Provider for Menu Items and Form Controls
  3. Walkthrough on how to create a Control Extender in C#
  4. Make an extender provider that validates required TextBoxes in C#
  5. This page provides summaries and links to articles I have written that are available on the Web
  6. User Controls
  7. Extend the Textbox Control to Validate Against Regular Expressions
  8. Extender provider to simplify file/folder selection
  9. A Simplified SQL-CSV Import/Export Functionality

Design-Time Errors in the Windows Forms Designer

when you load a old Visual Studio .NET project, you may see this error message frequently. we can look at the error line statement number to see the details.

Many errors include an exact location in the following format: [Project Name] [Form Name] Line:[Line Number] Column:[Column Number].

  1. Design-Time Errors in the Windows Forms Designer

windows help file tools

windows help file tools

  1. HelpMaker Help Authoring Tool
  2. Is there a free software for creating windows help files for your program?
  3. From DocBook to integrated help systems: Resources
  4. DocBook project
  5. How to Make a Help File

Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday, November 6, 2015

assembly language

good article on assembly and FORTRAN..

  1. Fortran, assembly programmers ... NASA needs you – for Voyager

my favorite layout on Windows Form

my favorite layout on Windows Form. First note is MainMenu.

  1. usually we can add a MenuStrip to our form. it is enough to dock the MenuStrip to the top of our window, above any other docked ToolStrip objects.
  2. however, the MenuStrip can be placed in a ToolStripContainer so that you can place a ToolStrip and a MenuStrip side by side, and you can drag a MenuStrip from one place to another (as you can in Microsoft Office).
  3. However, by default the MainMenu.GripStyle property is set to Hidden and the MenuStrip is fixed in place. The Stretch property is set to true so the menu expands to the full width of window,
  4. By default, when you add a MenuStrip to your form, Visual Studio sets the Form.MainMenuStrip property to point to your menu. By taking this step, this MenuStrip is assigned to be the main menu of the form, which means it responds to Alt key. However it is valid(although unusual) for a form to have more than one MenuStrip. in this case, although all menus are displayed, on the Form.MainMenuStrip can handle the Alt key.
  5. ToolStrip Customizer for .NET WinForms
  6. Windows 7 ToolStrip Renderer
  7. Office Ribbon Project (under active development)
  8. ToolStripContainer

Sunday, November 1, 2015

splitcontainer & toolstripcontainer topics

split container & toolstripcontainer topics

  1. Hide or Disable Tab Pages in TabControl .NET
  2. Show and Hide tab pages in Windows Forms
  3. Disable and hide a TabPage
  4. How to hide TabPage from TabControl
  5. How to hide tabs in the tab control?
  6. TabPage.Visible Property
  7. TabStrips: A TabControl in the Visual Studio 2005 way!
  8. TabStrip Control
  9. A Visual Studio 2005-like Interface
  10. Painting Your Own Tabs - Second Edition
  11. Custom VisualStudio 2008-style MenuStrip and ToolStrip Renderer in C#


good articles on FIX

    a good article to read first to get first hands feeling. the top three articles can be used to implement transaction logic in my future application.

  1. How to Place Order via FIX Message?
  2. Fix Message Implementation using QuickFix
  3. Retrieve MarketPrice from FixServer using QuickFix
  4. QuickFIX/n website and demo application
  5. Fix Protocol C# Fix Engine Source Code
  6. openfixfast
  7. Banzai QuickFix client in dotnet
  8. The FIX client and server implementation using QuickFix
  9. WPF FIX Automated Trading Client:: note:: good read for actual operations
  10. Parallelised Monte Carlo Algorithms #1

  11. Mock FIX Trading Server
  12. Explore thousands of markets with IG
  13. An Introduction To CFDs
  14. WPF FIX Automated Trading Client
  15. WPF Automated Trading Application
  16. WPF / MVVM Real-Time Trading Application
  17. globo2serve inc
  18. Fix Protocol C# Fix Engine Source Code
  19. The FIX client and server implementation using QuickFix
  20. Fix Message Implementation using QuickFix
  21. NetMQ+ RX (Streaming Data Demo App 2 of 2)
  22. SignalR + RX (Streaming Data Demo App 1 of 2)
  23. A SQLite Server/Client Implementation
  24. Fun with Rx
  25. Get Started Developing with the Reactive Extensions
  26. The Reactive Extensions (Rx)...